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Driving On The Mountain Road


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Just one small point, the law has changed now to 17 as the minimum age.

Hi eveyone, I'm new to all this so forgive me any simple mistakes!

The driving age has not changed yet.The DOT was to submit its proposals in october,with a view to changing the law on the 1st of feb or sept of 2006 being the two most practical dates.Also the law will still allow 16 year olds to drive but not sit their test until they are 17.Not sure if the regulations have been passd yet

Personally i think the lack of a speed limit leads to a more reckless attitude towards speed,if people have an upper limit of 70mph how much would they be prepared exceed the limit knowing that the courts come down harder the more you break the limit.Would this force some of the tonne up heroes to think again?

Well as i say theres a 1st time for everything so thats my two penneth worth hope i haven't made an arse of myself ,and if i have be gentle.



yes the magical anti crash speed limit signs, that will do it. Seems to work elsewhere in the world.....



Personally i think that Education and engine restrictions for new drivers would be more effective.


Speed limit signs may not magically stop crashes,but a speed limit will go a long way to reducing the balls out don't give a dam attitude which is so often displayed on our roads.

Its relatively easy, to enforce put up the signs and a couple of gatso's on say the mountain mile, 1or 2 on the old castletown rd, balla moda straight[think thats how you spell it]etc,etc.

We often hear that people slow down just for these cameras and cause accidents,so whats to stop the police using a mobile unit as they do in the uk.I'm fairly certain that the revenue generated by these cameras would pay for driver education.

Also the chief examiner from the test centre has over recent years visited local schools and given talks about driver safety.The idiots we see every day pay no heed to education as since the day they pass their test they think they are immortal at the wheel of a car.

Hit the lunatic fringe in the pockets with some stiff fines and lets see how keen they are to carry on ignoring the consequences or keep there licences.



the exact points i was trying to make(albeit uve exlained it a million times better ol), agree with everything uve said.


Having no limits on certain roads goes alng way to actually encouraging wreckless driving!!!!!!

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I don't think a speed limit in itself will prevent these accidents. Along quiet roads, it won't matter what the speed limit is, drivers will drive at the speed they feel they can get away with. Enforcement of better driving standards, to my mind, will instil a consciousness in all drivers of what they are doing and how safely they are driving. So let's see more fines for illegal or double parking, stopping on zig zag lines, blocking a roundabout, straddling lanes, etc. etc.


Putting a speed limit on roads will only serve to confirm that someone was driving (legally) too fast, not prevent them from driving too fast for the road or conditions in the first place.

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Why not just make the mountain road one way during busy periods.

8 - 10 am Ramsey to Douglas

4 - 6 pm Douglas to Ramsey


I know that this would not stop all t problems, but most RTAs happen during the 'rush hour'


I have been to a number of events where all surrounding roads have been made one way before and after the event, we don't have the option of adding lanes to the mountain, so why not use the lanes we have to better effect.


I know it will mean that there's 5-10 more minutes added to the journey for those going in the other direction, but after a while people wil get used it.


I thought this was a good idea but thinking sabout it now I don't know. I think that because there would now be two lanes people will be more tempted to speed because people will treat it as a fast and slow lane. This idea could have quite the opposite effect that we want.

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can anyone rationally explain how the introduction of a speed limit and sign posts actually stops any driver from putting their foot down and going faster than what the limit/sign says???


likewise, exactly how does anyone expect speed cameras to physically stop motorists from exceeeding the speed limit if they wish to do so??


If say a speed limit is introduced on the Mountain Road and there is again a fatal collision of two vehicles travelling in the opposite directions and both drivers are killed - who is going to explain why the speed limit didn't work, and take responsibility for the introduction of a policy which will then been seen to have failed?

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I dont think a speed limit will stop these accidents from happening. The police have enough trouble trying to nforce the ones we've got so how will they enforce any new ones?


