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Hooper has resigned

Fred the shred

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

There's a chart somewhere with the amount of gov employees and what they get paid split into bands. It's been posted on here before, several times for different years. Could do with it being posted again if anyone can?

Does it include the consultants at Noble’s?

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I've just been back for a meander through the "Budget 2024" thread, some interesting reading and sage predictions in there. Hooper was playing hell after the Budget about the lack of increase in funding for MC, drawing comparisons with DBC putting their Rates up by 12%. Alf saying that MC had to operate within its given budget and that across Govt, headcount had to be reduced.

Well, now he's the interim Health Minister, he's got every opportunity to show us how to do the first bit. The second he's done nothing about since he came into office.

Screenshot_20241016-124440_Samsung Internet.jpg

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My impression is that the IoM gov. is an idiocracy. This is a made-up word, but it is a system that exists.

It is when the head of an organisation knows that he is not that smart, so employs people immediately below him who are slightly less smart than he is. And so on down the chain.

The head of the Civil Service is Andy Ralphs - who uses the title of Chief Executive Officer, rather than Chief Secretary, because titles are important.

I hesitate (actually, I don't) to point out that Ralphs has access to a great deal of high-level advice. His wife is a "business numerologist":




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1 hour ago, Nellie said:

If you 'red ring' the jobs that are surplus, it's amazing how quickly the other roles holder agree they could actually manage six people instead of three, or that they too always wondered what the Deputy Assistant Head of Paperclips actually did.

And then you get an employment tribunal loss because, like most employers, you’ve forgotten that you’re making the role redundant and not the person.

Or you find the talented ones jump ship because they don’t want to re-apply for their own job. See Boeing for further details.

1 hour ago, woolley said:

I'm not saying we should sack people now. We just need to change the mindset to one of retrenchment and away from continuous expansion. I outlined how to make a start in my earlier post. Recruitment freeze, natural wastage with presumption not to replace, redeployment, recruitment only to replace for vital functions where redeployment not practical.

I’d say that was an entirely reasonable starting point. 

I’d love to know where the growth has been because it isn’t immediately obvious. I suspect a lot of it is actually within DHSC and Manx Care because of the way that organisation was created. The duplication between DHSC and Manx Care is both ridiculous and entirely predictable. Which idiot was the Treasury Minister pushing for the creation of Manx Care in the first place? Answer on a postcard.


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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

It is when the head of an organisation knows that he is not that smart, so employs people immediately below him who are slightly less smart than he is. And so on down the chain.

Having met both Cannan and Ralphs recently, I don’t think either of them are self-aware or intelligent enough to understand they are the walking definition of the Peter Principle.

Cedric Randall and Will Greenhow were a lot more switched on, which is of course why they’re not there anymore.

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I too had high hopes for Cannan but he has been a big let down there is no leadership in the man.    As for Ashford he may not be around after the next election I don’t think any of the present MHKs should be confident about being returned they have been part of the worst Government for decades and done nothing.

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

There's a chart somewhere with the amount of gov employees and what they get paid split into bands. It's been posted on here before, several times for different years. Could do with it being posted again if anyone can?

Number of employees if you are going to count them.

Amount of money they are paid.

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Haven’t read the whole thread so this might have been covered.

To me, this has all the markings of someone asking “will all healthcare be free at the point of delivery” and others refusing to confirm that because some elements might be chargeable in the future.

The leap from that to privatisation of the health service is a big one.

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7 hours ago, Banker said:

What a classic holier-than-thou “keep my hands clean and avoid any responsibility” backbencher he is

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22 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

I too had high hopes for Cannan but he has been a big let down there is no leadership in the man.    As for Ashford he may not be around after the next election I don’t think any of the present MHKs should be confident about being returned they have been part of the worst Government for decades and done nothing.

But the public never seem to learn and keep electing even the folk who don't seem to have performed very well at all.

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24 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

1. Ashford would be a good immediate replacement for Hooper in Health, and then after the next election for CM

2. I did have high hopes for Cannan but unfortunately that has not turned out to be the case

1. Really?  I mean really? 

2. Agreed, however he now has a final chance to pull victory from the jaws of defeat.  More likely, it will be the other way round. 

At some point, you would hope they all pull together to deal with the many serious threats to this island.  However,  I suspect that arrogance, bravado and ineptitude will win the day. :(

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41 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Having met both Cannan and Ralphs recently, I don’t think either of them are self-aware or intelligent enough to understand they are the walking definition of the Peter Principle.

Cedric Randall and Will Greenhow were a lot more switched on, which is of course why they’re not there anymore.

Caldric Randall returned to the Treasury as head honcho there, didn’t he? So he’s presumably still able to exert some influence. Greenhow was torpedoed by the Ransome debacle I think. (But perhaps Cannan was happy with that outcome).

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