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Oie Houney Or Hop Tu Naa


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This year I am not allowed to put my customery sign on the front door.


Two sheets of A4, two words, the 2nd being OFF.


It annoyed the neighbours apparently.


So itll have to be razor blades in apples instead.

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Its the "trick or treat" mentality of the sons-of-chavs in our road that I don't like.


A traditional Hop Tu Naa would be preferred.


Trick or treat is just an excuse to opt for the "trick" option everytime and piss the little buggers off by not giving them any treat (then the little b*stards trash your car, and pull all the plants in your garden up).


Also its not long after Hop Tu Naa that you get the Penny for the Guy scams. Years ago - when I was a kid - you used to really put some effort into building your Guy. Now you get some chav kids standing outside the Co-op with a teddy that has a balloon for a head trying to scam you for a quid. How life has changed.

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well we don't mind traditional hop tu naa, we take the little one round to close neighbours and relatives etc, make a bit of an effort with some face paint and costume, but not to the wider area.


but as for trick /treat - they'll get a rocket if they come round with that one. the trick is very much on them.


we just :nuke: them and feed them to the neighbours wolves, they dont come back next year. :devil:

(I have a few contacts in N Korea)

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well we don't mind traditional hop tu naa, we take the little one round to close neighbours and relatives etc, make a bit of an effort with some face paint and costume, but not to the wider area.


but as for trick /treat - they'll get a rocket if they come round with that one. the trick is very much on them.


we just :nuke: them and feed them to the neighbours wolves, they dont come back next year. :devil:

(I have a few contacts in N Korea)



same response round at our house...


...Kim Jong Il never mentioned knowing the A. when we last saw him at one of his movie nights watching James Bond Thunderball...

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Ok, in completely manx-untraditional fashion (I admit) I'm just carving away at my pumpkin - and you know what? you can't make something like this out of a turnip:


post-1086-1129710136_thumb.jpg post-1086-1129710177_thumb.jpg post-1086-1129710232_thumb.jpg


Some people really go over the top with this:




A little bit bigger ones


Some nice designs




Virtual Pumpkin Carving


Well you've lost my vote with your disregard of our Manx traditions! And how many air miles has your pumpkins travelled compared to a good old Manx turnip?!

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'Kin Ell!


Is there forum award for annuals, or perrenials? (pls excuse the spelling - I should be in bed).


I'm sure this thread would win the 'annuals' award.


Gladys - I've also been there with the sore hands & the bent spoon & the toil of doing it by hand - much more sastisfying than the 'instant gratification' from a machine though eh?


The 'version' we used to make as kids was to slice off the top of the turnip (or more correctly 'moot' or swede) hollow out the stalk (when you used to be able to get fresh moots from the farm, or your local shop - with a stalk - not the sanitized poly-wrapped crap from the supermarket) and use this as a 'chimney' - carve some sort of a hopefully scary face across the front, and make a few air holes below to keep the candle lit.


Not forgetting to carve a nice tight hole to put the candle in!


Parents would send you off with a spare candle and a box of matches to go singing!!!


(Couldn't afford a torch & spare batteries in them days!!!)


I remember one halloween night - must have been about 10 years old, singing hop 'tu naa in what was the 'Coach House' restaurant in Ballasalla with 3 friends and we were given a tenner by the management - we were well impressed!


How many resturants would do that 27 years on???

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