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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Absolutely there was. Absolutely. Despite a constant narrative trying to brainwash people otherwise.

You’re either very naive, or setting a political narrative or agenda. Either way, the golden uplands, whether of Brexit, or a peaceful Britain with no riots, violent crime, knifings, etc are both illusory.

You only have to look at the 1930’s, the Mosleyite UBF Blackshirts, riots in the east end and elsewhere, violence against Jews, the knife crime sprees of teddy boys in the 1950’s. Jack the Ripper. Dig up a NoW archive and just read. Every week.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Folk Devils and Moral Panics”?

Perhaps read Stan Cohens eponymous book from 1972.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Hang your heads in shame.


While visiting the scene of last nights riot that's exactly what the Merseyside Chief Constable said the rioters should be doing.

Made me wonder if she really knows what she's up against...

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

Just about what I'd expect.

Whenever I read your posts (or for that matter, The Voice of Reason's), the guy who got a brick (or two) to the head and another to the groin is who I imagine to be posting them. I bet he voted in favour of leaving the European Union. 

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14 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You don't think a coked up racist taking bricks to the head and balls from his own side is even slightly amusing?

No. It's pathetic, and indicative of the state of society, as is the idea that it is in any way amusing given the backdrop. No respect or empathy for the dead and suffering from them or you.

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10 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Which part?

It is true that fake/malicious social media threw petrol on an already emotional charged situation.

It is true that there is a mistrust of the police which was only amplified by recent events.

It is true that mental health can be a contributing factor in a lot of crimes.

It is true that Farage was spreading misinformation (or the more common dog whistle "I was only asking the question").

So which part was "bollocks"?

The bit about it being no worse today than in any former period. Utter nonsense.

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Just now, woolley said:

No. It's pathetic, and indicative of the state of society, as is the idea that it is in any way amusing given the backdrop. No respect or empathy for the dead and suffering from them or you.

Nah I'm going to disagree. Those pricks shouldn't have been there, and that he's taken the bricks from his 'team' while taunting the police is very funny.

What's actually worse for society is people desperately hoping for a 'watershed moment' and rubbing themselves at the prospect of riots.

Dickheads were at it again tonight in London apparently. The thickest of the thick.

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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

Thats a very President Wilson, WW1, self determination, League of Nations view point.

History is mainly about rulers, kings, princes, warlords, moving people around, imposing allegiance, even with little or no linguistic, religious, ethnic or other connection. Or, religion, and political thought separating otherwise consanguineous peoples.

Countries, nation states, are a very late C19/early C20 concept - even in Europe. Apart from a few early outliers. And homogenisation of language and culture across even France, UK or Spain only started with compulsory education.


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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

The bit about it being no worse today than in any former period. Utter nonsense.

Utter nonsense? No. Total truth. Shame you are so blind.

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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

And they are poverty, poor educational achievement, low social class, being disadvantaged, being excluded or marginalised, being manipulated by politicians or clerics, or rulers, to fear someone else also on the margins, probably even more so, for the benefit of a ruling elite.

Those are the causes, not colour of skin, language, religion, sexuality, gender, gender identity, 

Might be the causes, but what is the answer? Realistically, there isn't one. The dynamic is perpetuated by human nature.

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10 hours ago, HeliX said:

The UK does, in fact, have a lot of racial and religious harmony. Much as the likes of the Mail, Farage et al try to avoid that.

It does. It's a very tolerant country, but there are limits. I haven't heard Farage say that it doesn't, incidentally.

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

You've just contradicted yourself there John in saying there's manipulation by clerics but then that religion is not a factor.

Religion is a massive factor, especially when it preaches modern day intolerance and has an inbred doctrine of expansion with that intolerance.

It is indeed a massive factor. The world would be a much better place without it, but it's hardwired into some people as the most important influence in their lives which they will kill or die for. How do you reason with such a mindset?

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