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Rosa Parks Rip


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Interestingly, the riots in Birmingham have been blamed in part on the feeling that the Asians have taken over everything while the blacks have nothing.


The Asians argue they have worked hard to achieve what they have which implicitly suggests the Afro-Caribbean community don't seem to have the get-up-and-go, to put it politley.

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Interestingly, the riots in Birmingham have been blamed in part on the feeling that the Asians have taken over everything while the blacks have nothing.


The Asians argue they have worked hard to achieve what they have which implicitly suggests the Afro-Caribbean community don't seem to have the get-up-and-go, to put it politley.


To be a little more accurate, there are a few grumbles of discontent regarding the distribution of funds to various sectors of the community, its sensed that funding within the afro-carribean community is less than that given to the asian sector.


In general, the community leaders are are fairly happy with things and report that most from both communities agree, its thought the initial disturbances was siezed upon by criminal elements.

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Well I know plenty of Afro Caribbean people with get up and go... I'm sure there are cultural reasons for these things but they are not the be all and end all.


Rosa Parks told someone else to get up and go and with that helped start the civil rights movement. That is something to be commended and remembered.


At the end of the day it's in all our interest that every community has equal opportunities. Disadvantage breeds disaffection.

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Interestingly, the riots in Birmingham have been blamed in part on the feeling that the Asians have taken over everything while the blacks have nothing.


The Asians argue they have worked hard to achieve what they have which implicitly suggests the Afro-Caribbean community don't seem to have the get-up-and-go, to put it politley.


To be a little more accurate, there are a few grumbles of discontent regarding the distribution of funds to various sectors of the community, its sensed that funding within the afro-carribean community is less than that given to the asian sector.


In general, the community leaders are are fairly happy with things and report that most from both communities agree, its thought the initial disturbances was siezed upon by criminal elements.


The Distribution of Funds was quoted as a problem by many after the Burnley and Oldham problems in 2001. The local authorities hadn't been open enough with regards to showing where money went and many though the Asian community were getting more money which was proven to be not the case. The Government was also partly to blame in that case for 'dispersing' refugees who to very poor working-class areas and then saying they couldn't work. By doing that the Govt. were asking for trouble.


We can't pigeon-hole people from different communities. Many white people can't be arsed to work and I'm sure that applies equally to other communities. Culture is partly responsible though as it is traditional for Asian families (or maybe fathers) to encourage their children during education and for the most respected jobs.


Was anyone injured in the Birmingham riots?

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It's rather sad that an intended tribute to a great lady - one who fought segregation with such tremendous dignity and courage - has been hijacked from Birmingham, USA to Birmingham, UK - and become just another thread about ethnic groups.

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It's rather sad that an intended tribute to a great lady - one who fought segregation with such tremendous dignity and courage - has been hijacked from Birmingham, USA to Birmingham, UK - and become just another thread about ethnic groups.


I'm sorry if I continued to go off-topic. I read the originapl post and then the replies and subconsciously hadn't realised I was replying to the same topic.


As for Rosa Parks though I have to say although she's gone now she'll be remembered for ever. She helped win the fight for equality but the fights not over entirely. A sad loss.

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