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sorry sirdick mouth is zipped now sorry !!:unsure:


thanks declan ye we have been working hard on our originals but due to our technical problems we had to leave out our favourite and best original but all our current originals will soon be able to be listened to on our fututre EP, we have done photos for it but thats it, no recording done yet, it should be done by Christmas !

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I don't know what's happening, the host said they've got to retrieve all the information from the hard drive that they lost when their server went tits up. On Monday, they said it would take two days, ie Weds. Nothing yet though...


What is everyone doing tonight anyway? I'm lost without manxbands to find out what's on and whose going where!


Escape Artists are at the Bay View, Port St Mary.

GASP at the Office

Showcase Night (sort of guitar workshop type thing) at the Traf


anything else anyone knows of?

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Might be worth asking the host to put a "Manxbands is currently being recovered, check back soon" page up. If they replace the 404 error page with the same message then everyone will get it regardless of where they link from.

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Yeah, but it's also the DNS that's jiggered. - Maybe that's it, the hosting company has long since restored the webserver but not noticed the DNS being wrong..? Worth contacting them again with that suggestion...

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