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I'm surprised you can't get a work permit. Have you been refused? What jobs were you applying for and what was the reason they gave for it being declined. - because apparently too many manx people applied for it too, i wanted to be a graphic designer but i left college in the uk to come here to be with my bf because he was at college too and we wanted to be together so i left for him. So i had to get a flat and obviously had to find a job, any job to pay the rent - but any job is not a job i want and because i didnt finish college i cant be a graphic designer! SO - i tried to go to college here but it was only part time, and then working full time, etc etc was all too much, so now i am back to any old job.....and i dont have any bad records, so i dont know.


I apprechiate all your comments and i wasnt having a go, i was just saying. B)


It's a pity that you're not happy with the island. Nowhere is perfect and most natives have many problems with the island too (just look at the other threads) but for some reason they sometimes think they have more right than comeovers to criticise the island - maybe they're right but I think it often helps to have an outside opinion.


I'm sure you'll fit in easily and get a job locally as most places would love to recruit more people. People may be a little reserved and might not like criticism but they're very nice people if you get to know them and life is so much better generally than in the UK. Or Poland for that matter.

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Wow, what a nasty piece you turned out to be, my point that you missed is that regionality and winding up of incomers is commn to all areas, not a specific of the IOM, ie a facility unique to the Manx born, and at no time did i say it was right, merely a recognition of the way things are in the world


Is your aggresive response a result of your place of birth and infant nuture or cos you are part of " the manx"?


I am too, but i dont recognise myself from your pocket precis of " the manx", you cannot really believe that all, or even the majority of manx people maintain the attitudes you describe.

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I have a bit of a genetic mix that comes from here, England, Ireland & Scotland.


My mother was born here, my father was born in England, I was born here (good old JCM!) however I consider myself to be "Manx".


IMHO I think "Manxness" is more a state of mind than being able to trace your parents back x generations or however many.


There are many "stay-overs" who would probably consider themselves to be Manx and are quite happy to make the island their home - I certainly have no problem with this, although I can get a bit pissed off when new residents start complaining about things over here like road closures during TT week, or other things that happen and would like to change things about the place just to suit their own selfish needs.


I've travelled quite extensively and pretty much like the idea of "When in Rome" etc - eg when in France I try and make an effort to speak in French (probably pretty badly) - and then the locals often reply in very good English - but at least they appreciate that I'm making an effort to work with their "culture" and that can make all the difference between having a good time or a bad one!


There are many things that are different here than the likes of the UK and mostly I appreciate them, - sure we don't get some of the benefits of living in the UK such as easy access to gigs, cheap flights to the rest of the world & a good few other things, but I would much prefer the life I have here than living in the UK.


I do quite often see some racist "undercurrents" - which just makes the people coming out with these comments sound like a bunch of ignorant tw*ts - just don't confuse these idiots with the rest of the people who consider themselves to be Manx!


And as for so-called "comeovers" who badmouth the place - yes, there's always "a boat in the morning" - and if people don't like it, or want to live here, then I'm sure they're well aware of the sailings - if they don't like it here - they will go!

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because apparently too many manx people applied for it too, i wanted to be a graphic designer but i left college in the uk to come here to be with my bf because he was at college too and we wanted to be together so i left for him. So i had to get a flat and obviously had to find a job, any job to pay the rent - but any job is not a job i want and because i didnt finish college i cant be a graphic designer! SO - i tried to go to college here but it was only part time, and then working full time, etc etc was all too much, so now i am back to any old job.....and i dont have any bad records, so i dont know. [/color]


I apprechiate all your comments and i wasnt having a go, i was just saying. B)



But don't you see there is a difference between being a graphic designer and working in a shop?


I know several talented graphic designers who are Manx born and finished college and can't get a job. That is always going to be a difficult area for anyone to break into over here because the college runs courses in that field, and there will only be a limited number of positions on the Island.


That is the point of the work permit system, although it is unfair on individuals like you.


In terms of getting any old job - you should be ok. As you've noted shop work doesn't present a problem, getting a work permit, and the finance sector should still be wide open.


(Sorry about my opening comment - Vinnie and yourself have read it differently than I intended so I can't have phrased it well)

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Wow, what a nasty piece you turned out to be,


So the plan is that we're just going to pretend that "that's life boy, get a thicker skin already" was just good natured advice that anyone with a problem with the idea of low key racism would be advised to heed, and not a patronising swipe? Fair play, but I don't think we're going to pull it off you know.


my point that you missed is that regionality and winding up of incomers is commn to all areas, not a specific of the IOM, ie a facility unique to the Manx born


The irrelevance to the issue of right or wrong of whether or not it is unique to the Manx born is what I wanted to convey in my last reply.


and at no time did i say it was right, merely a recognition of the way things are in the world


In what way does professing to recognise "the way things are in the world" differ from asserting that you're right? My disagreement with you isn't based on whether you think you're right or not, I kind of assumed that you did by virtue of posting.


Is your aggresive response a result of your place of birth and infant nuture or cos you are part of " the manx"?


They'd be the same thing wouldn't they? The aggression in my response is because firstly, ever since I can remember I've had to listen to people on the island spouting crap about 'comeovers', often resenting them for voicing opinions they themselves have expressed in the past. It's an ugly little feature of Island life, and in my experience does tend to be more prevalent, and more accepted on the Island than other places I've lived, and secondly because I surprisingly don't like being called 'boy' and being told to get thicker skin by someone who knows next to nothing about me, regardless of how worldly wise they might claim to be.

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Calmly trying to cool things down, i would say this, /my disagreement with your post is that by using the term " the manx" you indicate thet ALL manx people are bigots, you and i know this to be wrong but others do not have our experiance in these matters and could come away with an opinion that is false.

I recognise that there are manx bigots but they are less prevelant than indicated in these postings, and i personally think it should be made clear.


As to other areas with idiot bigots, try Wales or the Highlands, s'loads of em round there, and lets not forget that England there is plenty of bigotry there.


As to "boy" wow, a term of greeting in common use with no insult intended or taken, shout "Hey boy" in the main street in Peel and see how many men turn around. How do you feel about yessir and soul?

But i accept your dislike and will refrain from its use with you, i will continue to use it daily otherwise.


This will be my last post on this vinnie, not a personal thing just i think some topics get worried to death and lose the initial focus, no doubt we will talk again on other topics, i look forward to them.

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