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Man Jumped Onto Rocks


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just found it a bit shocking that people were taking the mick out of someone elses misfortune without knowing what Really Happened....


I suppose these people have never got anything wrong before.


shocking? you do read papers don't you? the media is always doing stuff like that, it's life these days

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just found it a bit shocking that people were taking the mick out of someone elses misfortune without knowing what Really Happened....


I suppose these people have never got anything wrong before.


Not really.... i think it is because jumping onto rocks isn't something somebody does everyday by accident, and because it is unusual and not an everyday incident people laugh at others misfortunes.

If i was there i would of helped the guy up and make sure he was ok, But i wasn't and it sounded so funny when i heard somebody say that somebody had not paid a taxi fare, run out of a taxi and jumped or fallen onto the rocks.


And the only reason it was funny to me was i thought "where the hell did he think he was going, He was trying to jump onto the beach but where was there to go once he did that!"


Longs the guys ok thats the main thing!

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Didn’t really explain what I meant, shocked is probably the wrong word, but I don’t want to get into a petty squabble over it , like has been said before the main thing is that he recovers from his injuries..


P.S Survivor I don’t read newspapers. I prefer the facts !!


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His name is Ian Mossip, score is, pissed up, he was sick in the cab, driver wanted £50 to clean it up as it takes alot of his time and and renders his car off the road for an hour or so. Mossip says "bollocks to that" does a runner, jumps over with railing with the style and grace of a pully girl on a chip diet, and lands with a crash smashing his right hip and breaking both legs!!


UNLUCKY :stupid:

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Not really funny though, is it? I might laugh if he'd fallen into the sea, or something like that, but breaking both legs and a hip is no laughing matter.


Feel sorry for the guy really, both for the pain that he's probably going through, and the fact that he was so pissed he felt it necesarry to do what he did.

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What IS it with you people? Feeling SORRY for him??


IF the story is correct as alleged here, he deserves nothing but our disdain. He's disgraced himself by blowing chunks in a taxi, and compounded that by trying to do a runner - in other words STEAL a legitimate charge levied by a taxi driver.


Had he been caught before his third act of loutish, drunken stupidity, he would no doubt have appeared in court to be given 'one last chance', told that 'alcohol is not your friend', and based his entire defence on not remembering a thing about any of it.


Our sympathy (or is it empathy?) would be better directed elsewhere!

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I pretty much agree but from what some have said this is rather out of character for the person concerned so if they're normally a decent person that wouldn't dream of doing something like this I can't begin to imagine quite how embarassed/ashamed they must be feeling, and (no pun intended) kicking themselves about the whole thing.


Everyone screws up sometimes. This guy has really learned the hard way though.

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I pretty much agree but from what some have said this is rather out of character for the person concerned so if they're normally a decent person that wouldn't dream of doing something like this I can't begin to imagine quite how embarassed/ashamed they must be feeling, and (no pun intended) kicking themselves about the whole thing.


Everyone screws up sometimes. This guy has really learned the hard way though.


The points in this post and the previous one are quite fair. Everyone DOES have their off-days and everyone does do something stupid at some point (but they usually don't get caught :)) I've never understood the fines that taxi drivers claim to charge if you puke in their cab - when people are that drunk a sign isn't going to discourage them. It's not a pleasant experience but 50GBP - I'd flee if that was the puking charge as well!

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I suppose when you think about the time it takes to clean it (never mind the foul stench) they've lost a lot of their overpriced fees especially at the weekend nightime so I can quite understand them charging that to be honest.


Shouldn't get so drunk that you would hurl with no warning!

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Just to point out a couple of facts:


The fixed fee for fouling a cab so that it has to be removed from service is £40. This is the case whether the person is sick, spills greasy chips etc over the seat, fails to control their bladder or whatever - all of which have happened to unlucky cab drivers in the past.

Except in the case of TX (London style) cabs, which are mainly leather fittings and can be cleaned out fairly easily, it takes a good deal more an hour to clean out the cab and make it serviceable for passengers again - remembering that the next person who gets in could well be wearing expensive clothes etc.

I've only ever had this happen once in the years that I've been driving a cab and it took the best part of three days to clean properly and completely remove the smell - time during which I wasn't able to earn any money and my cab wasn't available to regular customers or the general public.

Since then, I've tried to avoid picking up 'staggering drunks,' people with unwrapped food or those who are carrying opened drinks (you may find it hard to believe, but some people actually try to hide open bottles in their pockets!) - most of whom are the very same people who can't understand why they have such difficulty finding a cab to take them home!

I wouldn't wish the degree of harm that this guy has suffered on anyone, but my sympathy is somewhat muted by the circumstances.

As far as I'm aware, the legal position is that he still has to pay the 'fouling charge' as well as the metered fare up to that point.

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Since then, I've tried to avoid picking up 'staggering drunks,' people with unwrapped food or those who are carrying opened drinks (you may find it hard to believe, but some people actually try to hide open bottles in their pockets!) - most of whom are the very same people who can't understand why they have such difficulty finding a cab to take them home!

Are these the same kind of people that jump straight in front of any car that remotely resembles a taxi during Fr/Sa night "Promenade madness"? Suicidal idiots, some of them..

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