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“Former” Co-Op Boss

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2 minutes ago, WTF said:

i don't think

That’s about the only bit of your post that’s correct.

In my experience over 50% of cases get dealt with on first appearance, without reports.

About 5% can’t be dealt with by the High Bailiffs or Magistrates and have to wait committal to General Gaol.

Another 5% are not guilty pleas and have to be adjourned for pre trial review.

Maybe 10% are adjourned because they’re complex cases not suitable to be advised on by duty advocate ( we get 10-15 minutes to read file and advise and then another 10-15 to appear and do plea and mitigation ) and need detailed consideration of evidence.

So, 30% get adjourned for sentencing reports, juveniles, repeat offenders, people with family or social or medical or mental health problems. That allows alternative disposals than prison, supervision, probation, community service, treatment, etc, which ends up, hopefully, rehabilitating, supporting, getting people back in employment ( or keeping them there ) and saving the huge cost to the tax payer of imprisonment.

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6 hours ago, Gizo said:

Can’t wait for Peter from Willaston getting done for a bit of benefit fraud and the pile on by everyone who has commented on this thread. But because it’s The Covid Shopping Tsar the OP is an idiot etc (the usual from Neil Down). The fact that he onl6 gone and used the mental health card , the get out of jail free card, is typical bullshit. If there’s any mental health shit going down its all of Twitter listening to his wholesome preaching during covid. 
This MH shit only takes away from real people who need this service not someone nicking from a shop and getting caught. 

This post proves you’re in dire need of professional help…

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Is this going to be one of those ridiculous. silly and pointless insult hurling threads?

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