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10 hours ago, John Wright said:

No contradiction.

Manipulation by clerics as a power group is common place. But it’s their politics, not the religious belief of the adherents..indeed in your second paragraph you recognise that. It’s the leaders, not the little people.


Quibbling over semantics. Religion is the root of their politics. That's what religion is about.

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9 hours ago, John Wright said:

But the infighting between Protestant and Catholic strands of English/British Christianity is still active after over 600 years. Tribal loyalties played out in football, politics, and, still, in armed conflict. It’s killed more Brits in the last 60 years than Muslim Christian conflict in the same period.

Any bets on the next 60 years?

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8 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

I do so love how this thread about the stabbing of children, and the subsequent race/religion riot by right wing terrorists as some how being the fault of Muslims (but then this is MF).

I think you imagined that.

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12 minutes ago, woolley said:

It does. It's a very tolerant country, but there are limits. I haven't heard Farage say that it doesn't, incidentally.

I didn't say he claims there isn't, I said he works actively to avoid religious and racial harmony.

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51 minutes ago, woolley said:

But it isn't just easily misled cretins who are uneasy about the direction of travel.

Some people have been uneasy about the direction of travel for quite some time!!!

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The condescending left are out tonight.

People have legitimate concerns about the levels of migration, about crime and about two tier policing, about the constant attacks on their history and culture, about economic injustice and a failing educational system.

Social media enables people to see where they are being lied to and mislead, while also enabling bad faith actors to mislead and lie.

The people attacking the police yesterday, who, for all their faults, stopped the man with the blade heading towards the vigil and put themselves at risk, were wankers.

But....ignore, condescend, ignore...rinse and repeat.

What did you - they - think would happen eventually?

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

You’re either very naive, or setting a political narrative or agenda. Either way, the golden uplands, whether of Brexit, or a peaceful Britain with no riots, violent crime, knifings, etc are both illusory.

You only have to look at the 1930’s, the Mosleyite UBF Blackshirts, riots in the east end and elsewhere, violence against Jews, the knife crime sprees of teddy boys in the 1950’s. Jack the Ripper. Dig up a NoW archive and just read. Every week.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Folk Devils and Moral Panics”?

Perhaps read Stan Cohens eponymous book from 1972.

None of those. No golden uplands, or a time with no crime. Your historical list actually proves the point because they still live in notoriety for their rarity. Yes, there were always violent crimes, and many lesser known cases too. It was a sickness that would rear its shocking head in society, but now it is chronic and sadly not so shocking anymore. It's the degree, and the sheer normality of it today that is different and disgusting.

To invoke the phenomenon of moral panic, as you have, in the aftermath of such a heinous act is to display to all the full measure of your delusion. Sadly, it's exactly the kind of complacency I expect.

Dunblane in the 90s was shocking because it was the kind of thing that happened in America. We prided ourselves on the fact that we weren't used to it. Prior to that, most of the worst atrocities from 1914 on were by the Irish Republican Army or affiliates, and perpetrated against military or government targets. The Manchester bombing of 1996 was a new departure, but warnings were given, as was the case with most IRA activity.

Since then we have had an epidemic of attacks into the 21st century, and the slaughter of innocents is often a feature of it. We've seen the 7/7 bombings, MPs killed in public, soldier attacked and killed on the street, London Bridge attack, Manchester Arena bombing. Those are just a few. There are many, many more. From 1945 to 1970, society generally was much more harmonious than now, and there was nothing to compare on anything like the same scale. Knife crime is an every day event, hardly even news anymore. It's mainly kids on kids. There are out of control turf wars among drugs gangs shooting each other and settling scores. Children have been hit and killed in the crossfire. There was the little girl butchered in the park in Bolton in front of her parents, and now this. Take head out of sand.

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2 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Whenever I read your posts (or for that matter, The Voice of Reason's), the guy who got a brick (or two) to the head and another to the groin is who I imagine to be posting them. I bet he voted in favour of leaving the European Union. 

That says even more about you than I knew already.

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