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A Licence To Fish In The Sea


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I make no secret that I loath and utterly detest the awful Bleah and his sycophantic load of crypto-socialist do-good-ing self motivated fools who lack one iota of common sense between them let alone any idea of what life in the real world is about, but this latest from DEFRA beats the band.


Not content with handing over the UK sea fishing grounds to anyone who asked in the so called negotiations in Brussels with the resultant decimation of the UK fishing fleet and then the decimation of the fishing grounds as a result of the usually illegal and always disastrous industrial fishing methods used –by the Spanish and the French, they now have the utter bloody impertinence to propose an annual licence for the recreational angler who wants to dangle over the edge of the pier or from his boat.


We continually see the joyless cold grey corpse-like hand of socialism inflicting more and more ‘nanny-state’ legislation on the country – and by inevitable extension on the Isle of Man – mark my words - but this is surely the most utterly disgusting means to impose yet ANOTHER stealth tax under the all-too reasonable excuse of ‘being good for the environment.


If these arseholes REALLY wanted to improve the environment they would renege on the Common Fishing Policy and kick the marine vacuum cleaners that are disguised as trawlers of the Spanish and the French out of our waters and make them take their dolphin murdering ‘curtains-of-death’ nets with them.


But no. Instead no doubt as a result of some initiative by some spotty individuals recently employed as a result of one of the amazing job adverts to be seen in the Guardian having completed their worthless NuLabour ‘deg-rees’* from some 3rd rank former poly’ or art school now labelled as a ‘uni’ in the forlorne hope that by changing the title it would in some way change the place ad the dross who pass through its portals, we are to let the NuLabour get their sticky fingers on what was just about the last place within spitting distance where there was at least a vestige of freedom.


Is there really no limit to what these awful arrogant clueless ‘social-engineering’ types who are still metaphorically if not in some cases actually wet behind the ears will be allowed to get away with?


Are we to continue to be dictated to by some stupid vegan not yet sufficiently developed to advance beyond the wearing of a trainer-bra who in times not so long ago would have been selling hot peanuts over a counter in Woolworths but is now assumed to have some sense simply because she has demonstrated her ability to regurgitate parrot fashion what she has had indoctrinated into her in some training factory and be listened to and have her ‘opinion’ considered as a result?


A license to fish in the sea? What next I wonder – a window tax on the grounds that as a window allows the escape of heat so tax the window area that each house has in the name of environmental preservation and the reduction of CO2 emissions. The REALLY frightening thing is that it is entirely possible with this lot in office – or ‘in power’ as the awful Bleah is so fond of repeating.




Here's someone else thoughts from another website ---


Open letter on annual sea licence

Campaign for angling seeking assurances


Sea anglers should be aware of a Government proposal to impose a £22 annual licence on them for pursuing their sport. The proposal is rightly based on concern for conservation, but the Countryside Alliance seeks reassurance on a number of issues.


The projected £3m annual revenue that would be generated by this licence fee would probably not even pay for enforcement around the UK's 3,100 mile coastline, far less offer any tangible conservation benefits.


Indeed, who would enforce this licence? At present the jurisdiction of the Environment Agency, which enforces inland rod licences, stops at the estuary.


Other concerns include defining exactly who would be licenced (trawler men, mackerel-spinning children, line-caught bass fishers? What are the proposed "conservation measures?"


Existing measures from conservation groups like the Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society and the National Federation of Sea Anglers should be enhanced rather than cut across.


This licencing proposal throws up many questions, but looking at the bigger picture it is time that Government adopted a more holistic policy towards all wildlife. The cost of wildlife management should be met, in part, by those who benefit from harvesting it. In turn, it follows that they would like to see that their contribution is not absorbed in the funding of



It is they, after all, who must live with the consequences.


Charles Jardine


Campaign for Angling

Countryside Alliance

367 Kennington Road


SE11 4PT

Posted 5/8/2004

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Who actually decides where a river ends and where the sea starts?


and how would you know? is there a sign saying no river fishing past this point?


or one that says you are now entering a sea fishing zone only?


or if this comes in to place and you have to pay for sea fishing does this then mean having to buy 2 lisenses when estuary fishing just incas your in the wrong area?



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Sea anglers should be aware of a Government proposal to impose a £22 annual licence on them for pursuing their sport. The proposal is rightly based on concern for conservation, but the Countryside Alliance seeks reassurance on a number of issues.


Pathetic isn't it, I don't think I would pay it to be honest.

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This is hilarious


Where do you start on policing the 1000s of miles of coastline?


Licenses for rivers makes sense because they are often dliberately stocked and maintained by fisheries authorities and landowners.


Also, are they seriously suggesting that what recreational anglers contribute to the decimation of the stock levels actually makes any dent in the problem when one trawler is likely to dredge up more fish in one go than you could in 20 years of angling.

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I'm sure I read years ago they were trying to license pleasure angling from the beaches. The idea was scrapped or just put on hold, I can't find any links to it though.

