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Poor, Poor Oil Companies...


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From USA Today:


Big oil rakes in historic profits


While drivers have been paying up at the pump, profit has been gushing in to oil companies.


Thursday, ExxonMobil became the starkest example yet of how much big oil companies benefited from the huge run-up in oil prices in the third quarter even as two hurricanes ripped through the industry's Gulf Coast infrastructure. Exxon reported:


Profit up 75% to $9.9 billion. That's the second-most a U.S. company has earned in a three-month period, a USA TODAY analysis of data from Capital IQ found. It's greater than the annual gross domestic product of entire nations, including Niger, Zambia and Iceland.


Revenue up 32% to $100.7 billion. That's greater than the annual GDP of all but just 57 of the world's economies. It is also the most revenue — what is brought in selling goods and services — a U.S. corporation has posted in a quarter.


Exxon illustrates the energy sector's tremendous profit amid record-high energy prices. The industry is on pace to earn $96 billion this year — more than the USA's industrial and telecom companies will earn combined, says Standard & Poor's.


Royal Dutch Shell reported net income of $9 billion Thursday. This week, BP reported a $6.5 billion third-quarter profit and ConocoPhillips, $3.8 billion. Today, ChevronTexaco is expected to post earnings of $3.9 billion, says Reuters Estimates.


Granted, they are the figures for the USA, but still: (NOT) Nice to see that the oil companies tell us "Oh, it's so expensive to get the oil - sorry but we have to pass that cost on" while making historic profits - Bartards!


Still waiting for my "Thank You" Cards from Shell and Total - would deserve one by now... :angry:

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Boycott Esso


I remember blockading an ESSO garage when I was at uni. That was fun but tiring.


Are there any Esso garages left on the island? There used to be quite a lot but I remember most changed to Total for some reason.


There also used to be a number of BP stations, but they disappeared a long time ago. I think the choice is pretty much limited to Shell or Total, now.

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