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Iom Government To Consult Voters


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Our Government

. . . . . say they are going to actually consult the great unwashed on the subject of voting.

From Manx Radio website

I believe that in order to satisfy their ego's and consciences Politicians are anxious to improve on the sometimes derisory voter turnout.


It is bad enough swanning aound the International arena calling yourself a Minister or whatever, but when asked how many people voted you in, it must get a little embarrassing.


That said however, I would have liked to have been consulted on a number of issues eg.

a ) 24 hour drinking and more recently of course,

b ) the changing of the name of our Lieutenant Governor. (not yet final)


Before I go off on one, I wonder what others think? Is it acceptable for our elected members (and those not directly elected by us, the MLCs) to assume we want indirect/representative democracy, whereby they make decisions on our behalf, with just token consultation and a total ignoring of what 'the people' want see b ) above?





I wonder how politicians discuss their election results?


"well I got most of Andreas and I reckon all of Ronague. Colby probably let me down because of the Ballakilpheric insurgency . .etc"

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I hope at the next election the public show this current shower of xxxx that collectively they have made a complete hash of running things for some time. Whoever is elected must start with integrity and an ear to listen to the views of his or her electorate.

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At the last election i collected all the flyers from onchan for comparison, very little difference between the policies of most [P Karran excepted]

This candidate cloning seems to pervade over the whole island


! Crime--flog the kids, its all their fault, stop those barstools from building here yadda yadda yadda.


So where lies our choice?, policies are all similar, there are no party afilliations to speak of, so it ends up as a personality contest, Im voting for Joe, he sweeps my chimney/buried my mother/served me my medication/gives me my pension.


Democratic government by box wallah, there must be an "ocracy" to describe it somewhere.


To be able to choose we must first be convinced that there is indeed a choice, i am unconvinced.

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Our Government

. . . . . say they are going to actually consult the great unwashed on the subject of voting.

From Manx Radio website

I believe that in order to satisfy their ego's and consciences Politicians are anxious to improve on the sometimes derisory voter turnout.


It is bad enough swanning aound the International arena calling yourself a Minister or whatever, but when asked how many people voted you in, it must get a little embarrassing.


That said however, I would have liked to have been consulted on a number of issues eg.

a ) 24 hour drinking and more recently of course,

b ) the changing of the name of our Lieutenant Governor. (not yet final)


Before I go off on one, I wonder what others think? Is it acceptable for our elected members (and those not directly elected by us, the MLCs) to assume we want indirect/representative democracy, whereby they make decisions on our behalf, with just token consultation and a total ignoring of what 'the people' want see b ) above?





I wonder how politicians discuss their election results?


"well I got most of Andreas and I reckon all of Ronague. Colby probably let me down because of the Ballakilpheric insurgency . .etc"



Having listened to Tynwald last week, I thought we weren't a "reforendum Island", (according to several MHKs). It would appear that we are when it suits the people in power! What total hypocrites!! They really have lost it! They've completely forgotten that they are elected by the people, to represent the people and do the bidding of the people. NOT be elected by the people, forget the people and represent their own views! and they wonder why people are cynical and have no respect for them! They'll do anything rather than address issues that are important - this whole debate about the title of HE is a waste of time. What happens if/when QE says, no I don't want the name of my representative in the IOM to be changed,( which she could), how are they going to look then. Will they cave in, in which case they look foolish and without power, or will there be a revolution, (not likely!!) or will they just jump up and down, spending hours on talking and spending more money having committees and then go along anyway. I want them to address the issues that matter to the people that elected them, cost of living, price of utilities, MEA etc etc. Can't see any of that being address in any depth before the election, (turkey's don't vote for Christmas) Election build up has started by the way if you listen to them all talking. If they really cared they'd be having public meetings, surgeries, going out and speaking to the electorate, then they'll be able to have fliers nearer the election that actually mean something, that's they've really thought about.....but their more worried about their pensions and salaries and keeping in with the people they think matter.

By the way, don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I heard the next Chief Minister speaking at length in Tynwald last week - any suggestions - my guess is Mr Shimmin.

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I feel that we should have a good case to take our MHK's to the office of fair trading!


If you employed a tradesman to do a job for you and they did not complete the job satisfactorily, you would quite rightly have cause to complain. Furthermore, if that tradesman quoted you a price for something and then came back to you telling you that the cost had just gone up by a huge amount you would also have good grounds to complain.


If an MHK was entering into a contract based on their pre-election promises, I wonder how many of them would be surprised if we asked for our money back?

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1 - Make it a fully elected Tynwald.


2 - Hold the election on a Sunday when most people have time to nip in and vote.


3 - Have it in late Sept/early Oct when the weather might be a bit milder than mid November.


4 - Reduce the numbers from 32 to 28, to start with.


5 - Direct national election for Chief Minister.


Just a few suggestions. Any more?

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1 - Make it a fully elected Tynwald.


2 - Hold the election on a Sunday when most people have time to nip in and vote.


3 - Have it in late Sept/early Oct when the weather might be a bit milder than mid November.


4 - Reduce the numbers from 32 to 28, to start with.


5 - Direct national election for Chief Minister.


Just a few suggestions. Any more?


For an interesting comment on this and other views on Tynwald and Government - go to the Cathedral Lecture tomorrow night and hear Edgar Quine. 7.30 p.m. St Germans Cathedral, Peel (Q and A after the lecture (I think) so you can put some questions to a former member)

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