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Who's Island Is It Anyway ?


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Who's Island is it anyway ? This is a personal opinion but one that I know is shared by many.

The Isle of Man runs along from one crisis to another, Mount Murray, MEA, Chief Ministers personal affairs, Manx Radio funding, The Police. It seams that there is not a single good thing happening on the Island or anything to be proud of ?

Well there is THE PEOPLE. The people of this Island do not seam to realise that the Isle of Man does not belong to our geriatric government that meanders from day to day wasting everyone’s time and money.

The Isle of Man belongs to the people and the government must be stopped from destroying it.


Thou’s who have power and deluded authority seem to think that they have a remit to do what they want, whenever they want, legally or not.

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It's not so much a remit as a mandate given by us, the People.


Maybe the people should think about backing a corrupt system ? next time they vote maybe they should stand up and be counted before its too late.....If the Isle of Man government was a company it would have been bust along time ago and the Directors dispard from holding office.

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Who's Island is it anyway ? This is a personal opinion but one that I know is shared by many.

The Isle of Man runs along from one crisis to another....


So do most countries/states - it's the way of the world - it's just that we probably pay more attention to what's happening on our own doorstep. Compared with international crises and scandals, ours are generally pretty minor affairs.


It seams that there is not a single good thing happening on the Island or anything to be proud of ?


That suggests a very selective reading of local events. I won't bother to enumerate them because it's all been done before, but I find a fair amount to be proud of when I compare this island to certain other jurisdictions.


Well there is THE PEOPLE. The people of this Island do not seam to realise that the Isle of Man does not belong to our geriatric government that meanders from day to day wasting everyone’s time and money.

The Isle of Man belongs to the people and the government must be stopped from destroying it.


The government - like it or not - is comprised of our elected representatives. If we're not satisfied with them then we either have to put ourselves forward for election or else persuade people with more nous to do so.

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The government - like it or not - is comprised of our elected representatives. If we're not satisfied with them then we either have to put ourselves forward for election or else persuade people with more nous to do so.

That brings us back to the Manxforums Party! Anyone voting for me?

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The government - like it or not - is comprised of our elected representatives. If we're not satisfied with them then we either have to put ourselves forward for election or else persuade people with more nous to do so.

That brings us back to the Manxforums Party! Anyone voting for me?


It'll depend on the size of your brown envelopes - didn't anyone tell you that?

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The government - like it or not - is comprised of our elected representatives. If we're not satisfied with them then we either have to put ourselves forward for election or else persuade people with more nous to do so.

That brings us back to the Manxforums Party! Anyone voting for me?


It'll depend on the size of your brown envelopes - didn't anyone tell you that?

Aha - are big A4 ones any good? Can get them for around 5p at the shop - but that wasn't really what you meant, was it?

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Let the whole island revolt.

The people of Ramsey have been revolting for many a year.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.' Thomas Jefferson


Ok. Revolution tomorrow, 12'o clock outside Tynwald then (if it rains, we'll meet in the pub instead)

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Donning flak jacket before retiring to nuclear bunker.......this so-called government (glorified town council) is made up entirely, to the best of my knowledge, of Manx men and women. Perhaps it is time for the Manx people to put prejudices aside and put their vote in favour of candidates who weren't born and bred here. It is the only way that this nepotistic, back-scratching system of government is going to be broken. And perhaps the reason why new residents are not forthcoming for election is because they know that as a non-native, they are urinating into the proverbial wind.

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Donning flak jacket before retiring to nuclear bunker.......this so-called government (glorified town council) is made up entirely, to the best of my knowledge, of Manx men and women. Perhaps it is time for the Manx people to put prejudices aside and put their vote in favour of candidates who weren't born and bred here. It is the only way that this nepotistic, back-scratching system of government is going to be broken. And perhaps the reason why new residents are not forthcoming for election is because they know that as a non-native, they are urinating into the proverbial wind.


Totally agree with you there Utah, but I doubt it will ever happen in our lifetime. Sadly.

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