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State Of The Island


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I don't really care about what the island can do for me it has done very little for me thus far so why stay somewhere that you are really beginning to hate.


As for the people i have met really nice people across who are not intrested in gossip or pulling you to pieces.


In fact in places i have been it reminds me of the isle of man 20 years ago, i think it depends where in the UK you move too i will not be moving to a large city more a rural area.


Some of you may think i am mad but when you can jump in the car and go away for the weekend and you don't need to pay the steam racket then that is also a bonus.


There is noting here for the average person its the pub or the TV and what do you do on the isle of man on a wet day lol.


You only have to see the ammount of university students who don't come back after they graduate.


I think the island only offers benefits to the finance sector, without it the island is nothing.

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Tool - good luck on your move to the Westcountry although I have my doubts whether you will find the grass any greener there. Day-to-day life will be no more exciting in rural Devon, after the novelty of driving farther than 30 miles in one stretch wears off you won't zoom off for the weekend and will curse the traffic jams on the A38 an M5, and your eyes will water when you see how much you are contributing to Gordon Brown's social re-engineering fund. Give it a go then reconsider your views about life on the Island.

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Leaving the Island is something I've been thinking about too recently. Realistically speaking, if it was to happen, I would only be looking at going to the UK for a year or two tops. Everything I do at the moment seems to be based on the island, my family, my friends, even my work. I know that I do live for this place but I've recently started a new aspect of my career and I've realised that I have far more talent than I've ever given myself credit for but there aren't that many opportunities over here.


So, when do I stop living for this place and start living for me? Or is this Island the whole point of me and would I die of a broken heart, or whatever, if I woke up in the morning and realised I wasn't here?


And what if they don't get my jokes?

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I echo Utah's points.


Puddy, only problem though with making what you think is a temporary move is that, suddenly, its permanent and very difficult to reverse! It may suit, or it may not. But that's life surely?


Personally, there is nothing that would make me move back to the UK, but, there again, I did try it. So if you really feel the need to go, go, but go with good grace and always leave the door ajar should you wish to return.

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Well i just want to see if anyone else is like me and thinking of moving.



Have you always lived on the Island? If so it is perfectly natural to go and live somewhere else - for a while at least. It is a small Island, so I couldn't imagine not having lived somewhere else - it will help you appreciate again what the Island has.

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Utah 01 i understand what you are saying regarding the bad points with living in the UK but surely there is more to offer in the UK than here?


People go on about the bad points in the UK but living costs here are far higher, the wages in the UK are the same as here now, so yeah you may pay more tax but thats better than paying over the top living costs.


I personally see the living costs over here as a stealth tax in a way when you add up the extra you pay on your food, heating, power, phone, petrol you are not much better off here.


Plus i have a better chance of buying a house in the UK than i ever would here so why stay somewhere that you have to rent for the rest of your life.


There is also a bigger population meaning more chance of work for myself.


P.S also the steam racket are going to keep adding onto the freight costs meaning we all pay more

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