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Bird Flu


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With more cases are being reported (Turkey, Romania, Russia, Germany, Croatia, etc) and the media already preparing to go into "let's cause some panic" mode, I thought a thread about it would be appropriate.


Bird Flu - the facts


Food guidelines


And before you get the slingshot/crossbow/airrifle out and hunt everything that flies:


What is the risk to humans from bird flu?


The risk from bird flu is generally low to most people because the viruses occur mainly among birds and do not usually infect humans. (from one of the links)


So I guess for the IOM, the worst that can happen for now is, that we get them Foot and Mouth disinfection points back - although how exactly we would get the birds to fly through them, I don't know...


As a responsible Mercedes driver, I have already taken appropriate action to prevent it from spreading - I knew the badge was good for something:



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I think that the problem is because the bird flu can develop into a new deadly strain which no one has vaccines for but i don't think bird flu in general can be spread onto humans.


So should i panic for the fact that it could develop into a deadly strain or not!

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I think that the problem is because the bird flu can develop into a new deadly strain which no one has vaccines for but i don't think bird flu in general can be spread onto humans.


So should i panic for the fact that it could develop into a deadly strain or not!


As far as I`m aware Avian Flu can be passed from bird to human. However it is not easily passed that way. Let`s keep our fingers crossed and hope a new strain which passes from person to person doesn`t appear.

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On one hand I tend to believe a lot of this is all media-hype and everywhere is jumping on the bandwagon, afterall, it sells papers and makes people watch the news.


On the otherhand, I get the feeling that the government and health profession's reaction is a little too convincing to be all 'hype' and part of me is thinking that they are genuinely worried or 'aware' of something that hasn't been divulged to the general public.


Time will tell.

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The review of the papers on R4's Today Programme last week on this issue was funny.


The Sun said that there was a chance of a pandemic if avain flu hit Britain, at the same time as a human flu epidemic, somehow mutated into being communicated from human to human, if we were unable to find a vaccine in time and were not able to manufacture enough to innoculate everybody.


The Mail said that 50,000 per week will die, in the worst pandemic since the Black Death and it was all Tony Blair's fault.


I sometimes think readers of the Daily Mail are like kids watching a horror movie because they like being scared.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think that the problem is because the bird flu can develop into a new deadly strain which no one has vaccines for but i don't think bird flu in general can be spread onto humans.


So should i panic for the fact that it could develop into a deadly strain or not!


It is quite possible for bird flu to transfer to a human. The probability is quite high. Thankfully at the moment it's not transferable from human to human so the only people who really can be infected (at the moment) are those with direct contact to birds.


It's certainly possible that we may get a mutation as this is common for all sorts of flus and more so once they start infecting more and more birds/humans.


I say we all head to Hungary where they're leading the way in exploring possible cures and treatment for it.

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That's me and the Cheesemonster immunised then :)



And me! And me! Hmmm...Sauerkraut and Bratwurst - wunderbar!!!




Now, how are we gonna get them stupid birds to eat it?

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In the 1960s and 1970s we were all going to die from Nuclear War.


In the 1980s we were all going to die from AIDS.


More recently we have all been going to die from dirty terrorist bombs, and now we are all going to die from Chicken Flu.


Nothing like stirring up a bit of panic amongst the proletariat to keep the presses rolling!

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That's me and the Cheesemonster immunised then :)



And me! And me! Hmmm...Sauerkraut and Bratwurst - wunderbar!!!




Now, how are we gonna get them stupid birds to eat it?


Eurgh, nein! Sauerkraut ist SEHR schrecklich :wacko:

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