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Driving On The Mountain Road


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Are you trying to tell me that some Mark 1 fiesta can safely corner better than say a BMW M3? Tosh.

No, but I'm saying it's the sort of thing a boy-racer would bring into the debate.


All I was trying to bring in to the debate is that people drive their crappy old cars that have no MOT done and go unchecked for years round the island, which I think is just as much a danger as people who drive too fast.

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The legislation has to be put in place to cater for cars that are road legal, whether or not they'd get good reviews for handling from Jeremy Clarkson.


If Clios and Fiestas with skinny tyres are allowed on the road, then that's what the laws need to be geared around - the lowest common denominator if you like.

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The legislation has to be put in place to cater for cars that are road legal, whether or not they'd get good reviews for handling from Jeremy Clarkson.


If Clios and Fiestas with skinny tyres are allowed on the road, then that's what the laws need to be geared around - the lowest common denominator if you like.


I'm not just talking about skinny tyres, or type of car, I'm talking about condition. My sister used to drive a shed of a car and I know for a fact that in the UK it would not be on the road as there is no chance it would pass an MOT. Yes, if you get stopped over here the police will look at your car but they don't exactly do it a lot.


I'm ashamed to say that in my previous car the tyre actually wore down to metal before I got it changed.

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I appreciate what your saying about types of cars being built to cope with handling corners and conditions, But by some cars taking corners faster and which safer within THEIR ability, but this then goes on to pressure the other vehicles in front to perhaps drive a little faster, or not slow down for that corner so much, mainly because their looking out their rear view mirror at the car rather closely approaching their arse and next thing.....BANG they hit a fence if their lucky or if not their rear end is kicking out and their sliding across the road into the path of an oncoming vehicle...

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Different cars can handle corners in different ways.


However, no amount of performance car will give you the ability to see around the corner for potential hazards.

If your car can handle a corner at 70mph and there is a hazard in the road that you couldn't see ( basic laws of physics here) you will be more likely to avoid it and be in better control of your car at 40mph than at 70mph.

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It doesnt mattr how fast a car can take a corner, the danger comes when the driver pushes their car over its ability to grip the road.


Whether thats at 30 or 60 u have the same outcome, u could argue infact that those cars which can take corners quicker are more of a danger as when they lose it, it will be more spectacular!!! and more likely to cause carnage!!!

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I like the education idea.

Ive always thought it would be a good idea to publish the results of road crash investigations.

If I read that someone crashed going round fishers hill bend at 40mph when the weather conditions were perfect and there was nothing wrong with the car then that would make me think twice about what speed to do there.

At the very least publishing the reports would make aware the most dangerous corners on the roads.

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Just one small point, the law has changed now to 17 as the minimum age.

Hi eveyone, I'm new to all this so forgive me any simple mistakes!

The driving age has not changed yet.The DOT was to submit its proposals in october,with a view to changing the law on the 1st of feb or sept of 2006 being the two most practical dates.Also the law will still allow 16 year olds to drive but not sit their test until they are 17.Not sure if the regulations have been passd yet

Personally i think the lack of a speed limit leads to a more reckless attitude towards speed,if people have an upper limit of 70mph how much would they be prepared exceed the limit knowing that the courts come down harder the more you break the limit.Would this force some of the tonne up heroes to think again?

Well as i say theres a 1st time for everything so thats my two penneth worth hope i haven't made an arse of myself ,and if i have be gentle.

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Just one small point, the law has changed now to 17 as the minimum age.

Hi eveyone, I'm new to all this so forgive me any simple mistakes!

The driving age has not changed yet.The DOT was to submit its proposals in october,with a view to changing the law on the 1st of feb or sept of 2006 being the two most practical dates.Also the law will still allow 16 year olds to drive but not sit their test until they are 17.Not sure if the regulations have been passd yet

Personally i think the lack of a speed limit leads to a more reckless attitude towards speed,if people have an upper limit of 70mph how much would they be prepared exceed the limit knowing that the courts come down harder the more you break the limit.Would this force some of the tonne up heroes to think again?

Well as i say theres a 1st time for everything so thats my two penneth worth hope i haven't made an arse of myself ,and if i have be gentle.


I agree. A speed limit is a useful tool for people to judge how safe a road is for driving on. If a road has a low limit then you shouldn't drive fast on it because of houses, road conditions or past experience. It's useful for all drivers especially drivers who've never driven in the area before.

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Why not just make the mountain road one way during busy periods.

8 - 10 am Ramsey to Douglas

4 - 6 pm Douglas to Ramsey


I know that this would not stop all t problems, but most RTAs happen during the 'rush hour'


I have been to a number of events where all surrounding roads have been made one way before and after the event, we don't have the option of adding lanes to the mountain, so why not use the lanes we have to better effect.


I know it will mean that there's 5-10 more minutes added to the journey for those going in the other direction, but after a while people wil get used it.

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yes the magical anti crash speed limit signs, that will do it. Seems to work elsewhere in the world.....



Personally i think that Education and engine restrictions for new drivers would be more effective.


Speed limit signs may not magically stop crashes,but a speed limit will go a long way to reducing the balls out don't give a dam attitude which is so often displayed on our roads.

Its relatively easy, to enforce put up the signs and a couple of gatso's on say the mountain mile, 1or 2 on the old castletown rd, balla moda straight[think thats how you spell it]etc,etc.

We often hear that people slow down just for these cameras and cause accidents,so whats to stop the police using a mobile unit as they do in the uk.I'm fairly certain that the revenue generated by these cameras would pay for driver education.

Also the chief examiner from the test centre has over recent years visited local schools and given talks about driver safety.The idiots we see every day pay no heed to education as since the day they pass their test they think they are immortal at the wheel of a car.

Hit the lunatic fringe in the pockets with some stiff fines and lets see how keen they are to carry on ignoring the consequences or keep there licences.

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