Driver education, a resest for EVERYONE every ten years, and very stiff fines for offenders, or, a lifetime ban for anyone caught speeding. I know that sounds obscure but it may be te only way to get the message accross to people.


Rant over!!!!

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can anyone rationally explain how the introduction of a speed limit and sign posts actually stops any driver from putting their foot down and going faster than what the limit/sign says???


Why in the same way that R plates stop newly qualified drivers going over 50mph in their Corsas and Saxos....



Oh hang on. They don't.

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I thought this was a good idea but thinking sabout it now I don't know. I think that because there would now be two lanes people will be more tempted to speed because people will treat it as a fast and slow lane. This idea could have quite the opposite effect that we want.


This is not meant to reduce speeds, but if you think about it:


most crashes are during overtaking

worse crashes are those that are head on


I thought that the 'effect that we want' would be a reduction in crashes and more people living through the trip over the moutian, I fail to how the one way system would be the 'opposite' of that?

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This is not meant to reduce speeds, but if you think about it:


most crashes are during overtaking

worse crashes are those that are head on


I thought that the 'effect that we want' would be a reduction in crashes and more people living through the trip over the moutian, I fail to how the one way system would be the 'opposite' of that?


OK fair point. But for both these types of crashes surely speed is also a factor and it also determines how bad a crash is.

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Accidents will still happen and I along with many others going the opposite way would be forced along the coast road with the inevitable consequence of more crashes there. Plus with more traffic along the coast road around school starting and finishing times there is the increased risk of people (especially children) in the villages along the coast road being run over.

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safety on the roads is what everyone wants. The problems is which measures to introduce. i dont think any measure would reduce RTA's unless it was policed continually but that would not be practical. there are not enough police around as it is especially traffic police (why?)


A speed limit on the mountain road, speed cameras, crash barriers would all help but these things cost money. i also now that money means nothing against the loss of a loved one but people dont see it like that when they go to get there tax discs and its gone up again.


I think its down to drivers as individuals not the handling of the cars or road safety measures (although they are needed) to make the decision to drive like you do when you hear about a fatal RTA. It makes you think. that it could be you who was a bit late for something (like we all are) and put your foot down. next thing game over.


If we all thought a little more when we got into the car to go anywhere innocent people would not loose their lives.

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Accidents will still happen ............................................................... there is the increased risk of people (especially children) in the villages along the coast road being run over.


I think that accidents will still happen, but the number of fatalites may be reduced.

There may be an increased risk to other road users, but places like school crossings are alrady policed and these high risk areas would still be policed.


Going by the number of posters on here who avoid the mountain road there must already be a high volume of traffic on the coast road.

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can anyone rationally explain how the introduction of a speed limit and sign posts actually stops any driver from putting their foot down and going faster than what the limit/sign says???


likewise, exactly how does anyone expect speed cameras to physically stop motorists from exceeeding the speed limit if they wish to do so??


If say a speed limit is introduced on the Mountain Road and there is again a fatal collision of two vehicles travelling in the opposite directions and both drivers are killed - who is going to explain why the speed limit didn't work, and take responsibility for the introduction of a policy which will then been seen to have failed?

Aren't you missing the point here,pass the speed camera at excessive speed and you will be fined and points added on your licence.You would need to be pretty stupid for a fine and points not to register in your thoughts' and make you think twice when you next drive!!

If you continue to drive like an ass you will pretty soon lose your licence and i would say that that is a pretty good way to stop you speeding.

Yes there will still be accidents and unfortunately fatalities but if we can change the culture of speed that seems to be ingrained in motorists here on the island i think we will go a long way towards reducing the number of fatalaties.

How would you like to explain to any of the families of recent casualties that doing nothing is the way forward .I fear that your blinkered attitude is just an example of the it couldn't happen to me train of thought that often causes a lot of the problems we have on the roads.

