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Too much sh*t being generated in Onchan


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44 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I think it's the drains not the sewers. Rainwater. 

Reading between the lines of the full answer it looks like it's both:

Hon. Member for Onchan (Mr Callister) to ask the Chair of Manx Utilities - When the Manx Utilities Authority will address the issue of raw sewage leaking into properties at Ashley Park, Onchan during periods of heavy rain; and if he will make a statement.

(Question O-202402-1186 published on 30 08 2024; Answer received on 05 09 2024).

The Chair for Manx Utilities (Mr Wannenburgh): Manx Utilities is not aware of the issue of wastewater leaking into properties in Ashley Park. Manx Utilities is however fully aware of manholes situated in a number of rear gardens in the Ashley Park area which surcharge during intense rainfall events.

The flooding of the gardens in various locations in Onchan is a legacy issue inherited by Manx Utilities’ predecessors when the sewer networks were brought back into central government from local authorities. The expansion of Onchan without upsizing the sewer network has left a number of areas with sewers at or over capacity during heavy rain.

The wholesale upsizing of the network to address these issues would be hugely disruptive and prohibitively expensive, hence our progressing with multiple smaller scale schemes in order to reduce flows within the network.

Sewer rehabilitation works have been undertaken in the upstream catchment to remove groundwater from the network, with dye tracing also identifying surface water flows from properties incorrectly connected into foul sewers.

Continued investigations over the forthcoming winter hope to further identify surface water flows that can be removed, whilst developing suitable schemes to divert these flows away from the properties that are affected.

Manx Utilities will continue to work alongside the Department of Infrastructure to remove any highway drainage from combined sewers in the area, where appropriate.

It is very important that those affected by any flooding contact Manx Utilities’ operational team on 687687 at the time of an event, to both assist with any clean-up required and better understand the flooding mechanisms. Teams are available 24/7 to respond.

and they're trying to resolve it by rerouting the rainwater away from the foulwater sewers in a piecemeal fashion.  They're saying sewage isn't leaking into the properties, but what is coming out of the manholes in the gardens may be a different matter.

Was Ashley Hill was built in the building boom of the 1970's?  Not historically a period associated with the highest standards of construction.

(Still good for MUA answering promptly, rather than leaving it for the full period, like most Departments - even when the reply is only two lines long).

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

Some decades ago, someone who lives in Birch Hill told me that some of the sewer manhole covers were welded shut, because otherwise, at times, the manhole covers would blow off - releasing substances.

Whoever it was was talking shite.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Our Rob has asked about raw sewage, so is it surface run-off or sewage? 

See @Roger Mexico s excellent answer. In an ideal world there are sewers and drains. Separate systems. On the Isle of man and the UK  we have these but also combined systems. In extreme rain they can cross fertilize. However, the clue is the heavy rain. Sewage runs at constant flow so it's most likely this is rainwater that might be partially contaminated with sewage. 


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Having carried out groundwork for a few years there’s lots of properties over the Island where the foul water runs into the storm and storm into foul. It shouldn’t happen but it does . The biggest job I worked on like this was the properties above Anaghcoar and they were terrible . No doubt some of these in Onchan will be the same. And again in my experience the powers that be haven’t cared about heavy flow through foul pipes for years and despite many sites I’ve worked on , in some cases the pipe having over 60% flow already , they still have allowed new build. No surprise this is happening . 

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:


1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:



This isn’t the problem. It’s the flow in the 110mm pipe that’s the problem. If it’s even been installed correctly and as been said above lots of houses just have one system taking storm and foul . Usually older properties though. Also if incorrect falls in the pipes are present then the liquids will build up in any gulley or outlet. 


1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:


Edited by Numbnuts
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