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Random Thoughts About Iris


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Just rambling thoughts about Iris.


(All costs in Millions of pounds)


‘Cordin to me the gross inflation between Jan 010193 and Jan 010105 was around 33%.


To my silly mind that means that the original estimate for Iris of between £75 and £100 (say £87.5) inflation should have only pushed the 010105 cost to around £114. That addresses all costs by the way. Materials as well as lablour.


Let’s not dwell on a government accepted estimate that had a £25 ‘noise’ figure in it.


If the revised estimate (Estimate, note) is now around £175 that means that the present estimated overspend is around £60 at a 010105 base. Not due to inflation, not due top materials, due to pure and simple overspend.

That represents around a 30% cock up.


Not to mention the amount that must have been spent and that was already built in for ‘expediency, mods, rearrangements, and rework’. That is something that is ALWAYS built into a contract – at least by any reputable company and by any competent customer it is.


And I just LOVE the wording in the IOMONLINE article --- “Tynwald may be asked to hand over extra cash to settle a dispute between the department and contractors Charles Brand over the Meary Veg treatment works”


Odd since Tynwald, like the UK government, HAS no money, only tax payers money.


So let’s see. £2 per year running cost for 67% of the population, hrm, that’s about 52,000 people. So that’s around thirty eight quid a head running cost and a (so far) capital cost of thirty four thousand quid a head to put Iris in.


Quite apart from the blatant combination of yet MORE incompetence from whatever department was responsible for Iris and quite apart from the staggering fiscal and management incompetence during the contract execution the impact on the tax payer is going to be --- interesting.


I just wonder about the real running costs as the quality standards must be at least questionable judging from such reports that have leaked (pardon the pun) during the test and commissioning phase, let alone the recovery program that might have been put in place.


It’s going to cost a lot of cash to spend a penny pretty soon.

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Its in todays press that the Iris has gone over budget by £100.


The contractor at the Iris Treatment plant has walked off site owed £5.5 million by the DOT, the Pellet plant has broke down and they are now transporting raw human shit out of the plant during the night and dumping it in a farmers field, They can not fix the pellet plant/ dryer as the Dutch firm that makes the machines will not supply any spares or back up as they too have not been paid

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Odd since Tynwald, like the UK government, HAS no money, only tax payers money.


So let’s see. £2 per year running cost for 67% of the population, hrm, that’s about 52,000 people. So that’s around thirty eight quid a head running cost and a (so far) capital cost of thirty four thousand quid a head to put Iris in.


You are of course making the assumption that it is the residents of the island that supply all the governments money.


This is most definitely not the case as the largest income for the government is undoubtedly the tax paid by companies (both island based and off shore).


It would be interesting to know the actual cost to us menial workers and payers of tax, maybe you could investigate this Rog and give us real figures instead of the sensational grabbing amounts you quote above.


raw human shit


This is definatley not the case. This waste is treated or partially treated. The only raw human shite is as usual within the text of your posts.

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This waste is treated or partially treated.



Thats OK then GEO. All that money and we load it onto the back of a waggon and spread it on a field. I suppose this is what is meant by GOVERNMENTS NEW RECYCLING POLICY.


Maybe if we were told where they spread it we could miss out the treatment plant all together.

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When I was a lad growing up in Port Erin, the best hotels had their own gardens out the back. That was before they made them into car parks, a swimming pool or estate. The best hotels had the best food, which means the freshest juciest vegetables.


Shrink wrap and pre-pack simply hadn't been invented. Neither had colouring or flavouring or preservative and God knows how many chemical additives.


Now, there was a sewage system eventually installed down the prom and out to castle rock. But to connect to that meant that a lot of good wholesome ready made fertilizer was being wasted.


So the chamber pots were dutifully taken out of the rooms by the sweet Irish hotel workers that used to come over to keep us local Manx lads eager during the summer months. And the pots were dutifully scattered onto the hotel's vegetable plot.


(Many of those girls stayed, but that is another story).


The vistorse didn't mind where their 'waste' went, just so long as they didn't know about it. Perhaps in the same way as we love to chomp on sausage butties - just so long as we aren't informed of the cow sphincter or lip or gristle that has made it.


So I would like to consider that there is nothing wrong in spreading human waste on our farm fields.


Except, as Dent has suggested, in my days of Port Erin, LCD, the Contraceptive Pill and all those many other nasty chemicals that our rudimentary system can't fully handle hadn't been invented, or were at least foreign to this then quaint little Island.


It makes me think what a Utopia in the World this Island could be. But then I realise that so many people just want money, and material, and be able to buy the best drugs (hah, hah, even cocaine kiddies in Athol Street!!!), and to buy cheaper milk in plastic bottles to burn up the Richmond Hill chimney, etc. etc.


'bout time we wound back the clock a little, our kid.

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This waste is treated or partially treated.



Thats OK then GEO. All that money and we load it onto the back of a waggon and spread it on a field. I suppose this is what is meant by GOVERNMENTS NEW RECYCLING POLICY.


Maybe if we were told where they spread it we could miss out the treatment plant all together.


No it is not OK, the point is yet again Crumlins post was incorect

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Odd since Tynwald, like the UK government, HAS no money, only tax payers money.


So let’s see. £2 per year running cost for 67% of the population, hrm, that’s about 52,000 people. So that’s around thirty eight quid a head running cost and a (so far) capital cost of thirty four thousand quid a head to put Iris in.


You are of course making the assumption that it is the residents of the island that supply all the governments money.


This is most definitely not the case as the largest income for the government is undoubtedly the tax paid by companies (both island based and off shore).


It would be interesting to know the actual cost to us menial workers and payers of tax, maybe you could investigate this Rog and give us real figures instead of the sensational grabbing amounts you quote above.


raw human shit


This is definatley not the case. This waste is treated or partially treated. The only raw human shite is as usual within the text of your posts.


There is one flaw in the argument that the money being spent comes from off tax avoiding (and evading) companies and therefore won’t hit on the Manx people.


Think what other useful things could be provided if that money wasn’t being squandered on such disastrously managed projects.


For example maybe kids in care wouldn’t have to live in tents as a result of a lack of proper accommodation in the first place for a starter.


Sensation grabbing? Don’t make me laugh.


Some of you guys simply can’t see what a totally useless shower of incompetent dumb-nuts have the keys to the treasury (intentional pun).

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It would be interesting to know the actual cost to us menial workers and payers of tax, maybe you could investigate this Rog and give us real figures instead of the sensational grabbing amounts you quote above.


Here's another example of how you are paying because of the waste and squandering of taxes.




I wonder how many rehab beds even a half of the costs of this monumental screw up would have funded.


Ordinary Manx resident tax payer not paying for the 'Downeyesque' incompetence of the Government??


Change your paradigm and it will become clear.

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