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Government 'actively working' to improve communication


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The funniest story you will read this year


A part time “expert” has been brought in as government is actively working to improve how it engages with the community. The issue has been identified as a priority area due to the popularity of social media and the need to challenge misinformation in the public domain.

It sounds like Alf Is finally admitting that he’s losing the information war as he can’t control what people actually say on social media about his government being bloated and not very good.

It sounds like another David Brent idea. 

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1 hour ago, Thefella said:

The funniest story you will read this year


A part time “expert” has been brought in as government is actively working to improve how it engages with the community. The issue has been identified as a priority area due to the popularity of social media and the need to challenge misinformation in the public domain.

It sounds like Alf Is finally admitting that he’s losing the information war as he can’t control what people actually say on social media about his government being bloated and not very good.

It sounds like another David Brent idea. 

isn't this what Haywood's private members bill is al about , stifle free speech  social media   and accuse everybody who speaks out against government of hate crime 

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7 minutes ago, Omobono said:

isn't this what Haywood's private members bill is al about , stifle free speech  social media   and accuse everybody who speaks out against government of hate crime 

No. Isn't it about people being able to provide and access medical treatment that they want to provide or access without being barracked? 

Edited by Gladys
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3 hours ago, Thefella said:

The funniest story you will read this year


A part time “expert” has been brought in as government is actively working to improve how it engages with the community. The issue has been identified as a priority area due to the popularity of social media and the need to challenge misinformation in the public domain.

It sounds like Alf Is finally admitting that he’s losing the information war as he can’t control what people actually say on social media about his government being bloated and not very good.

It sounds like another David Brent idea. 

I'll repeat I reply I gave on another thread as it shows Cannan's response in all its vacuousness:

As ever it's worth looking at the actual Written Question from Thomas and its reply:

Whether a review of Government communications is needed; and if so, what the terms of reference would be, and how any review would be procured and undertaken.

(Question W-202401-1123 published on 12 08 2024; Answer published on 28 08 2024.)

The Chief Minister (Mr Cannan): The centralised Government Communication Service was established in 2014 and supports Ministers and Departments on a wide range of public relations, media and communications issues.

Communications activities are also undertaken by people throughout the organisation who are not part of the team based in the Cabinet Office – by communications professionals, senior service leaders and politicians, alongside the everyday interactions of community-facing staff.

In all cases, engagement with the public and stakeholders aims to be clear, concise, accessible and respectful.

We are actively working to improve how the Isle of Man Government engages effectively at all levels of our community. This is seen as a priority area due to the popularity of social media and to enable the Government to address and challenge misinformation and disinformation placed in the public domain.

Advice and guidance to enable continued improvement has been provided since April 2024 to help align the aims and priorities of the administration with the resources available. This process is being supported on a part-time and limited-term basis by a contracted expert who is based on the Island and is in a position to assess objectively the processes currently in place - and how better outcomes might be achieved. A focus is being placed on improving our approach over the next 12 months.

A formal, external review at additional expense is therefore not planned at this time.

Reading between the lines, what Chris Thomas is actually asking is "Rather than going about things the proper way, why have you got a mate[1] in to review things and no doubt give you the answers you want to hear.  Rather than try to find out what people actually want and need from government communications and think could be better.

And it does rather have the fingerprints of the ridiculous Ralphs on it as his only idea appears to be to outsource every decision to someone else.


[1]  Probably someone like James Davis.

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11 hours ago, Thefella said:

The funniest story you will read this year


A part time “expert” has been brought in as government is actively working to improve how it engages with the community. The issue has been identified as a priority area due to the popularity of social media and the need to challenge misinformation in the public domain.

It sounds like Alf Is finally admitting that he’s losing the information war as he can’t control what people actually say on social media about his government being bloated and not very good.

It sounds like another David Brent idea. 

i hope they are going to redesign the gov.im website too. That is an important part of government communication and it is clunky to use.

Jersey has a Customer and Local Services section which is much easier to access than ours.



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20 minutes ago, asitis said:

'Mr Corkish has since backtracked on his comments saying he isn’t opposed to forums but was concerned about slanderous and defamatory comments, and pictures of him in a tutu !

I added a bit to the quote !

But he did wear a tutu at a charity event.  I was there!

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