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Who's Island Is It Anyway ?


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Some good and welcome signs from your wirte up Mr Flynn but my gripe and most ordinary peoples gripe is this,


Integrity, the love of people, sincerity, moral fibre, understanding of human nature, ability etc all have their worth.


The sad thing about the values you state and most people hold dear seem to be thrown out the window by most MHK's once elected. The values which help them be elected are soon bypassed by their own ego and their chances off self advancement. They get arrogant to the fact that they have been put in office by vote and know that it's highly unlikely they'll loose their seat in certain areas. The strange thing is that when the manifesto's come around, they all say that they'll change this and change that, knowing full well that all major changes for the next 3 yrs are already set in place. So why tell porkies.


Another main gripe is why do some MHK's openly use the influence and abuse their position. We know this happens in all Goverments but as the Isle of Man is so condensed, it's so obvious. Plus the people who know other people and talk goes well below the circles these people socialise in. Not everyone is off no morals.


If you run again, I wish you luck. If you get in, hopefully you won't become " One of the Boys" but only time will tell. If you do, hopefully you have a chance to sort out a Country which is supposed to be Financialy stable but is possibly 400 millions in debt. It least you might be able to approuch it in a biusiness way and not like the Teachers, Farmers and Housewives who have not.


( stands down of box and put's it under the stairs for another night ;) )

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Some good and welcome signs from your wirte up Mr Flynn but my gripe and most ordinary peoples gripe is this,


Integrity, the love of people, sincerity, moral fibre, understanding of human nature, ability etc all have their worth.


The sad thing about the values you state and most people hold dear seem to be thrown out the window by most MHK's once elected. The values which help them be elected are soon bypassed by their own ego and their chances off self advancement. They get arrogant to the fact that they have been put in office by vote and know that it's highly unlikely they'll loose their seat in certain areas. The strange thing is that when the manifesto's come around, they all say that they'll change this and change that, knowing full well that all major changes for the next 3 yrs are already set in place. So why tell porkies.


Another main gripe is why do some MHK's openly use the influence and abuse their position. We know this happens in all Goverments but as the Isle of Man is so condensed, it's so obvious. Plus the people who know other people and talk goes well below the circles these people socialise in. Not everyone is off no morals.


If you run again, I wish you luck. If you get in, hopefully you won't become " One of the Boys" but only time will tell. If you do, hopefully you have a chance to sort out a Country which is supposed to be Financialy stable but is possibly 400 millions in debt. It least you might be able to approuch it in a biusiness way and not like the Teachers, Farmers and Housewives who have not.


( stands down of box and put's it under the stairs for another night ;) )





Thanks for your support and advice. I am well past the ego thing. In fact if there is anything I hate more it would be this!


£400 million in debt - well in 1986 there was about 6 or 7 million in the bank. It is a disgrace and those responsible I hope will be held to account through their wallets.

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Charles, I agree with the sentiment of making those reponsible for the MEA shambles accountable and to hit them in the wallet, but that would make only a tiny impression on the amount of debt. That may make us all feel better, but wouldn't help in the bigger picture.


I wholeheartedly agree that those accountable must be identified and given no option but to do the decent thing and resign from whatever post they are holding, never to return to such a position which through either incompetence or arrogance they have so completely abused. At the moment, it does seem like there is a whole SFX team going into overdrive to put in place the necessary smoke and mirrors to avoid responsibility for the mess attaching to any individual or group of individuals.

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Charles, I agree with the sentiment of making those reponsible for the MEA shambles accountable and to hit them in the wallet, but that would make only a tiny impression on the amount of debt. That may make us all feel better, but wouldn't help in the bigger picture.


I wholeheartedly agree that those accountable must be identified and given no option but to do the decent thing and resign from whatever post they are holding, never to return to such a position which through either incompetence or arrogance they have so completely abused. At the moment, it does seem like there is a whole SFX team going into overdrive to put in place the necessary smoke and mirrors to avoid responsibility for the mess attaching to any individual or group of individuals.


I totally agree and I would think 99% of the Island would as well. Many people are so unable to afford proper heat now that they are at serious risk with health problems - strokes, infection etc. Who is going to take responsibility for this?


If this matter is not properly investigated and acted upon there should be an Inquiry into those not acting fully in the public interest. It should not all revolve around the loss of esteem in the outside world. Other considerations should prevail.

