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How People On The Island Can Help Those In Need


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Watching the news tonight my wife asked me what can we do to help the crushed and orphaned children from the earthquake.


All I could come up with was giving to charity.


Every little helps.


This is a link which will allow you to make a direct donation to the Disaster Emergency Committee which is coordinating the UK's charity response.


Disasters Emergency Committee Donation


But as well as that all the major charities need ongoing funding. Follow the links below and set up some direct debits.


I'm pretty certain most of us spend more than £10 quid a month on beer, or chocolate, or cigarettes. Why not set up a direct debit for the same amount and so let a small amount of your pay packet do some real good.


All the below are internationl charities of the highest integrity. They'd help you if you needed their help and they are trying to help literally millions of people around the world tonight.


Oxfam Direct Debit Form


The British Red Cross Direct Debit Web Page - do it on line; you don't even need a stamp


Amnesty International Direct Debit Form

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Good post!


My wife and I regularly donate to various charitable organisations and yes every little helps.


We also sponsor two children in Tanzania and Uganda. Been sponsoring these two (Alex aged 7and Zora aged 6) for about 3 years now. The money we send to the charity, £18 each per month keeps these children alive, fed, clothed and educated. It is also a rewarding way to make a difference as we regularly exchange letters with the children which in turn our own children can read and have input with.


The charity was recommended on the BBC website. The charity is an Evangelical organistion and although we are not religious people as such I still believe they are doing great work in keeping the future alive for these peoples.


For those interested the URL is: http://www.compassion.com/Default

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I wonder how much money will be donated from the Oil States in the Midle East to their suffering 'brothers'.


I heard on a phone in on Norfolk Radio this am that we should not send money, we should send replacements.


It was not well recieved and resulted in several calls expressing shock. Also many more that repeated the charity starets at home theme.

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