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several sections of the TT course need re-engineering to suit todays much increased traffic but of course the 'racing line' dare not be touched - we also push programs showing Langness residents travelling at high speed on unrestricted roads (even closing the road specially for them), push the Island as 'road racing capital' then wonder why we kill so many innocent users.


the woman who caused the accident was not speeding. no one is quite that stupid anyway.


accidents will always happen no matter how much knee jerk banning of this that and the other is carried out.

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Aren't you missing the point here,pass the speed camera at excessive speed and you will be fined and points added on your licence.You would need to be pretty stupid for a fine and points not to register in your thoughts' and make you think twice when you next drive!!

If you continue to drive like an ass you will pretty soon lose your licence and i would say that that is a pretty good way to stop you speeding.

Yes there will still be accidents and unfortunately fatalities but if we can change the culture of speed that seems to be ingrained in motorists here on the island i think we will go a long way towards reducing the number of fatalaties.

How would you like to explain to any of the families of recent casualties that doing nothing is the way forward .I fear that your blinkered attitude is just an example of the it couldn't happen to me train of thought that often causes a lot of the problems we have on the roads.


speeding was not a factor with the accident in question,

speed has very little to do with most accidents, they are caused by driver error.

the government like to say it is speed so that they can impose more speed limits and thereby look as if they are doing something.

every accident we get on this god forsaken rock each time predictably brings out the banning fanatics, who want more speed limits and speed cameras. this will not do any good.

as i have said before we have very low accident rates here anyway, despite what you may think, or have been told. so we do not need such drastic measures anyway, that will only add to the challenges of living on this rock that already exist.

be careful what you wish for. you might just get it.

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Aren't you missing the point here,pass the speed camera at excessive speed and you will be fined and points added on your licence.You would need to be pretty stupid for a fine and points not to register in your thoughts' and make you think twice when you next drive!!

If you continue to drive like an ass you will pretty soon lose your licence and i would say that that is a pretty good way to stop you speeding.

Yes there will still be accidents and unfortunately fatalities but if we can change the culture of speed that seems to be ingrained in motorists here on the island i think we will go a long way towards reducing the number of fatalaties.

How would you like to explain to any of the families of recent casualties that doing nothing is the way forward .I fear that your blinkered attitude is just an example of the it couldn't happen to me train of thought that often causes a lot of the problems we have on the roads.


speeding was not a factor with the accident in question,

speed has very little to do with most accidents, they are caused by driver error.

the government like to say it is speed so that they can impose more speed limits and thereby look as if they are doing something.

every accident we get on this god forsaken rock each time predictably brings out the banning fanatics, who want more speed limits and speed cameras. this will not do any good.

as i have said before we have very low accident rates here anyway, despite what you may think, or have been told. so we do not need such drastic measures anyway, that will only add to the challenges of living on this rock that already exist.

be careful what you wish for. you might just get it.

Can tell me where the last place a new speed limit was introduced as the result of an accident.

My opinions about the state of driving are my own i work as a driving instructor.I can assure you its not just the mountain road that is a problem speed limits around towns and outside schools [braddan in particular ]are often ignored.its not just r plate drivers although these are usually the worst offenders.

If you spent 6 hrs a day driving at the speed limit and could see the near misses and accidents that i see every day you would be shocked.

I'm not against speed i have competed in motor sport and have attended a few track days,but thats the place to be racing in a safe controlled enviroment.

If losing the tt is the problem lets make the course one way on mad sunday and suspend speed limits on the mountain and let them have there fun.I wouldn't chose to go there and yes i have ridden on a mad sunday myself but driving standards are getting worse and bikes are getting faster,so you pay your money and make your choice.Its not for me though.

I really do hope i get what i wish for and maybe a few more people will be safe.

You do not have to break the speed limit to be driving to fast,you should be driving to the prevailing road and weather conditions,and to the capabilities of both the car and driver,judging by what i see every day there a lot of people on the island who think they have the ability of world rally drivers!!

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