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Driving On The Mountain Road


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My girlfriend travels to Ramsey across the mountain to get to work every day. I have to say I'm scared of that road, or should I say how some people drive on it.


I think it is time for a speed limit on mountain road. Every few days I hear of another accident and I feel sick in the stomach.


I was a passenger in a pretty bad smash not long ago and I can only say it has had long lasting psychological effect on me. If only people could understand what it feels like both physically and mentally to be involved in an accident I sure they would slow down...

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Your probably right chopley... I just wish they would do something to stop the crashes. All we seem to hear about lately is crashes and it really saddens me.


Perhaps the police could organise something. I do think the signs with casualty totals are thought provoking but then it is easier to preach to the converted.


That said I did some stupid things when I first passed my driving test, I just thank the lord nothing ever happend.

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However, I honestly don't believe a speed limit is the answer. The vast majority of the nutcase driving I see over the mountain road happens at less than 60mph, which would most likely be the limit if one were imposed.


The answer isn't a speed a limit, the answer is driver education, 60mph is plenty fast enough to cause an awful amount of hurt or even death.

Bang. That's the sound of a nail being hit right on the head.


A couple of months ago, I was knocked off my bike. In Douglas. The short of it is, I slowed down approaching a junction, the woman driving a car behind me didn't. She immediately admitted she wasn't looking where she was going. We were both doing <20 mph, in a 30mph speed limit, so bleating on about

more speed restrictions is not a panacea.

Interesting facts:

Because everything was done by the book ( 1) I wasn't injured 2) We exchanged insurance details 3) no-one else was involved) , the nice policeman that turned up said that not only no action would be taken, but it would not even be logged as an incident (!) _How many_ things like this happen and go unreported?


<mode='mystic meg'>

When the speed limit comes in, I think that a whole raft of other safety features will come in at the same time, improved lighting, signage, road surfacing and so forth, and if this improves safety, then the speed nanny brigade will triumphantly go 'See! We were right!'


A few years ago, I did an advanced riding course, based out of the test centre. It was fun, informative, and cheap.

It was also scrapped on the very last day (just as I was going to get my certificate, grrrr) due to the funding being pulled. Anyone know anything about this? Sticks cheaper than carrots?


Oh and todays rant, L and R platers, even if you're on an R1, you're still only allowed to do 50, kids today, I don't know, blood boil etc. et

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Tbh I don't think speed limits on the Mountain Road will have much effect. The only practical solution is a widening of the entire road with hash markings to seperate the two traffic flows. I think the DoT are going to do this at Windy Corner already but there are many other spots on that road that could benefit from it also.


Sadly cost and the TT will almost certainly mean it will never happen

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I think a better standard of driving and understanding how to control a car in difficult conditions would be a step forward, I have seen people do 40 mph in a 30 mph limit when its a nice clear day,

I have also seen idiots driving at 40 mph in a 30 mph zone when its heavy rain!!. People should have to retake their driving test every ten years and i think that would reduce alot of driver errors which cause accidents.

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several sections of the TT course need re-engineering to suit todays much increased traffic but of course the 'racing line' dare not be touched - we also push programs showing Langness residents travelling at high speed on unrestricted roads (even closing the road specially for them), push the Island as 'road racing capital' then wonder why we kill so many innocent users.

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I'm no expert but the places on the mountain I can think of as dangerous are mainly blind corners or kinks caused by there being a mountain there.... it strikes me that rather than a racing issue the simple fact of cost would be more important as large chunks of mountain, plus road closures during work, would cause significant budget issues...


For me you can only take a nanny state too far before you realise that unless you ban people from having free will accidents will occur for whatever chain of events or reasons. You need to draw the line somewhere.

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Does anyone know how the road traffic accidents figures stack up against a similar sized place in the UK or Ireland?


Here's an idea how about improving public transport for workers. Do they have express buses over here that only stop at selected places?

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I think a better standard of driving and understanding how to control a car in difficult conditions would be a step forward, I have seen people do 40 mph in a 30 mph limit when its a nice clear day,

I have also seen idiots driving at 40 mph in a 30 mph zone when its heavy rain!!. People should have to retake their driving test every ten years and i think that would reduce alot of driver errors which cause accidents.


I agree. 10 years seems reasonable and for a re-take not as many lessons/tests should be necessary so the cost shouldn't be too high. You're correct in saying that people need to be more aware of the conditions of the road and the standards of their own driving.


Re-testing every ten years? Good idea?

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Well even with a 70mph speed limit the mountain will always have accidents what we need is speed cameras in the black spots i know they are a pain but they save lives.


The police could never stop speeding on the mountain they know it, they would have to be full time on that road to stop the accidents and half the reason there is problems is people running late for work taking chances.


Me personally i only do 50 mph but that is because i know that the roads are that bad anything over 50 mph and you in trouble.


Bikers are not the problem on the roads its car drivers not being taking care.


I would like to see a 70 mph limit on the mountain for cars only let the bikes have the no limits as they seem to be the safest transpot on the roads these days.


Its time the police sorted out the bad drivers if they went over the mountain in a unmarked car a rush hour they could easily nail a few.

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Maggie i think a limit would not cure anything on the mountain.


About time the police did their job and clamped down on the foolish overtaking and driving, i am self employed and i don't leave the house till 9am so i miss the idiots on the mountain, just means you get there safe and sound.

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The fact that they're going too fast to stop show that speed plays a very important part. A lot of these idiot drivers think to themselves "now I'm on the mountain, fuck it, I can go as fast as I want, and I can overtake what I want". And to everyone who says "it's not a speed limit we need..." what harm will a speed-limit do? None.

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Well even with a 70mph speed limit the mountain will always have accidents what we need is speed cameras in the black spots i know they are a pain but they save lives.


The police could never stop speeding on the mountain they know it, they would have to be full time on that road to stop the accidents and half the reason there is problems is people running late for work taking chances.


Me personally i only do 50 mph but that is because i know that the roads are that bad anything over 50 mph and you in trouble.


Bikers are not the problem on the roads its car drivers not being taking care.


I would like to see a 70 mph limit on the mountain for cars only let the bikes have the no limits as they seem to be the safest transpot on the roads these days.


Its time the police sorted out the bad drivers if they went over the mountain in a unmarked car a rush hour they could easily nail a few.


All good suggestions (if bad grammar). I've never thought that bikes were unsafe but they're certainly not the safest transport on the roads. (What about the trams). More cameras, more police, maybe a few cattle-grids for fun.


Companies need to start allowing staff to be late especially when punctuality isn't essential (offices). This will enable people to have more flexible hours and stop the 'rush' which is a large part of many peoples lives.

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