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KWC fees.

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Oh my. The power of socialism to drive a mindset which insists government is the central arbiter of society.

Good schools are far older than the centralising government and it really takes a certain mindset to be against people choosing to create a school to which people can voluntarily decide to pay to send their children to because it will educate them well ... and yes a good education is far more than just the 3 Rs.

How dare they, hey. Let's sneer at families, most of whom earn nothing like £100K per year, doing all they can do to save enough for the fees because they choose to. 

Especially when those schools have multiple bursaries and out-reach efforts to provide access to those who cannot afford the costs.

I'm intrigued by the comment by A fool and his money. A good education isn't something the government wants to encourage. Says it all.

The madness of the modern state wanting to restrict access to a better education than the state provides and increasing the burden on the state as a result.

In all the mix of schools the modern world has, from academies to specialist schools, to the local comprehensive, to grammars and 6th form colleges people should be able to choose a school which works for their children rather than being forced to accept a uniform government mandated grey. Diversity is choice, and that includes the choice to pay your taxes and pay school fees if that is your wish.

Now let me be frank, the Island's schools are pretty good, and King Bills catchment area is far too small, now the world of boarding schools is in decline.

The school buildings are too big, too difficult to maintain. The overheads too high for the number of pupils. It is challenging to find and retain good teachers. It is debateable if King Bills is providing a better education than the state schools - its success at Oxbridge entrance (which I agree is only one criteria to judge a school, there are many others) isn't particularly so much better compared to comparable state schools on the Island. But as the Bees says, there are many other reasons parents will decide it is a choice they want to make.

Providing a good education, without making a profit, is a social good. As long as King Bills is providing an education the parents of its pupils wish to pay it should be supported by government rather than being hindered. A poster raised the Irish system. Far better than Starmer's policies of envy which is well on display by certain posters on here.

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27 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

I disagree about it being a class driven decision. Parents who home school presumably don't get reimbursed the money they save the taxpayer by not sending their kids to school. You don't get a rebate for not going to the doctor. 

People of any class are welcome to send their kids to state school.  In fact a vast majority of people have no choice but to do so. I really don't see why we should be subsidising the few who can afford to send their kids elsewhere.

No, you don’t get a rebate for having private medical insurance either, despite the millions it saves the NHS. Perhaps that’s something else which needs looking into?

Yes, most parents do not have any choice in their children’s education, trying to abolish private education, which has been Labour’s stated aim, makes life worse for everyone! 

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

I’m not anywhere near the income league that I could ever afford to put a child through private school, but there’s something akin to a wealth tax to tax those who do, and are not taking up state school places? I quoted £8700 from another post which stated that is what it costs? The fact is that larger class sizes affects a child’s education, costs aside! 
to say that the extra VAT would be invested in education is another myth, that never happens as we all know!

I think it is unfair tax yes, why not be less blatantly communist about it?


Guess we need to add "pointing out that someone on 150k a year isn't struggling" to the list of things people think are communist.

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48 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Oh my. The power of socialism to drive a mindset which insists government is the central arbiter of society.

Good schools are far older than the centralising government and it really takes a certain mindset to be against people choosing to create a school to which people can voluntarily decide to pay to send their children to because it will educate them well ... and yes a good education is far more than just the 3 Rs.

How dare they, hey. Let's sneer at families, most of whom earn nothing like £100K per year, doing all they can do to save enough for the fees because they choose to. 

Especially when those schools have multiple bursaries and out-reach efforts to provide access to those who cannot afford the costs.

I'm intrigued by the comment by A fool and his money. A good education isn't something the government wants to encourage. Says it all.

The madness of the modern state wanting to restrict access to a better education than the state provides and increasing the burden on the state as a result.

In all the mix of schools the modern world has, from academies to specialist schools, to the local comprehensive, to grammars and 6th form colleges people should be able to choose a school which works for their children rather than being forced to accept a uniform government mandated grey. Diversity is choice, and that includes the choice to pay your taxes and pay school fees if that is your wish.

Now let me be frank, the Island's schools are pretty good, and King Bills catchment area is far too small, now the world of boarding schools is in decline.

The school buildings are too big, too difficult to maintain. The overheads too high for the number of pupils. It is challenging to find and retain good teachers. It is debateable if King Bills is providing a better education than the state schools - its success at Oxbridge entrance (which I agree is only one criteria to judge a school, there are many others) isn't particularly so much better compared to comparable state schools on the Island. But as the Bees says, there are many other reasons parents will decide it is a choice they want to make.

Providing a good education, without making a profit, is a social good. As long as King Bills is providing an education the parents of its pupils wish to pay it should be supported by government rather than being hindered. A poster raised the Irish system. Far better than Starmer's policies of envy which is well on display by certain posters on here.

Charging VAT isn't the Government "restricting access to better education".

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17 minutes ago, Max Power said:

No, you don’t get a rebate for having private medical insurance either, despite the millions it saves the NHS. Perhaps that’s something else which needs looking into?


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4 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Guess we need to add "pointing out that someone on 150k a year isn't struggling" to the list of things people think are communist.

Total distortion and exaggeration from HeliX.

Quelle surprise.

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2 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Of course it is. How naïve are you?

It isn't. VAT on biscuits isn't the Government restricting access to custard cremes. VAT on vehicles isn't the Government restricting access to Lambourghinis. VAT on private education isn't the Government restricting access to private education.

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13 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Guess we need to add "pointing out that someone on 150k a year isn't struggling" to the list of things people think are communist.

That’s an exaggeration, people earning far less than that will be excluded from being able to provide a private education for their children. 
From previous stated aims of the Labour Party, they wish to create a uniform education system for all, by abolishing private schools. I’m sure you know all this Comrade HeliX?

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