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Hi Ya'll,


Just thought I would let you know that there are 2 new nights on the go at Aperitivo. Friday nights for the more soulfull/house vibe, Saturday nights a more breakbeat feel, but nothing too set in stone. Hey I might even do an Indie set <_< , just gonna see what the night's like. 9 - 1.00am


See ya there.



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I'm probably going to sound like an old man here but... is it going to be loud?


I only ask because Aperitivo strikes me as being a laid back chilled wine bar place where a bit of quality background tuneage would set the tone wonderfully...


Just curious if it'd turn into the Lounge where the volume is at ear bleeding levels :(

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Well, I think the way it will work is, background music while people eat and then up louder once people start to fill out the bar and look like there having a good time. Not much point in having ear splitting music anyway... a good bar/club should have the right balance. if the peolpe are there having a good time, then obviously the volume will increase. Can't say if this will cause any feed back on hearing aids tho.



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i was there weekend before last and the tunes were tip top. it's about time someone played background music in a pub instead of trying to deafen everyone. we did leave at about 11pm, so God knows what happened after that. good work though.

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