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Mid-Term Appraisals

Manx Bean

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13 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

And mine don’t forget!

No tugging or bending, nobody has anything to offer me to warrant that, and the Post Office goes from strength to strength. So I’ll mark you down as a ‘probable’ supporter…

Strength to Strength? Most people don’t bother sending letters by post anymore and Amazon parcels that used to arrive via Evri before 9am now arrive at 11am, but at least they aren’t giving employment to the awful private sector. Thankfully my local shop has a very helpful Post Office counter, staffed by the shop owner. It’s hardly strength to strength Stu, just continuing to exist. 
The real issue here is, as you quite rightly point out in your follow up post, that politicians here have very little impact in what actually happens but do busy themselves being busy with doing all the things politicians here are given to do. It’s a bit like watching a caged hamster running in its wheel; occasional activity, primarily for self-amusement. To some, it offers a little entertainment, I suppose. It would be more tolerable if the hamsters weren’t pretending to be bears. That just encourages the desire to empty the cage and get something different. 

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40 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Anybody going to be held accountable for the costs of returning pallets to Amazon which is going to run into many thousands of pounds per year?.....

How else would the pallets get to the IOM if they werent on pallets? Of course it is logical to send them back! 

Why are you suggesting someone be sacked for such a minor logistical issue. 

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41 minutes ago, Maugholdmafia said:

How else would the pallets get to the IOM if they werent on pallets? Of course it is logical to send them back! 

Why are you suggesting someone be sacked for such a minor logistical issue. 

From previous comments, I think the point being made is that when the IOMPO costed for the Amazon contract, they didn't take into account the cost of returning the Amazon pallets back to the warehouse.  So any profit they are making on the contract will lessened or even wiped out because of the unaccounted for costs.

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15 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

So any profit they are making on the contract will lessened or even wiped out because of the unaccounted for costs.

Do we have numbers, Roger?  Can we demonstrate how much the profit has been reduced?

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22 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Do we have numbers, Roger?  Can we demonstrate how much the profit has been reduced?

I'm just summarising comments made on here before, I've no figures.  And of course they may have been so desperate to win the contract and spite the previous holders, that they could have bid at a loss anyway.  Not that costing has ever been a strong point in IOMG circles to start with.

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21 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm just summarising comments made on here before, I've no figures.  And of course they may have been so desperate to win the contract and spite the previous holders, that they could have bid at a loss anyway.  Not that costing has ever been a strong point in IOMG circles to start with

That’s not like you, Roger - speculating with nothing to back it up? (disappointed emoji)

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12 hours ago, Omobono said:

do you not think they should also be pushing forward with their government responsibilities

What government responsibilities? 

The system we have is Uncle Alf and a room full of his nodding dogs are in control. Everything else is just shouting into the abyss, non-ministerial MHKs can’t change anything much. So I can only really judge my MHKs by what they do for the constituency.

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8 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

That’s not like you, Roger - speculating with nothing to back it up? (disappointed emoji)

On the contrary I speculate all the time, based on what data we do have and general likelihood.  Otherwise stuff ends up being completely undiscussed because organisations can hide behind commercial confidentiality and the like. Though in this instance I was only summarising what other posters had said on here .  However anyone who knows about how contracts are made when they're entirely dreamt up by people sitting in offices, expects forgetting to think about returning empty pallets to be exactly the sort of thing that happens.

If the Chair of the Post Office wants to come along with more verifiable information, I'll be happy to reconsider.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

From previous comments, I think the point being made is that when the IOMPO costed for the Amazon contract, they didn't take into account the cost of returning the Amazon pallets back to the warehouse.  So any profit they are making on the contract will lessened or even wiped out because of the unaccounted for costs.

Many thanks for your succinct understanding and explanation Roger 😉

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22 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Certainly not, and I didn’t say that.

Well you kind of implied it. After all if you can’t make a difference there why would they have put you in charge. Saying otherwise implies there is no point you being there. So if it’s not down to you ( and I’m not saying it isn’t , you might be a commercial genius ) who is it down to? After all success leads from the front. 

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9 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Probably the worst government in a long time. Disappointed with many of them including Stu. 

Indeed, but in many respects, simply more of the same that we’ve seen oft-times before. Not simply government, but in the wider political context, affecting two areas particularly; firstly, over preoccupation with constituency matters. Perhaps understandable as the electorate, by and large, rarely if ever pay regard to national strategic issues, but by extension of that, neither do the MHKs. This is why, for example, Moorhouse fires volley after volley of his tedious and largely irrelevant questions that play well with the grannies of Castletown.  With whom he regularly mingles at the charity teas etc. Few, if any, of the MHKs have a clear, articulated, opinion as to the direction of travel for the Island as we head into the second quarter of the century. That failure of thought leads to repeated (but eminently at its worst) problem number 2 - nodding-dogism in Tynwald. In this regard the current crop of MHKs are dismal record-setters in failing to effectively and rigorously challenge government policy, activity and general nonsense. This is by any measure the most docile and underperforming Tynwald in terms of simply getting a grip. 


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