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More garbage from overpaid civil servants I think.


However, I dare suggest there should be some control of sea/pier/beach/rock anglers around the IOM coasts.


I have seen young lads on the piers at Douglas catch fish and cut their fins off and throw them back alive. That is unnecessary cruelty. Also parents who have taken their kids down the pier with fishing rods (bought for them as birthday presents)having no idea whatsover how to deal humanely with the fish they caught.


If there was a licence scheme to prevent such barbarity I would be in support of it but not for the financial reasons as infered but for marine welfare.


Since I was a lad of 7 I have fished around the IOM with a rod and later on in life went out in fishing boats.


I do not do it anymore because to be quite honest I got sick of the killing and gutting. Having said that my friends and I were not cruel and only fished enough for the table of our friends and our own.

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I have seen young lads on the piers at Douglas catch fish and cut their fins off and throw them back alive.



Isn't that what most fishemen do, not only cut there fins off but gut them whilst they are still alive as well...

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I make no secret that I loath and utterly detest the awful Bleah and his sycophantic load of crypto-socialist do-good-ing self motivated fools who lack one iota of common sense between them let alone any idea of what life in the real world is about,  but this latest from DEFRA beats the band.


Not content with handing over the UK sea fishing grounds to anyone who asked in the so called negotiations in Brussels with the resultant decimation of the UK fishing fleet and then the decimation  of the fishing grounds as a result of the usually illegal and always disastrous industrial fishing methods used –by the Spanish and the French, they now have the utter bloody impertinence to propose an annual licence for the recreational angler who wants to dangle over the edge of the pier or from his boat.


But no.  Instead no doubt as a result of some initiative by some spotty individuals recently employed as a result of one of the amazing job adverts to be seen in the Guardian having completed their worthless NuLabour ‘deg-rees’* from some 3rd rank former poly’  or art school now labelled as a ‘uni’ in the forlorne hope that  by changing the title it would in some way change the place ad the dross who pass through its portals, we are to let the NuLabour get their sticky fingers on what was just about the last place within spitting distance where there was at least a vestige of freedom.


Actually it was Heath who started the UK down the long and slippery slope to letting the the Fench into our fishing waters but Maggie was the one that gave the Spanish carte blanche to hoover up ALL the fish in our fishing zones irrespective of future stocks. Well Rog, surely you know this stuff? Don't write for The Daily Mail do you?


Come on Rog, despite your obvious hatred for Blair he has nothing whatever to do with letting the Spanish decimate our fish stocks. Starting to look a little paranoid here...

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Actually it was Heath who started the UK down the long and slippery slope to letting the the Fench into our fishing waters but Maggie was the one that gave the Spanish carte blanche to hoover up ALL the fish in our fishing zones irrespective of future stocks. Well Rog, surely you know this stuff? Don't write for The Daily Mail do you?


Come on Rog, despite your obvious  hatred for Blair he has nothing whatever to do with letting the Spanish decimate our fish stocks. Starting to look a little paranoid here...


Like so many things that started out as being reasonable Bleah has successfully made them worse or done nothing when they started going pear-shaped.


In any case paranoia is unreasonable or irrational. There is nothing at all unreasonable or irrational about my feelings for NuLabour and my taxes show that my feelings of being persecuted are very well founded indeed.

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Like so many things that started out as being reasonable Bleah has successfully made them worse or done nothing when they started going pear-shaped.


In any case paranoia is unreasonable or irrational. There is nothing at all unreasonable or irrational about my feelings for NuLabour and my taxes show that my feelings of being persecuted are very well founded indeed.

I thought it was down to the EU's Common Fisheries Policy? I could be wrong of course. Like all reasonable people I understand it is all a question of degree. If I have 5 pots then I am a "hobby" fisherman. More than that then I have to be regulated.


I have only one thing to say about Gordon Brown:


"At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask!"


Edited to add : Well Rog, if you dislike Blair and Brown so much why don't you vote with your feet and become a tax exile? I know of a small offshore island that would probably suit. Sure the natives are a bit cranky and the politics are dubious at best but at least you will be giving a lot less to The Treasury. If you are starting to feel persecuted then I would give it serious thought if I were you if only for the sake of your mental health!

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Well Rog, if you dislike Blair and Brown so much why don't you vote with your feet and become a tax exile? I know of a small offshore island that would probably suit. !




Plus too many bad and sad memories.


It’s a nice place to visit and it’s great to keep contact with, but I could never live on the Island again.

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"Isn't that what most fishemen do, not only cut there fins off but gut them whilst they are still alive as well... "


No. The fish are killed once taken off the hook before the gutting.


And if taken from nets to be gutted they are usually dead before the gutting takes place.


But I cannot speak for some of the cowboys who sadly operate today whether by rod, longline, or net.


There really is no need for unnecessary cruelty in farming the the sea.

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