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Derbyhaven's New Housing Estate


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Sorry BOM, but why not? So you get planning permission, then you have to find backers, or partners or whoever to deliver it! A client of mine is going through the same problems with a development elsewhere, only when we get planning permission will there be anything to market to potential partners to deliver it.


In the meantime, the costs of various surveys (traffic, zoning, outline planning permission, environmental etc.) is quite staggering. There is a tremendous amount of investment before the project gets even to the planning approval stage. You just have to hope that, having made that investment, they are really serious. I suspect they are.

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I suspect they are not and I also suspect DomDel suspect's they are not and IMO its good there is suspicion about another Mount Murray...you can see it a mile off..a grubby deal done behind closed doors for the building of a new hotel in return for building some "timeshare" apartments that will end up as year round residential...

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does anyone know if members of the planning committee are allowed to accept "gifts" from developers and if there is any mandatory requirement to disclose gifts or benefits received from developers??



The Chair I think is currently an MLC, Claire Christian. There are no doubt strict rules on this sort of thing and I can't believe any member of the Planning Committee would accept "gifts" and surely if they were offered he/she would report it.

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but there's a saying "everyone has their price" !!!! and one person's price will be more, or less, than someone else's... if there is no ongoing scrutiny of the financial means and backgrounds of the committee then who is to say "favours" (golf membership fees paid,,,hospitality nights, trips off the Island, etc) .. aren't available??

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I agree you can't be too careful and these things must be scrutinised with legal penalties for any who infringe the rules. As you might say the rules must be seen to being observed otherwise suspicion could fall on the innocent and the guilty alike and another hughly expensive Government Inquiry would be started so that the matter could then be brushed under the carpet!

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In this week's IOM EXaminer page 3 - its alleged that in March 2003 GFL said and wrote one thing about land at Derbyhaven and now when it suits him better (and being alledgedly rightious and morally good as a "Christian") he can do and say something else...would you trust this man??

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I shall be meeting Mr Vermeulen next week to discuss the issues and see how these plans can be stopped.


There is a housing problem on the Island Charles which, arguably, can be traced back to Dominic Delaney's tenure in charge of DOLGE [a long time ago] when construction of new houses, particularly public sector houses, virtually ground to a halt.

New house builds, given the problem, should be a priority. I agree the proposed development at DerbyHaven is not appropriate. However, it seems negative to me if prospective politicians, such as yourself, are always against new proposals. Can you not balance opposition to much needed new housing with suggestions for alternative locations ?

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I thoroughly agree with your view.


One of the things I have insisted on as Chair of SPMCE is that people have to have houses. They must be built. My Society, since I have been Chairman, does suggest alternatives - brownfield sites where appropriate. We do not go aroundcontinually opposing developments. We look at the individual circumstances, make suggestions for improvement if possible, sometimes support the development but in cases like Derbyhaven we will oppose it all the way if that is what the local people want and we believe in their case.


When significant changes are made to plans, it usually means having to start at the beginning again and submitting a new plan. It is like our legal system - black or white, shades of grey are not allowed.

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