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51 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

He’s a friend of a friend of mine. I think he lives in Laxey.

ETA He moved to Glossop recently.

After this I thought you were keen on only posting up things you could prove?

11 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

OK, but I usually like to check any sources I rely on to support my arguments.

But apparently it was clearly bs...

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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

After this I thought you were keen on only posting up things you could prove?

But apparently it was clearly bs...

No not really. “I think” is not stating something as a fact. Except the “I think” bit.

What do you suggest, I write to this chap in Glossop and ask him for a certified copy of his passport and an original utility bill?.

My source for his current location was our mutual friend who I have no reason to doubt. I can’t imagine why he would want to hoodwink me.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Addition of second sentence
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12 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

The right wing mob is a bit 1980s football hooligany. According to some that was solved by ecstasy and raves. So maybe they all just need a sweaty hug.

Simpler times. :P

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26 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

No not really. “I think” is not stating something as a fact. Except the “I think” bit.

What do you suggest, I write to this chap in Glossop and ask him for a certified copy of his passport and an original utility bill?.

My source for his current location was our mutual friend who I have no reason to doubt. I can’t imagine why he would want to hoodwink me.

I'm not aware of you and I having a mutual friend?

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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Just to be clear, my post in no way generalises the white working class. It is a comment on the race rioters, and their fellow travellers. 

Fair enough. And yes, the education system is failing people in many ways - but it isn't run and overseen by the working classes.

I believe the levels of immigration in Britain have been totally unsustainable,  both culturally and economically.  But I also can differentiate between immigration and immigrants. 

Likewise, I think political Islam is a real threat, but then so do many Muslims who just want to get on and co-exist. But we need to be able to have the conversation - and the dickheads throwing bricks and targeting mosques are playing into the hands of those who don't want to talk.


Edited by hoopsaa
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4 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

OK let’s say these people with “ legitimate concerns” get their way and there is another Brexit vote.

And let’s say those who wish to remain in the EU win the day. 

Then let’s assume for the sake of simplicity the, UK rejoins the EU in some form by some mechanism.

You now have those who wished to leave at the time of the new referendum with “ legitimate concerns”

So they may not “get over it” , moan and ask for yet another referendum.

Where would it all end?


Well what I’d do is, keep a record of who voted leave and who voted remain. Mark them in some way, like make those who voted leave wear a star or something. Then anyone with the star wouldn’t have free movement in the eu, but the rest of us would. Anyone with a star would have to treated by doctors and nurses only from the uk, while the rest of us could be treated by uk or immigrant doctors and nurses. Anyone with a star would have to pay extra import duties, the rest of us wouldn’t. Anyone with a star could drink in Weatherspoons. The rest of us would have to stay out of weatherspoons. Etc. It would be two tier system designed to discriminate lik e apartheid, but based on thought processes rather than race. But that’s because I’m a soft trendy lefty libtard.

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1 hour ago, La Colombe said:

Leanne's been removed. Haven't these people heard of mobile phone cameras? I expect Farage and Tice will finance her legal defence and put up bail. 



That's the silly cow who was pushing bins at the police in Sunderland 😆 



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8 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Well what I’d do is, keep a record of who voted leave and who voted remain. Mark them in some way, like make those who voted leave wear a star or something. Then anyone with the star wouldn’t have free movement in the eu, but the rest of us would. Anyone with a star would have to treated by doctors and nurses only from the uk, while the rest of us could be treated by uk or immigrant doctors and nurses. Anyone with a star would have to pay extra import duties, the rest of us wouldn’t. Anyone with a star could drink in Weatherspoons. The rest of us would have to stay out of weatherspoons. Etc. It would be two tier system designed to discriminate lik e apartheid, but based on thought processes rather than race. But that’s because I’m a soft trendy lefty libtard.

Why shouldn’t star wearers not be allowed to be attended to by any doctor or nurse, immigrant or not?

The NHS benefits greatly from employing immigrant staff, they are a great asset to the organisation and it would be a lot poorer without their contribution. I’m sure that’s recognised by both leavers and remainers. I don’t recall it being an issue in the Brexit debate.

If nothing else however, would be star wearers help pay the wages and costs of both domestic and immigrant NHS employees through taxation. Why then should they then be denied treatment from a significant proportion of them.

I don’t think you have  quite thought this through.

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