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More government savings: bird scaring cars


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I would have thought that in this day and age someone would have "invented" a bird scaring system system that can be operated remotely rather than having someone driving around firing a wizz bang thingy. The propane operated "cannons" that farmers used to use must be capable of being adapted to remote operation? 

We keep getting told that technology can do anything and we need to think outside the box rather than continuing with practices from the "good old days".   

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1 hour ago, Mistercee said:

I would have thought that in this day and age someone would have "invented" a bird scaring system system that can be operated remotely rather than having someone driving around firing a wizz bang thingy. The propane operated "cannons" that farmers used to use must be capable of being adapted to remote operation? 

We keep getting told that technology can do anything and we need to think outside the box rather than continuing with practices from the "good old days".   

Purple Helmets at large in Ramsey | muppix.net

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Then one day a flight coming in from the West gets it a bit wrong and slides gracefully off the end of the runway into the water. Some passengers survive. Some do not.

A select committee set up to think about things. There is a review. Eventually they decide that some kind of water rescue equipment  is needed.


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40 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I'm told the fire boat and bits are up in the next vehicle auction. Bag yourself a bargin. Full catalogue isn't out yet but this picture was on the email


Admired that on the site. Hadn't put 2+2 together and realised it's the airport boat tractor. Will be interesting to see how much they put the boat up for, it was £90k new and barely used. Total costs related to and including the boat were £280k and that would include the tractor.

It would appear they must be sacking off any ideas of ever using it! 

Edited by The Phantom
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2 hours ago, The Phantom said:

Admired that on the site. Hadn't put 2+2 together and realised it's the airport boat tractor. Will be interesting to see how much they put the boat up for, it was £90k new and barely used. Total costs related to and including the boat were £280k and that would include the tractor.

It would appear they must be sacking off any ideas of ever using it! 

It will probably go for less than £10K. Who the hell else needs a boat tractor in the IOM? Most of the DOI plant goes for bugger all compared to what it cost the taxpayer to buy. 

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