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Hooper has resigned

Fred the shred

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29 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Worra mess. Can see the Government falling in a week or two.

Jane Poole-Wilson getting it.


Doesn't bode well for any "tough decisions", with Alf on a razor thin majority (if he survives), Hooper quitting over the purse strings not being opened further, CS numbers up & the political members getting near to 'election mode'. Much easier to burn through remaining reserves this session and leave (even harder) decisions for the future.



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The night of the long knives should be filmed and published for our delectation? Moulton?

Who would it be? Allinson would be the most likely as he would stand again for CM ?

Who else would be assured of their future to stand up to Cannan? Could be a CS mandarin seeing the writing on the wall. Pity there weren't immediate calls for his resignation, that would have been the honourable thing to do.

A week is a long time in politics!!!


Hooper, good on him, sticking to his principals, the Dept and Manx Care

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

  Legally someone has to be DHSC Minister

Why? Genuine question. 

What happens if there is no DHSC minister? Does the hospital have to close its doors? Do the GP surgeries turn off their phones? Do the IT systems not allow you to log in? What if there was no DHSC, no minister, and just a treasury sub-committee to determine health funding to be given to Manx Care each year. Would it be a whole lot worse than now? 

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Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

W H Auden.

The cadence is well with you young Wrighty!

Edited by Kopek
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1 hour ago, Mercenary said:

Doesn't bode well for any "tough decisions", with Alf on a razor thin majority (if he survives), Hooper quitting over the purse strings not being opened further, CS numbers up & the political members getting near to 'election mode'. Much easier to burn through remaining reserves this session and leave (even harder) decisions for the future.

It's all symptomatic of failing Govt policy IMHO, voting to create MC without a scooby's of an idea for most of the voters, recruiting 30% more CS to staff it and then underfunding it, how it was ever going to succeed short of a miracle is anybody's guess.

Hooper, like him or loathe him is just yet another Govt patsy but at least he's done the honourable thing rather than waiting to be blamed and sacked, arm's length is arm's length, the Minister can't be held accountable for failures if MC and COMIN are making the calls.

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5 hours ago, english zloty said:

Same for Manx Development Corporation. Who have cost millions in wages and delivered nothing apart from some empty and rotting homes.

An expensive taxpayer funded white elephant with an exclusive coffee shop for residents, and taxpayer subsidised accommodation for supposed and debatable ‘key workers’. Who is operating the coffee shop, the MDC, or is it another Costa?

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7 hours ago, wrighty said:

Why? Genuine question. 

What happens if there is no DHSC minister? Does the hospital have to close its doors? Do the GP surgeries turn off their phones? Do the IT systems not allow you to log in? What if there was no DHSC, no minister, and just a treasury sub-committee to determine health funding to be given to Manx Care each year. Would it be a whole lot worse than now? 

So, essentially you agree with the IOMMS on this. Good.

7. Removal of redundant structures:

Once the above measures are implemented, the Transformation Board and a vast majority of the current DHSC can be disbanded, leading to significant cost savings and efficient functioning, particularly if the CQC can be engaged to regulate healthcare on the island and can be granted statutory status. Most of DHSC’s functions can be undertaken by the cabinet office or allocated to Manx Care. Consideration should be given to the creation of an independent Health & Care Quality Commission which could regulate Health and Care on the island in partnership with the CQC in England or Healthcare Improvement Scotland and also replace HSCC (Health Services Consultative Committee) on the island. The PCN can be safely disbanded and the funding redirected towards recruiting more GPs. ThePublic Health Department should be adequately staffed and remain with the Cabinet Office and should fulfil the pillars of public health: Surveillance and epidemiology, Environmental health, Health promotion and disease prevention, public health policy and guidance, Health equity and social determinants of health and Diverse partnerships and innovation.IOMMS Reform Proposals

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4 hours ago, Non-Believer said:


In his interview, he says it’s no good throwing money at the problem - or health service if they can’t keep to budget. Are they and others capable of reform in return for funding?

Also, it was made clear that the taxation rise, to supposedly fund extra money for Manx Care is staying the same. If this failed, maybe there will be another taxation rise for ‘ring fenced’ services - extra money for DoI? The increase in tax earlier this year has affected most working people and achieved little, except created pain and hardship.

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14 minutes ago, 2112 said:

In his interview, he says it’s no good throwing money at the problem - or health service if they can’t keep to budget.

Cannan’s attitude is that there’s the budget and it’s up to them to cut services to fit it. But at the same time he forced them to hand hugely expensive contracts to private providers to offer over-priced video consultancies to “reduce waiting lists”. The total cost of the waiting list reduction scheme- most of which went to private providers- was £18m. This is more than the “overspend”.

There’s a new private pharmacy called Kingsley Muti which is spending a fortune on advertising, saying that they’ve got Manx Care contracts for minor ailments. I imagine they do, and I can’t help but wonder how much they’re being paid given their advertising spend, and who made Manx Care offer that contract?

Cannan never seems to stop and reflect on his own behaviour. He was instrumental in creating Manx Care, he was the one pushing it all along when the rest of us were saying it only makes sense if you want to privatise it. I think that’s his end game: make it so shit that privatisation becomes the solution.

Of course privatisation or a health insurance model doesn’t make the service any cheaper to the end user- I either pay in tax or I pay in health insurance premiums- but for someone as brainlessly Thatcherite as Cannan “low tax” trumps everything. If I’m  paying 20% of my income in health insurance premiums instead of tax he thinks that’s a win. The mind boggles.

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Personally, I would love to see The Professor back in.

He is an expert on EVERYTHING, has demonstrated his skill with a Shredder, and who can ever  (forget) remember his magnificent Point By Point Rebuttal?

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8 hours ago, wrighty said:
13 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

  Legally someone has to be DHSC Minister

Why? Genuine question. 

Because in Ministerial Government the Minister is legally the authority.  So technically nothing can happen without their say-so.  No Minister, nothing happens.  As DHSC is ultimately financially responsible for Manx Care, you lot would stop getting paid.  It's complicated by IOMG not being a single legal entity and by the position of the Lieutenant Governor - I think the powers might actually revert to him if no formal appointment is made.

I realise that's not the question you're really asking which is basically "What is DHSC for?".  Which is what some of us have been asking all along.

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Because in Ministerial Government the Minister is legally the authority.  So technically nothing can happen without their say-so.  No Minister, nothing happens.  As DHSC is ultimately financially responsible for Manx Care, you lot would stop getting paid.  It's complicated by IOMG not being a single legal entity and by the position of the Lieutenant Governor - I think the powers might actually revert to him if no formal appointment is made.

I realise that's not the question you're really asking which is basically "What is DHSC for?".  Which is what some of us have been asking all along.

Well that's not entirely true, look a the Dr Ranson situation....The peoples prince wasnt asked to approve it because Alf knew he might say no!

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In the UK, the Health Minister has been banging on about Ozempic, the wonder drug for obesity. I wonder what the IOMGs stance on this, especially as the new UKs Government focus on economic growth, and by reducing obesity, and getting people back to work thereby increases the tax take. The IOM has plenty of people not economically active, and some suffering from obesity issues.

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