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For Our German Posters


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Just a query... today is called Schicksalstag in Germany. Do people wish each other a 'happy Schicksalstag' or anything like that?


(For Non-Germans, the day commemerates five events on this date: 1848: After being arrested in the Vienna revolts, liberal leader Robert Blum is executed. The execution is often seen as a symbolic event for the ultimate failure of Germany's 1848 revolution. 1918: Monarchy in Germany ends when Emperor Wilhelm II is dethroned in the November Revolution. 1923: The Beer Hall Putsch marks the emergence of the Nazi Party as an important player on Germany's political landscape. 1938: In the Kristallnacht, synagogues and Jewish property are burnt and destroyed on a large scale. For many observers, it is the first hint of Germany's radical anti-Jewish policies. 1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall ends German separation and starts a series of events that ultimately lead to German reunification. Source: Wikipedia)

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Ah yes, the 9th of november - always been a date of importance back home, for some reason or another...


Personally, I think the 8th is more interesting - especially if you consider that on the 8th of November 1939, one man nearly changed history - his actions would probably have saved millions of lifes and he only failed by 13 minutes. His name? Johann Georg Elser, the man who tried to blow up Hitler


And no, we don't wish each other a happy Schicksalstag - we may wish, some of these events had never happened (most recently, the re-unification), but we try not to interrupt our perfectly organized lifes with things like this :)

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