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32 minutes ago, La Colombe said:


Sigh..... 20 months. Farage's Footsoldiers.  

Remarkable how many of them are claiming that they don't have a racist bone in their bodies.  If so, why were you participating other than it was a bit of fun which 'got a bit out of hand'? 



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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

He’s going to be examined by prosecution and defence psychiatrists and psychologists, and they’ll possibly come to an agreement as to insanity or diminished responsibility. In which case there may be agreement as to plea, and no trial, or just a trial of facts.

if there isn’t agreement, then there’ll be a trial, of some sort.

If he’s not found to be insane, and no legal team want their client found insane because it means indefinite detention, hospital order, there’s the option of diminished responsibility. Diminished responsibility, substantial impairment of judgement of right and wrong, is for the jury after hearing expert evidence.

It’s a complex area. Indeed in IoM there’s been a very recent ( July 2024 ) Judicial Committee Privy Council ( final court of appeal ) decision of what the expert is, and isn’t allowed to say about the extent of impairment, that has resulted in an overturning of a 2016 murder conviction and the ordering of a new trial.


Whilst I don’t think it’s very helpful to speculate the accused does have performing arts links, and with schizophrenia or bi polar it’s perfectly possible for psychoses and delusions, paranoias, voices, irrational beliefs, to last for days, rather than minutes or hours, and for an affected person to go deeper and deeper down a rabbit hole.

Theres certainly no current evidence or implication of him being Muslim, the product of first cousin marriage, or a previous history of mental health issues.we just need to wait and see.

This thread has exhibited the usual suspects jumping onto immigrant, Muslim, inbreeding bandwagons, for their own purposes, and with no justification or basis, to make political points.

I just wanted to get a sly dig in at Foxdale, really.

But actually, the conversation has broadened out somewhat.

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10 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

"A lie will be half way around the world before the truth has even finished lacing up it's shoes"

A truism that has morphed through the ages since (according to some studies) the Roman poet Virgil:

"Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum" - "Rumour, than whom no other evil thing is faster".

Some posters, MPs (I'm looking at you Farage) and a large percentage of the rioting fuck wits need to learn from this.

The lawyer behind hope not hate has had quite the innings as well, claiming non-existent acid attacks on muslims and non-existent far-right demonstrations. 

But I do think the police need to look at getting information out there as quickly as possible now, the advent of social media means any vacuum will be filled, and there are bad actors of all persuasions.

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7 hours ago, HeteroErectus said:

No. It's not my "take away" from the last few weeks. 

My comment is on your generally brattish attitude. You're not here to debate, you're here to grandstand your own (perceived) moral superiority.

Telling "some posters" and a large amount of the populace, that they need to learn things because of your opinions is beyond arrogance.

I think everyone gets the gist of what Reckless Abandon says and probably without exception agree with what he/ she is saying - basically we don't like racists, particularly rioting racists. That’s understood and a given.

But RA does have an unfortunate manner and tone. Like you say grandstanding ( for example “I’m looking at you Farage”)  - as if he even reads these pages.

I guess it’s just the way some people express themselves. No use getting involved in a slanging match with them when the mildest of insults can get you a temporary ban on here.






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4 hours ago, La Colombe said:


Sigh..... 20 months. Farage's Footsoldiers.  

Right I’m going to say this in the sure and certain knowledge that I will be deemed a Farage apologist when nothing could be further from the truth. But I write in the interests of fairness.

Farage has stated that he has never advocated violence and I have not seen any interviews with him, or statements from him that contradict this.

Now someone is going to come along with this trendy new “ dog whistle” phrase. 

Without doubt he thinks that the amount of net immigration is problematic to the UK. Not a view I hold myself but it’s a legitimate view  he is entitled to hold. Doesn’t make him the devil incarnate and he always seems up to have a reasoned debate about it

Think Voltaire and his oft repeated quote.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Addition of last paragraph
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Helix or Teapot put up a video a while back when I asked the same question with him saying something along the lines of if we don't get our way there will be violence.

It's a difficult one - I suspect his view of it was that Brexit was a democratic choice and if that democratic choice was denied then there is a question what can you do.

Many many people disagree with that.

I definitely think the idea people thinking about resorting to violence over an issue like Brexit need their heads and values examining.

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It was me!


but perhaps more telling is what he says when there are no journalists around to challenge him. When he thinks he’s off the record, and surrounded by his adoring followers. What they say in private. How he riles up his base:


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9 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Helix or Teapot put up a video a while back when I asked the same question with him saying something along the lines of if we don't get our way there will be violence.

It's a difficult one - I suspect his view of it was that Brexit was a democratic choice and if that democratic choice was denied then there is a question what can you do.

Many many people disagree with that.

I definitely think the idea people thinking about resorting to violence over an issue like Brexit need their heads and values examining.

Of course but the title of the video is ‘ Nigel Farage predicts violence……..”

The second video of course is not a good look. Nor was the infamous “breaking point” poster.

Just to note that the riots of the racists last week were about immigration not Brexit.

Not that that makes them any more acceptable.

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10 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:

It was me!


but perhaps more telling is what he says when there are no journalists around to challenge him. When he thinks he’s off the record, and surrounded by his adoring followers. What they say in private. How he riles up his base:


It was a political euphemism for standing for election. If you took it literally then you're an idiot. You're in good company on this thread too.

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