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Blot On The Landscape


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Is it as big a blot as Nigel Mansall's ex house on Mull Hill? Or maybe David Creane's at Lezayre - the bad-taste one with all the mass-produced balustrades and fussy, colonial-style bits added on.


Don't know how they got past Planning (well, I can guess really!).


Any more monstrosities ruining the countryside to report? Perhaps we could have a competition for the worst architecture on the Island in recent times.


Mansall's house is not actually on mull hill!



planning is a farce though, There is a nice thatched cottage on St Marys Road down here in Port Erin with Plastic bloody windows, I just dont understand some people, I hate plastic windows at the best of times but what sort of person would fit them to old manx thatched cottage!? :blink:

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Someone who wants decent insulation and soundproofing?


Amadeus, no-one else has spotted the UFO in your picture!


The aliens clearly have them all under their control. :D


PS, thanks for the how to build your own brainshield instructions sheet.

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Someone who wants decent insulation and soundproofing?

PS, thanks for the how to build your own brainshield instructions sheet.



you can get wooden double glazing!


anyway double glazing may be an improvment on single glazing when it comes to heat transfer but even that is crap. A single glazed window of 6mm thick glass has a u value of 5.4, double glazing with 6mm glass and a 10mm gap has a u value of 3.1, compare that with a insulated cavity wall u value of 0.45 and you can see that windows are not good at keeping in heat. So if your that worried about such things brick up all your windows.

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On a similar note I see in the paper that two buidings in Victoria street that were deemed worthey enough in march to be served with a preservation notice after "Urban Ltd" was given permition to demolish them, have now been de registered as Heritage Homes has now asked to demolish them! unbelievable!!

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We are working on a property down here and the owner has told us that they have been trying for 14 years to get the DOT to repair the roads, and its only since this property was started have they decided to not just repair the road but to renew it completely. He to has said that Telecom have laid loads of cables directly to the property but does not know for what reason. When asked what it was going to be he said it was to be a private home, but has heard that they have built offices or the likes as well. What is it going to be and have the MEA got any use of it

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