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The Island is just not big enough for political parties. If a Reform party were formed, what manifesto could it produce? We all have pet hates, but it is a completely different matter to create a single set of policies that would be agreeable to a range of politicians, or potential politicians.


Charles Flynn tried to create an "opposition" to most things several years ago - indeed he tried to create an opposition to the now revered Manx Airlines! For reasons which Charles may like to explain, his political ambitions seem to disappear. I would be very wary of leaping on the bandwagon that he is now driving.

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I agree. It isn't the politicians from the past that we should be interested in 'resurrecting.' Nor should we necessarily, as has often been the case, look to people who've come through the various commissioners and councils - they are all too often parochial in their views.

There are a small handful of current politicians who are not exclusively self-seeking, but it's our task as voters to sort the wheat from the chaff - and also to lend support to any individuals with genuine ability who might be tempted to take on the job.

Many attempts have been made to initiate political parties, but they've all ultimately failed - mainly for the very reasons that Not The Comfy Chair has stated.

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The discussion has taken an interesting turn.


For the record I am not trying to create a bandwagon. I have simply being making comments as a result of listening to an ex-politician's lecture. Mr Quine is a man of immense experience and if he says something is very wrong it should be given some attention. If the history is ignored, woe the consequences.


I did oppose the policies of Manx Airlines on the grounds of their fare structures. In fact as far as I can see I was the only person on this island (75,000 to 1) prepared to come out and tell the Manx public that they were in my view being charged exorbitant rates. Of course extensive vested interests did prevail for a time - but now the monopoly has been broken and fares have come down. Nothing is perfect of course and all of us would like to see further improvements in services.


Why have I not got more involved in Manx politics? Simply because I have been heavily involved as a volunteer in something infinitely more worthwhile - namely Church matters and environmental charities. I am happy with this and wish to continue to serve in this way along side some of the most fantastic people living on this Island. I am constantly amazed by their example.


However all of us are affected by politics. As a Manxman I cannot stand by and take no notice of some of the problems of recent times. Most of these impinge on the work I and many others do in the voluntary sector.


I know others feel the same way as I do and if any of you wish to get together I would be pleased to organise a private meeting to discuss constuctively the most appropriate way forward. I am not interested in opposition for opposition sake and we should support those in Government who are doing their best and following good policies.


Most people in politics are hardworking and decent. Sometimes the policies are wrong. Unfortunately, in recent times this has happened too often. But good people's contribution should be acknowledged and it is something which I am always pleased to do.

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I don't want to get drawn into a battle over historic air fares, but were you not aware of Manx Airlines Farecracker fares which were so popular, that Euromanx have revived the brand for their cheap fares? Perhaps you were alone in telling the Manx people that they were being charged exorbitant fares, because you were the only person who thought that?


I seem to remember that you started up your own airline, but I don't recall it ever operating to the Isle of Man? That would have given you the opportunity to discover how expensive it is to operate an airline here.

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I don't want to get drawn into a battle over historic air fares, but were you not aware of Manx Airlines Farecracker fares which were so popular, that Euromanx have revived the brand for their cheap fares? Perhaps you were alone in telling the Manx people that they were being charged exorbitant fares, because you were the only person who thought that?


I seem to remember that you started up your own airline, but I don't recall it ever operating to the Isle of Man? That would have given you the opportunity to discover how expensive it is to operate an airline here.


No indeed the past is the past. We need to concentrate on the future. I did operate a scheduled service between Manchester and Hurn and an associate Company operated beteen Hurn and the Channel Islands , and Bournemouth and France.


I had hoped to start in the I.O.M. In fact that was my only interest at the time, but the political atmosphere was definitely against anyone trying to set up a competing service. There seemed to be an aversion to an additional airline as it was felt by some there was not enough business around and of course Manx Airlines lobbied as only they could to stop competition. It would have provided choice on service, price etc. They didn't want to see that.


Airlines are expensive to operate in every place- landing fees, fuel, maintence, leases. Certainly the Isle of Man had its own unique price. If you delve through the archives you will see that there were a lot of people complaining about fare structures. I seem to remember it being at one time £234 between Ronaldsway- London equivalent to £500 today. Who wants to pay that?


I am all for Farecracker fares by the way and I appreciated the personal service of Manx Airlines and the brilliant staff they had. It was the fare structure I wanted changing with additional routes being set up.

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