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Mec Vannin


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What about a university, you'll need somewhere for the up and coming brains of the future to study won't you?


As a matter a fact,my friend,you are right.

One of first thing to be delt with in our new state will be EDUCATION

The historically proven concept of comprehensive, small scale and community based education is considered by Mec Vannin to be the most effective form of education for the Island. Mec Vannin is also committed to the principal of free education for all age groups.

In keeping with these principles, our policies include : The provision of government funded pre-school nurseries. Small sized classes in schools which allow for greater individual attention. The provision of an extensive careers advisory service throughout education. The establishment of a Manx University catering for both Manx students and fee paying students from elsewhere. Village schools should be preserved and their role as centres of community life developed.


In keeping with our policies on language and culture, Mec Vannin considers it vital to facilitate the provision of a comprehensive Manx Studies course in primary, secondary and further education.



And this Utopia is to be funded from.....? Cut the link (albeit pretty remote now) with the UK replacing it with a fiercely (possibly extreme) nationalistic government and we will lose comfort factor for many who do business with us. I do remember Mec Vannin's pretty ham-fisted and laughable attempts at making their point in the seventies/eighties. Burning half built houses and sending a bullet through the post to some property developer (was it Judah Binstock?), hardly the bunch you would want to have running the affairs of the Island where a small slip can have profound repercussions. They didn't come across as a serious and well thought through bunch then and to argue that we will have our own navy and army just like France, Italy and Germany is, frankly, risible.


Why not turn your attentions to promoting the proposal and election of quality MHKs who can play the international field with credibility and put the interests of the Island (in its current constitutional form) ahead of their own?

Ah,I am glad that you mentioned 70s and 80s.At that time,Mec Vannin was ruled by Peter Craine.

He subsequently left Mec Vannin, joining the shortlived breakaway Manx National Party which was formed in 1977 and when Craine stopped being an MHK in 1981 the Manx National Party soon ceased to exist.

They were those nationalist you remember!!!

Now,as for elections are concerned,firstly, there is the problem of the ministerial block vote. Ten ministers are simply too much for a small elected assembly. We have nine, plus the Chief Minister, which, until Mr Corkill resigned, amounted to 40% of any vote in the House of Keys.


We also have a large number of members of departments, who can be seen as deputy ministers. Precisely why we need so many members of Tynwald tied up doing work that ministers and their civil servants should be doing defeats me.


But all of them, as members of the Government, are expected to respect the ministerial consensus, and to observe collective responsibility. The footprint in an electoral assembly of this mass of nodding dogs almost guarantees that the "ayes" have it in any vote.


Next, there is the manner in which ministers are appointed. The Chief Minister is not elected with a national manifesto by the people, but by the very parliament in which the consensus mentality lives and breathes. When the Chief is elected, it is he or she that selects the Council of Ministers, who then go on to choose their members. This is a recipe for cronyism.


Then there is the manner in which members of the Government are rewarded. Parliamentarians receive more on their salary if they are members of departments, and a substantial amount more if they are ministers. Although collective responsibility is not itself enforced, the financial rewards for keeping to the ministerial line are very large - as are the penalties for speaking out of turn. As was demonstrated in the last Gelling Government, breaking ranks can get you sacked.


Take these three problems alone and you have an amorphous organism at the heart of government that has practically ensured that it does not have an opposition. Is that the sort of government the people of Jersey are looking for?

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No need for that,Mec Vannin already has the support of about 60% of people of Mannin.

Those who say they dont support us are either scared to say it in public or dont even know our REAL GOALS,not the English-pigs lies.


So how come you aren't already elected then?

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So, MEC VANNIN has been around for a number of years. Just how many members of Tynwald are ‘MEC VANNIN’? How come there is such little support by the democratic majority of Manx voters?


Let me hazard a guess and say that maybe it’s because no body is interested.


Take a hint MEC, if you cannot get the support of the voters you are wasting your time. Stop dreaming and put your effort into something that deals within the current mechanism of Government instead of trying to challenge things that are beyond realistic imagination.


I know the system is not ideal. I do not expect any system to be ideal and if you think that you have the solution to all our problems you are even dumber than I thought!

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It's all sounding rather good so far dude, just one more question...


What about immigration, what's your policy on that?

That is very important issue.

Manx nationality must be defined by legislation and a Manx passport introduced, with Manx Nationality being first citizenship. Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx Citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office.

Also,in a small island nation such as ours, in default of policies to control the growth of the finance sector, policies to control the size of the population are essential for the achievement of economic, ecological and cultural sustainability. The rapid and unnatural population increase, due to an open door policy on immigration, has increased the burden on the island's infrastructure and environment whilst eroding the fabric of community life. As a result, Mec Vannin believes the immediate introduction of immigration controls to be a priority.

A careful balance between population, infrastructure and environment must be maintained to ensure the long term viability of the Island's economy, ecology and quality of life.

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No need for that,Mec Vannin already has the support of about 60% of people of Mannin.

Those who say they dont support us are either scared to say it in public or dont even know our REAL GOALS,not the English-pigs lies.


So how come you aren't already elected then?

In the 1976 election they put up ten candidates. One was successful though, Peter Craine. He remains to this day the only Mec Vannin MHK there has ever been, although several ex-members have gone on to become MHKs, such as Phil Gawne and Hazel Hannan.



Since then,we refused to be part of this "so-called election"show,bocase it is cheating the good and honest people of Mann.

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No need for that,Mec Vannin already has the support of about 60% of people of Mannin.

Those who say they dont support us are either scared to say it in public or dont even know our REAL GOALS,not the English-pigs lies.


So how come you aren't already elected then?

In the 1976 election they put up ten candidates. One was successful though, Peter Craine. He remains to this day the only Mec Vannin MHK there has ever been, although several ex-members have gone on to become MHKs, such as Phil Gawne and Hazel Hannan.



Since then,we refused to be part of this "so-called election"show,bocase it is cheating the good and honest people of Mann.


So not because no one with a grain of sense would vote for you then?

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It's all sounding rather good so far dude, just one more question...


What about immigration, what's your policy on that?

Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx Citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office.


What would be the proposed length of time for naturalisation then?


You've almost got me sold dude, time to close the deal now.

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It's all sounding rather good so far dude, just one more question...


What about immigration, what's your policy on that?

Whilst all residents would be eligible for Manx citizenship upon the introduction of legislation, subsequent new residents could only become citizens after due process of naturalisation. Only Manx Citizens would be eligible to vote or to stand for representative public office.


What would be the proposed length of time for naturalisation then?


You've almost got me sold dude, time to close the deal now.


Proposed time of naturalisation is not specified yet,but it will be as long as an individual needs to learn about Mann,so he can become one of us.A distinct linguistic and cultural heritage confers upon a people its sense of nationhood and identity. The Manx language and culture must be actively supported and developed both in education and every-day life by the government.


And,becoase i see that you are into racing,i will tell you this:Nigel Ernest James Mansell a MANX former racing driver who won world championships in both Formula One (1992) and CART (1993) IS A DIE HARD SUPPORTER OF MEC VANNIN.

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You are pre-judgemental.

For exemple,ask Mission,who has just learned about our policy,what does he think,as younf man from Mannin,about our goals?


I see from your spelling English will no longer be the national language


You are right.

Manx (Gaelg or Gailck) will slowly be interduced to the whole nation,so we can finaly talk on our own MANX LANGUAGE.

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