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Calls For Murder Sentencing Review


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Id like to know what other people think of the islands sentences for murder. As the man in this case was sentenced to 18 ½ years and the double murderer receiving 20 years for his crime. Are these sentences to short? IMO opinion they are way to short for the taking of lives.

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I think the system that recognises the degree of premeditation in murder cases may prove to be the best option.

The case to be answered, for example, when two people come to blows and one is knocked over and strikes their head on something - causing death - may still be murder, but in a lesser degree.

Someone who, in a blind rage, picks up the nearest thing to hand and kills someone with it is guilty of murder in a higher degree.

Someone who plans it in advance - or commits an intentional murder - a degree higher.

A planned murder which involves things such as rape, or torture, as well - the highest degree of all.


Sentencing would then be commensurate with the degree 'rating.' The highest degree would automatically mean life in prison - with no possibility of release for at least forty years. A minimum of 30-40 for the next one, then 15-30 for the next and 1-15 for accidental homicide.


I know it sounds a bit like the American system, but if the plea-bargaining aspect is removed it's probably as fair as any.

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I don't really know the in's and out's of the case that's being mentioned here, but I have to agree with Lonan. Murder is not just murder, there are different circumstances which should be taken into consideration when sentencing. I know this doesn't help any of the families concerned, but it seems a fairer way of dealing with this i think.

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