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Driving On The Mountain Road


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I've not really read this thread properly, just skimmed through a few posts, but I have an idea. Why don't they just put up signs saying where you can and can't overtake? If it's not a safe spot, then you are not allowed to overtake, and if it is, then you can? Wouldn't cost alot to put some signs up and I think people take more notice of them than they do speed limits.


Just a thought

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Most people seem to be fairly intelligent and can judge for themselves what speed is safe to drive at but maybe, for the thick as pigshit few we could have a series of advised speed limits along the Mountain (which they have started to introduce at the Creg ny Baa during the TT and Grand Prix - 30mph), in addition to other driver instructions.


The signs could say things like 'Don't even think about overtaking here'. 'Or here'. 'Look, just back off, ok!' 'Pay attention'. 'Drop down a gear'. 'Go down another. No, not yet, hang on. Now'. 'Turn the steering wheel to your left'. 'A bit more'. 'You shouldn't be doing more than 30 here. Christ, can't you judge it for yourself!?'. 'What are you playing at?' 'You can overtake here aslong as the road is clear all the way and the conditions are perfect and your car has enough power to complete the manouvre safely even if the person infront decides to put their foot down when they see you overtaking which so many of them do'. 'Is it raining? Foggy? Snowy? Well, back off then.' 'Had your eyes tested recently? No? Well why not pop into your local opticians and ask for details?'. 'Is the driver infront wearing a hat? - If so they're either a boy racer or old, or perhaps they just like the challenge that headwear puts on their driving abilities, so keep your distance!' 'Thank you and have a nice day', etc.

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Double white lines / no overtaking signs: Quite a good idea, in sections where it is inappropriate to overtake.


Variable speed limits: good idea, but who would obey, (bother to) police and set these limits? Think a CCTV system would have to go in too. And if you've got that in why not use that to monitor and punish people making stupid manoeuvres?

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I agree on the Double white lines tactic.

Have them for 80% of the mountain road and have about 3 or 4 sections for overtaking.

Maybe even change the 3 or 4 sections to 4 lanes for safe overtaking.


I would like to think most people would report anyone overtaking on double white lines. Whereas I assume not many people report "risky" overtaking.

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There are double white lines along parts of the mountain road.... the bottom line is some fucking dozy twat will still overtake into a blind bend regardless of the lines on the road be it 30mph/50mph/70mph

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There are double white lines along parts of the mountain road.... the bottom line is some fucking dozy twat will still overtake into a blind bend regardless of the lines on the road be it 30mph/50mph/70mph


Especialy on the double whites about half way beyween Windy Corner and the top of the Creg. I've been overtaken many a time there and it's not as if I'm a slow diver either. Just stupid people trying to save what can be at most 20 seconds on their journey to Douglas

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Those were the exact ones I was thinking of!


Especially there on the way to Douglas.... i mean maybe it's worth overtaking a slower car at the start of the mountain when safe but there? you'll be 5 seconds faster into town

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when I started using the mountain road to go to and from work, the road surface was red chippings, very grippy and not affected by frost, then they put bloa knox ( is that how you spell it ?) - very smooth black stuff, but in the winter it turned white and sheet ice, and they had to put chippings on it.


The road markings were also different then, (I seem to remember some were red paint) there were dotted lines, then approaching bends or corners the lines were longer, and at the corners there were circles in the gaps in the lines for extra warning (for when you could only see 2 or 3 dots in the fog)


Between 8.30 and 9am I used to pass all of about 10 cars coming the other way, and you could tell if you were early or late by where you passed the regulars !.


How things have changed :-(

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Most people seem to be fairly intelligent and can judge for themselves what speed is safe to drive at but maybe, for the thick as pigshit few we could have a series of advised speed limits along the Mountain

Something like this:




The German traffic sign meaning "Richtgeschwindigkeit" or "Advised speed" - you'll mainly find it on Motorways and it "suggests" the speed you should be doing, although you don't have to (The general "advised speed" for all German Autobahns is 130KM/H, but you can go as fast as you like if there are no other limits in place).


Doesn't do anything, you think? I thought so too - until my driving instructor (years back) told me that your insurance can come back to you if you crash above that speed and will ask you, why you weren't doing the "advised speed" - if you haven't got a really good answer to that question, then they can simply refuse to pay for the damage on your car...(although all third party damage would obviously still be covered..)


Reaching the brain through the wallet, I guess...


As for a speed limit: No good if it isn't enforced


Speed Limit = Speed Cameras, and vise versa


For the mountain, this solution might be the best way to reduce accidents, IMO. Some more white lines won't make a difference...

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my driving instructor (years back) told me that your insurance can come back to you if you crash above that speed and will ask you, why you weren't doing the "advised speed" - if you haven't got a really good answer to that question, then they can simply refuse to pay for the damage on your car...(although all third party damage would obviously still be covered..)

This simply doesn't work. I can well remember driving on an autobahn near Stuttgart doing about 120 mph in order to get to Geheimsraat (I think it was) in time for scoff. My passenger pointed out that at this speed if we have an RTA our insurance would not cover us. I told him that in the unlikely event we actually survive the experience we would lie about it....

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Changing a speed limit wouldn't really help as the only people who would keep to them, are the one's not doing stupid speeds and dangerous overtaking in the first place!


Oh and driver education is the best step forward and how about all R plated drivers have to have a speed moniter fitted,so when they go over 60 mph (I know the limit for R plates is 50, but for overtaking they may need extra speed) there speed is recorded on a database od some kind.


Also if there is to many restrictions put on the mountain then people will just divert to the costal road way and treat that as a race course!


(I have probaly made a few grammar and spelling errors but i'm expressing my opinion not writing an english essay!)

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