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27 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Unfortunately in your haste to demonstrate your ( admirable) anti racist credentials you ignore the wider issues and don’t pause to properly read or understand others comments.


Oh the irony

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5 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I'm quite behind in this thread and rather busy at work so maybe this has already been raised but my understanding is that there is more nuance in this than "they hate brown people". Much as that will shock HeliX. 

My understanding is that people are resentful of poor people. Poor people with a different culture who illegally arrive here and get given scarce resources while locals are told they have to do without. 

There is then even more anger at, mainly but not entirely false claims, that these people also do not respect local girls with claims of sexual assault. 

These are issues of poverty and culture not race. Marxism not fascism. 

And of course we can go working people are being manipulated so that their class camaraderie is twisted into racial hatred. 

And definitely some racists are both involved and manipulating the situation but this is far more complicated than just racism and personally I think issues of poverty and culture are more important than issues of race. 

About the same number of Hong Kong Chinese have arrived as boat people but they can afford their own houses don't get concentrated into cheap hotels in poor areas and their Confucianism is a close cultural fit. 

In my view that is the reason mobs aren't baying against people with yellow skins. 



Could it be that your average person is sick to the back teeth of governments sitting around doing nothing to curb the number of illegal immigrants landing on British shores 

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3 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Population of the UK has increased by around half a million over the last 3yrs...and the infrastructure is a creaking.

...a lot like ours creaks.

So less than 1%, then.

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16 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

Could it be that your average person is sick to the back teeth of governments sitting around doing nothing to curb the number of illegal immigrants landing on British shores 

The SBOC established in 2023 has reduced the number of small boat crossings by 45%.

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2 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Yeah, but if you only build so many houses, hospitals and prisons etc...shit creeks!

About 40% of couples in the UK are currently childless. Only a fraction of them would have to choose to have children in the next year to grow the population by more than 2%. Doesn't sound like a very robust and sustainable system if it can't handle that.

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There was an analysis of immigration to the UK recently which showed the majority come for employment or education, and their families.  A small percentage were 'other' which is presumably where the asylum and illegal immigrants are counted.  I can't find it now, but it did bring home that the problem is perception rather than fact. 

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18 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Yeah, but if you only build so many houses, hospitals and prisons etc...shit creeks!

I believe everyone posting here acknowledges that there has been a chronic lack of investment into public services in the UK.  

This has been the result of 14 years of austerity and before that general cuts in public services.

What the UK and Isle of Man populations don't understand is that tax increases are required to fund it.  

No politicians will speak the truth on that because it won't win them votes.



Not specifically in response to you but more a general observation is that we have just seen an election focused on immigration.  

That was largely the Tory and Reform Parties but Labour weren't much better.

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A few weeks back now (pre the rioting, obviously) I was watching a news interview (Sky) with a now-retired guy who had been near the top of the UK Border Force.

He was quite forthright in his views and I suspect that many with real-world experience would agree with him. In his opinion, 75%+ of UK illegal immigrants were not seeking asylum from anything other than the economic woes of their own countries; i.e. they are economic migrants.

He pointed out that they had already passed through several "safe" countries in order to get to Britain where genuine refugees could have previously registered their status. That there are available, though lengthy, channels open for legitimate immigration into Britain that these people choose to ignore which obviously raises questions as to their motives. Especially given that these channels cost an individual less than is being paid to the smuggling gangs.

His solution to this, from the top of the Border Force? Stiffen up the borders including Northern France. Stop making it attractive to come here; stop the benefits and handouts on arrival. Open proper holding and detention camps and increase the resources for processing claims and returning people from whence they came promptly if they do not have legitimate claim to enter UK.

So from the horse's mouth so's to speak - Stop the UK being seen as the soft touch land of milk and honey and the problem will diminish.


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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

A few weeks back now (pre the rioting, obviously) I was watching a news interview (Sky) with a now-retired guy who had been near the top of the UK Border Force.

He was quite forthright in his views and I suspect that many with real-world experience would agree with him. In his opinion, 75%+ of UK illegal immigrants were not seeking asylum from anything other than the economic woes of their own countries; i.e. they are economic migrants.

He pointed out that they had already passed through several "safe" countries in order to get to Britain where genuine refugees could have previously registered their status. That there are available, though lengthy, channels open for legitimate immigration into Britain that these people choose to ignore which obviously raises questions as to their motives. Especially given that these channels cost an individual less than is being paid to the smuggling gangs.

His solution to this, from the top of the Border Force? Stiffen up the borders including Northern France. Stop making it attractive to come here; stop the benefits and handouts on arrival. Open proper holding and detention camps and increase the resources for processing claims and returning people from whence they came promptly if they do not have legitimate claim to enter UK.

So from the horse's mouth so's to speak - Stop the UK being seen as the soft touch land of milk and honey and the problem will diminish.


The French absolutely do need to be doing more to stop the small boats. Perhaps there's some way we could have more bargaining power and collaboration with France. Some sort of Union?

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