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International News Networks


Which is the best network?  

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I'm sick of only being able to watch CNN or Arirang (Korean entertainment network) if I want to watch TV. I could watch Polish TV but it's difficult to understand the English when you have a lektor speaking in Polish in the foreground. Hopefully I'll have a dish to get more channels soon.


What's your favorite international news channel?


BBC is nice and uniquely it's mostly unbiased

CNN is terrible. It's biased towards the religious-right and full of commercials.\

EURONEWS is sweet and informative but it's repetitive and French.

SKY NEWS I haven't seen for years but it's run by the devil (Murdoch)

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Why is Rupert Murdoch the devil?


Because of his support for tyrants like Bush and Blair. Because his media networks (Fox, News International, Sky TV, Star TV) destroy all other decent television in its path. Because of his past treatment of unionized workers. Because of his attitudes towards gay people. Because he's Murdoch.


My best friend Rupert


Check out the post by Paul from Canada.

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CNN biased? Maybe, but towards the religious right? That's almost as unfounded as claiming the BBC is free of bias!



At least the BBC is free from commercial pressure and its owner's political views and donations. CNN regularly trie to push the neo-con/Cheny (apologies if I've spelt Dick's name incorrectly) viewpoint and they always try to insit that the American view of globalization is the only way.


I've had to watch it for a month now and that opinion doesn't take long to materialize.

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I've never understood why British people complain about Murdoch and call him the devil etc. It just seems to be one of those "trendy causes" that make people think you're a well informed educated person or something. American's i can kind of understand, he does hold a lot of power over there purely because he owns such a large section of the media over there. In Britain he doesn't have that much say, okay he refused to give into the unions in the 80's but hardly worthy of calling him the devil. Don't get me wrong he's done some detestable things but i don't get the hatred for him, he owns a lot of the media that is available to us but if it wasn't him it would be someone else, perhaps even Ted Turner!

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I've never understood why British people complain about Murdoch and call him the devil etc.

Anyone who removes cricket from terrestrial television and puts it on Sky has to have a pretty comfy relationship with the dark side IMO!

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I've never understood why British people complain about Murdoch and call him the devil etc. It just seems to be one of those "trendy causes" that make people think you're a well informed educated person or something. American's i can kind of understand, he does hold a lot of power over there purely because he owns such a large section of the media over there. In Britain he doesn't have that much say, okay he refused to give into the unions in the 80's but hardly worthy of calling him the devil. Don't get me wrong he's done some detestable things but i don't get the hatred for him, he owns a lot of the media that is available to us but if it wasn't him it would be someone else, perhaps even Ted Turner!


He has Sky TV/Digital which is some 80% of the digital market. He owns The Sun which alone is 33% of the newspaper market plus The Times. Someone help me out- what else does he own in the UK? Isn't Channel 5 owned by him too?

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I've never understood why British people complain about Murdoch and call him the devil etc.

Anyone who removes cricket from terrestrial television and puts it on Sky has to have a pretty comfy relationship with the dark side IMO!


Did Murdoch remove the cricket, or did the people that sold him the rights and took his money?


I can never understand criticism of businessmen who enhance their business through legitimate means, which as directors of the business is their job.

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There are certain major sporting events that are 'protected' i.e. guaranteed to be reserved for screening on terrestrial Tv (such as the FA Cup Final etc). England's home test matches would be IMO if Mr Bliar wasn't so dependant on the support of certain media outlets which just happen to be owned by Beelzebub Murdoch!

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Yes SKY tv broadcasts a large percentage of Digital TV over here but actually very few of the channels are run or owned by sky. I'm yet to hear of a channel being refused access to the SKY satellite because they don't agree with Murdoch's own views.


He happens to own the most popular newspaper in the UK....perhaps people buy it because they enjoy it and actually like the views in it. Ever stop to think that some people might actually agree with Murdoch and his right wing views? Murdoch and his company are restricted to 20% of total national media circulation, the only way they could expand was via satellite and digital TV. Hence why they basically run the digital service in the UK.


And anyway nearly all of the media companies alter their content to suit their own needs, just look at Disney and the paoedophiles in theme parks scandal. ABC refused to broadcast the documentary on it because Disney run them....why people see this as them being evil i don't understand, it's not in their interests to show a documentary badmouthing their own company. Because of the mix of large media ownership there will always be one who will be quite willing to air information that is against their opponents (just look at the papers last week when every paper covered the Rebekah Wade incident on their front page except the Sun and Times)


Oh and the main players News International own in Britain are:

The Sun

The Times (and the ToS)

The NotW

Harper Collins Publishing





So far Lonan3 has made the most sensible argument against Murdoch....and i blame the Govt. for that one, they should have included some cricket as one of the "heritage" sports.

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