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Iran Next?


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Very worrying, but looks like it will be Iran next. What with a political storm brewing for Bush at the moment over the 'CIA' leak, it might be a good diversion tactic to have another war. Blair is not a happy bunny either.


It is worrying though when the Iranian Foreign Minister says about Israel "Iran did not recognise the "illegitimate Zionist regime". And President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map".


When will it end? North Korea? Indonesia?





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War with Iran as a diversion tactic? Over a petty leak of a CIA agent's name... with a public already showing symptoms of war weariness and a budget that's already under strain? Without even going into the details of the fact that the US military is already suffering from overstretch and that Iran would be a far tougher nut to crack than sanction weakened Iraq was, this is a bit much to believe.


One step down the road to conspiracy theory lunacy too far.

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I'm not sure what you mean by lunacy but, I fear war with Iran is the next Bushy Blair mission. We are supposed to be a clever nation, so, whats with all this fighting? it is a little crass and thug like. I met some Israelies on holiday, they were lovely and have invited us to stay with them - Israel sounds like a really lovely place, it is such a shame the media circus only shows the bad stuff that goes on there. The lady from the couple we met has recently opened a library in Dublin and is working on newly discovered heirogliphic stuff (a bit beyond my knowledge capapbilities) - no mention of this on the news, and I found it far more interesting than stupid suicide bombers.

Iran too, sounds like a nice place, all we hear about is the bad stuff. When will the mighty America tire of the rebel fighting in Birmingham and start a war with England? Wars are 'so last century' can we not think of a better way?

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Ok you're right. Thanks.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. In my opinion you're right that war with Iran is a possibility (although at the moment I'd reckon much of the sabre rattling is exactly that), in so much as it's probably the hottest flashpoint outside of Taiwan or North Korea, but war with Iran as a means to distract an already war weary population from its woes would be a bit far fetched and counter productive.

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Don't forget Bush's secret point to point lazer satellites, There are 6 in different Polar Orbits that cross over each other, for varying effects, From pin point zapping to using all of them for an independance day style obbliteration. He's just not using them as its too convenient :ph34r::rolleyes:


On a serious note, I think that war in Iran would need a coalition of various nations. I don't think BUsh and BlAir would be allowed to go forth alone again. Still, the PM of Iran seems a bit off his marbles, unless he is tempting the "west"

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At some point in time the western world has to not knock the USA or the UK for what critics call warmongering, but recognise that the leaders of the western world have more information that the ordinary people know little about, and accept the fact that Iran is ruled by a nutter and he is the next threat to all our freedoms.


Isreal is not whiter than white and that is accepted. But no Isrealis have conducted terrorist attacks supported by the Isreali Government while Iran is covertly supporting such actions against the State of Isreal, Iraq, USA, and Britain, by Palestinian terrorists etc.


Can't say I agree with the above, but I feel the USA is ruled by a warmongering nutter and is a major threat to all of our freedoms!!!!


- AFAIK the so called Palestinian terrorsists have only been targetting Israel, and although I certainly don't agree with the killing of innocent people, the way the Palestinains have been treated by the Israelis has been the major cause in their actions.


Various assasinations carried out by MOSSAD (these boys are very good at their jobs) could probably be seen as "terrorist" activities, although some would call it exercising foreign policy!


I don't think the Iranian Presidents stance is a good one to be taking at present, as previsouly mentioned, I think it's just sabre rattling.


There's no way in hell the US & Britain could get the manpower & resources together to take on Iran - they would seriously need some extra help - the Germans & French had some sense to not get embroilled in Iraq, so unless Iran really seriously became a threat, they wouldn't climb on board.

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On that note, I liked the joke doing the rounds where Bush is receiving a briefing with his aides. He is told that three Brazilian soldiers have been killed in a bombing.


He holds his head in his hands in desperation and his aides look on in astonishment at his reaction to this news.


Finally, he raises his head and looks to his aides asking "How many in a Brazilian?"

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Various assasinations carried out by MOSSAD (these boys are very good at their jobs) could probably be seen as "terrorist" activities, although some would call it exercising foreign policy!


I can't say that I agree with Israel's policy of assassination, but there is a difference in so much as it's intended targets are (para)military. Hamas makes no such distinction, regarding innocents as valid a (and easier) target as military ones

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Iran should be hit, should be hit now, and should be hit very very hard.


If we do not take the present Iranian government out NOW then the inevitable conflict will be very much more widespread and will be far more dangerous for the whole world.


This is not a war of our creation, it is not even a new war, but it is a war that is presently being lost.


Ahmadinejad is correct in one respect, the West IS weak. Not weak in terms of military strength or in the courage of most of the fighting men and women, but has weak government.


We LIKE weak government, personally I wish ours could be even weaker, it is a sign of a society that has freedoms, but those freedoms are the very weakness that are being exploited.


But I wonder if he is either stupid, bigoted, or very smart. I fancy the last two.


By bringing in Israel to the picture now any attacks of any form be they financial, sanctions, or military will be seen as part of the declared utter destruction of Israel by many of the followers of islam.


One thing is for sure, he has raised the stakes big time at least from our side. For the followers of islam they are in a win – win position. If they remove the threat by the West then they will get their own bomb and then God help us all. If we go in and many get killed then as martyrs they go straight to paradise so they win again.


Life for a follower of islam is not the same as for those of us in the West.

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