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Whoever changed the filter to swap "Ü" (without the dots on top) for "you" - it works! :)



Ah the dreaded umleitung --- or should that be umlaut? :blink:


Both have given me no end of problems in the past :D

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Whoever changed the filter to swap "Ü" (without the dots on top) for "you" - it works! :)



Ah the dreaded umleitung --- or should that be umlaut? :blink:


Both have given me no end of problems in the past :D

Both, Umleitung and Umlaut are correct - I'm impressed! :)


For all our English viewers: "Umleitung" means "Diversion" and "Umlaut" (the Ü thingy) means "vowel" - you can produce this little jewel on your screen by pressing ALT 154 (or ALT 148 for the smaller version - not that I have to use them every day on these stupid English keyboards..)...


Now, who changed the filter? Come on - hands up!

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its taken a year for the bbc to report what was known on www.whatreallyhappened.com as it happened so as one conspiricy therory is put to bed as fact. where is ray robison lmao( see post0


The interesting part is that Giuliana Sgrena, the Italian journalist who was kidnapped saying her kidnappers warned her not to report what she saw in Fallujah. Kinda tells you who grabbed her and why the US military opened fire on her during her rescue. google to see how many journalists have died in irag and what they were reporting.


weapons not yet discovered as being used




so using rogs words (So let’s apply a little common sense. Given the circumstances who in their right mind would stay in the city unless they had to or wanted to fight? ) city "you"mean iraq.so any manxies here got peopel out there serving the colaition of the willing. winning hearts and minds. needs a gyger counter for crimbo


i just googleed ray robison Iraqi Survey Group. here is the full artical. balls to the fillter who is the poster ray robison and why the disinformation http://www.needlenose.com/comment/reply/2263/31731

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  • 2 years later...

What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think? uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict

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What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?


I don't know a great deal about Shoher, but do hear he is gaining influence, and if this outline of his book is anything to go by, IMO he's a really screwy nutcase.



"Islamic terrorism is a war like any other" - errm, no

"Islamic terrorists justifiably target Israeli civilians" - no

"Palestinian terrorists should be respected as warriors" - no

"Jews have historically engaged in terrorism" - well ok

"Attack Arab countries in response to Islamic terrorist acts against Israel" - e.g. attack Kuwait like Sadam Hussein did?

"Israel should retaliate against Muslim civilians for Islamic terrorist attacks" - what!!!


In effect he is arguing against principles of international humanitarian law, Geneva Convention etc. talking about being ok to retaliate against civilians, wage war of aggression, and engage in internationally criminal acts - basically advocating a war of terror. IMO he is a terrorist and rejects not only Jewish moralistic reasoning, but all moralistic reasoning. It's a worry that he is influential and has a following - maybe his group should be listed as a terrorist organisations.


Shoher might be getting a lot of support, but I think this is very counterproductive for Israel - if that became more than talk it would turn public opinion against Israel internationally. To advocate War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity as a state policy is abhorrent and inexcusable - and no, I don't think victims of the Holocaust should be exploited in an attempt to excuse or justify Crimes against Humanity, and think to do so is vile and repugnant.


You're obviously a lot more familiar with his views and following - what do you think? How much influence is he really having in Israel? Is this just sabre-rattling for negotiating position, or a kind of political opportunism? Is it perhaps a response to the failure of Israeli armed forces in Lebannon?

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