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Head Aches For All

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From iomonline: MOBILE phone masts up to 15 metres high will not need planning permission under the revamped planning system, it has been revealed.


Thats just great isn't it. They can put up a mast right next to your house or any school & there ain't a thing you can do about it.

Not only do they have a monopoly on our telecommunications systems & rip everyone off on mobile calls, but now they can buzz you with radiation as well. Bloody marvelous.

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On the topic of mobile phones,> does anyone else get really bad head aches whilst using your mobile? It has got so bad that i wil only answer my phone with speaker phone on or in the car hands free.


Quite a worrie really.

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Mr Angle Grinder loves this news, he's been waiting round for ages for the swearing in of the new vertically challenged menace.... Mr S. peedcamera


Always seemed odd to me that, comitting a serious crime to avoid comitting a minor one.

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On the topic of mobile phones,> does anyone else get really bad head aches whilst using your mobile? It has got so bad that i wil only answer my phone with speaker phone on or in the car hands free.


Quite a worrie really.

I spend a lot of time on my mobile phone. If I get a headache it is usually because of the person on the other end of the phone. <_<


Going to get an ansaphone, then they can tell it to someone who cares... :)

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I was recently on a health and safety type course and one of the subjects was testing the safety of microwave ovens. I was surprised to hear that 5 minutes in the same room as a perfectly safe microwave oven delivers more radiation than 5 years of 24 hour mobile phone usage, yet no-one wants to ban the microwave oven!


Kinda puts the whole mobile phones are evil thing into context.

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A Rog Rant on mobile 'phones.


Probably boring ---


Funny thing, radiation.


For one thing it’s not a ‘thing’ it’s a form of the transmission of energy.


Hence ‘Radiation’ means just as much as ‘Conduction’ or Convection, in fact all three relate to how energy gets from one place to another.


Then there’s the different kinds of energy. Take heat. Or light. Both can be communicated by radiation. Then there’s Radio and of course Nuclear radiation.


Most people on hearing or reading ‘radiation’ at once thing of a thing that does the things that nuclear radiation does.




Nuclear or more commonly called Atomic Radiation is a special form of radiation that has very little in common with Radio waves. Or heat or Light, both of which have far more in common together than with Nuclear radiation.


Let’s stick with Radio Waves otherwise known as Electro-Magnetic waves.


These can be carried along a wire, carried within a pipe (!) or propagated into free space, at which time they are said to radiate outwards – hence the use of the word radiation.


But although radiated Electro-Magnetic (radio) waves can and in some circumstances DO present a hazarded, the hazard is a very different one from the hazard from a source of one of the forms of atomic radiation. Chalk and cheese spring to mind.


But again let’s stay with radio waves ‘cos we’re talking mobile ‘phones.


Here again the picture gets a tad clouded ‘cos there’s radio waves.


And there’s radio waves.


The characteristics of the radio waves depend on the frequency of the radio wave. And there’s another skew ball in that there are some frequencies that affect material things in differing ways.


Take mobile ‘phones. That’s what we’re really concentrating on here. The frequency that mobile ‘phones work at are high. Very high. In the UK mobile ‘phones work in the 900 MHz or the 1800 MHz bands.


To make some sense of that TV channels run up to around 850 MHz with transmitter outputs (channel 68) whereas microwave ovens work close to 2400 MHz.


Radar, such as I have on my boat, runs at a frequency of iro 10,000 MHz and puts out a 4,000 Watt pulse. Whilst the Kilvey Hill transmitter squirts out 600,000 Watts continuously for BBC alone.


The VHF radio that I have in my boat puts out 25 watts at around 150 MHz and a CB radio in a car puts out around 4 Watts at 27 MHz. A taxi radio radiates around 10 watts and a CB legal ‘homebase’ radiates 4 watts whereas a CB with a ‘burner’ may radiate up to 1,000 Watts for the really big ones.


Your neighbour got a CB aerial on his house? Do you know how much radio energy he is radiating into you and your house?


But the mobile ‘phone.


The power output from a mobile ‘phone depends on the strength of the received signal. The stronger the received signal, the lower the ‘phone transmits in order to both conserve battery life and to avoid unnecessarily blocking adjacent ‘cells’ of the country wide wireless network.


Even Bluetooth radiates.


Typically .001 Watt but it does so all the time. If you wear a Bluetooth earpiece for (say) 1o hours a day that gives you the same ‘dose’ of Radio Waves as using a mobile to your ear for around 6 minuets a day. And what’s of even more concern is that Bluetooth operates at frequency really close to that of microwave cooking, chosen because it is so effective on --- meat.


The Mobile ‘ phone base station on the other hand squirts out typically around 10 Watts of power, though some very large multi channel base stations can poke out 100 watts, or VERY occasionally even a little more.


In such cases ‘exclusion zones’ in the range 10-15 m may be required in front of the antennas to ensure exposures remain within the ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure for long periods.


In other directions such as below and behind the antennas, the exclusion zones would extend for a far lesser distances, not atypically iro 1 m whereas for low power base stations radiating around 1-2 W there would be no need for any exclusion zone.


But in any case what comes out isn’t the same as light coming out from a light bulb. It is not omni-directional, it is focused by the aerial..




At distances closer to the mast than where the main beam reaches ground level, exposure occurs due to weaker beams known as sidelobes and the power is not easy to calculate without a bit of guesswork, a bit of theory, and a great deal of the involvement of two black cats and a virgin. (Funny thing is that no one ever asks about the place the cats have in the process---)


In reality a device is used to measure what is actually present and any adjustments are made by altering the aerial to match the site.


The bottom line.


There is far more hazard to your house price than to yourself or your offspring by the proximity of a mobile ‘phone ‘mast’. The most damage caused by mobile phones is not just in the proximity of the wallet, it is IN the wallet.

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