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Patient transfer quiet room in Liverpool. No more?


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It is sad, but in a way, understandable and hardly surprising. Liverpool Airport has taken off with more flights and airlines using the facilities, hence their need for more retail space. Also the owners of the airport at the end of the day are business people throughout and have no sentiment for charity, (or even the owners IOM connection) except when it suits. I don’t know whether the charity concerned thinks our politicos will be able to save this facility? Look the IOMs track record in negotiations and dealing with the airport owners. 

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5 hours ago, hoopsaa said:

Great! We can negotiate with Peel Group then. What could possibly go wrong? Just hang on while I get the lube.

Peel Holdings prefer it dry, don’t they?

Sadly not surprised by the airport. Clearly their new commercial director wants everything to be retail. Look how the main bar opposite Boots has expanded and swallowed up all the seating. And they’ve started charging a quid for one of those little plastic bags for liquids; I’ve never seen any other airport charge.

It’s still better than Manchester T3 but the gap is narrowing.

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4 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

As I have said it is out of the way and not that big not really desirable for retail.   They are after money from the Isle of Man to keep it, probably heard about the Liverpool Terminal and think they will have a bit of the action.

It's possible they may be thinking of moving something else there though, and then using the freed-up space for retail.

Liverpool has had strong growth over the last year (I make it 19% up to July), though they may not be quite up to pre-Covid levels yet.  I suspect this is charter and summer holiday-led (there's also strong growth in other airport that specialise there).  This may be them panicking and being a bit greedy.

When I said this might be susceptible, I certainly wasn't thinking from our politicians.  But the supports of charities, such as the Brest Cancer ones that helped set this up originally, can be formidable lobbyists.

Edited to add:  There are some updates on the Facebook page I linked to earlier.  They are being offered alternatives, but they don't seem as good.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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Now made the papers.  The statement from the Airport is filled with ambiguity:

However, airport director Richard Clein said: ‘We are in discussions with Manx Breast Cancer Support Group and remain committed to providing a quiet room for cancer patients at the Airport.

‘Changes are currently being made to the terminal to improve the customer experience which includes relocating the existing facility.’

(We all know that "improve the customer experience" are some of the most depressing words in the English language).

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What an embarrassing mess, not really helped by our lot at the DoI. Does the IOM Airport Director have any involvement? Is it really his job to deal with this? 

The infrastructure minister says the patient quiet room at Liverpool John Lennon Airport will not be closing.

Tim Crookall confirmed the airport's position to Manx Radio in a short statement.

He said: "I’ve been copied into an email from [Island Airport Director] Gary Cobb at 15.39 today regarding the waiting room/lounge.

"He has spoken to Liverpool Airport today.

"They are not closing the patients quiet lounge but it will be moved at some stage.

"They say they understand the importance and value of the area to our travelling patients."

The Manx Breast Cancer Support Group previously said they had not been given details regarding the plans.

The last update they received was a promise of 'four seats in the corner' of a relocated lounge.

Charity Chair Julie Stokes said: "The charity who is the licensee of the quiet room has not had confirmation the quiet room is not closing.

"Due to pressure put on them Liverpool Airport are looking into finding another area. We look forward to hearing from them.

"Until this is confirmed we will continue our campaign for a dedicated patient quiet room."

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15 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Since my accident in 2009, I've had countless appointments in Liverpool, this is the first I've heard of a quiet room at the airport?

There was a great deal of publicity when it opened, but you would have thought patient transfer would have told patients that it existed when booking trips for treatment. 

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11 minutes ago, Gladys said:

There was a great deal of publicity when it opened, but you would have thought patient transfer would have told patients that it existed when booking trips for treatment. 

I’m sure Patient Transfer have publicised it, it certainly had been publicised when it was opened. There may be a multi faith room, I doubt that airport bosses would close or move it. 

Why has this scenario reached the extent to which it’s reached. Did the charity involved approach MHKs when they learned of the airport plan? 

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58 minutes ago, 2112 said:

What an embarrassing mess, not really helped by our lot at the DoI. Does the IOM Airport Director have any involvement? Is it really his job to deal with this? 

The infrastructure minister says the patient quiet room at Liverpool John Lennon Airport will not be closing.

Tim Crookall confirmed the airport's position to Manx Radio in a short statement.

He said: "I’ve been copied into an email from [Island Airport Director] Gary Cobb at 15.39 today regarding the waiting room/lounge.

"He has spoken to Liverpool Airport today.

"They are not closing the patients quiet lounge but it will be moved at some stage.

"They say they understand the importance and value of the area to our travelling patients."

The Manx Breast Cancer Support Group previously said they had not been given details regarding the plans.

The last update they received was a promise of 'four seats in the corner' of a relocated lounge.

Charity Chair Julie Stokes said: "The charity who is the licensee of the quiet room has not had confirmation the quiet room is not closing.

"Due to pressure put on them Liverpool Airport are looking into finding another area. We look forward to hearing from them.

"Until this is confirmed we will continue our campaign for a dedicated patient quiet room."

Presumably Cobb saw something on social media; knew he would have idiot politicians on at him, even though it was nothing to do with him; rang Liverpool's Director up; and warned them to put out a statement.  And counted up the days before he could escape to Qatar. 

But isn't it just peak Crookall that he regards being copied into an email as an achievement.

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  • The scenario has only come to light today, the charity heard about it second hand and despite what dim Tim says the charity has only been offered four chairs in another lounge.   He has ploughed in without getting the correct information, put his underpants on over his kecks and is spouting complete crap.   Of course Manx Radio without investigation has accepted his cock and bull story.    The plan is apparently to move the posh lounge upstairs where the PT lounge is to leave the downstairs for a commercial outlet.    It will be interesting to see if the prayer room is moved or perhaps they will be offered a corner in another lounge  🤣 .     I think the Airport was unprepared for the backlash and now are trying to calm the waters.    
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