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Random Thoughts About Iris


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Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and Elektra (Electra) and the wife of Zephyrus (West Wind). Her name means ‘rainbow’, thus implying that her presence is a sign of Hope.

What a perfect choice for sewage treatment! :blink:

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the Pellet plant has broke down and they are now transporting raw human shit out of the plant during the night and dumping it in a farmers field,



Any clues as to which farm? I'd prefer not to buy spuds laced with cocaine, contraceptive pill etc.


The 'Vaaish' out at cronk a voddey is the destination for most of it

:unsure: as i got too close behind a wagon on the backroad one weekend took ages to get the smell out of the car must have sprayed up underneath :ph34r::ph34r:

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It would be interesting to know the actual cost to us menial workers and payers of tax, maybe you could investigate this Rog and give us real figures instead of the sensational grabbing amounts you quote above.


Here's another example of how you are paying because of the waste and squandering of taxes.




I wonder how many rehab beds even a half of the costs of this monumental screw up would have funded.


Ordinary Manx resident tax payer not paying for the 'Downeyesque' incompetence of the Government??


Change your paradigm and it will become clear.


Rog, I know things aren't perfect here, but I do take exception to your continual running down of the place and your condescending attitude to those of us who live here and contribute to the economy. I have chosen to live here, you have chosen not to - end of story!

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Rog, I know things aren't perfect here, but I do take exception to your continual running down of the place and your condescending attitude to those of us who live here and contribute to the economy. I have chosen to live here, you have chosen not to - end of story!


I wonder how long I could expect to remain gainfully employed in the Island if I were to make the comments that I do and was depending for my living on working there.


I can remember only too well listening to remarks like ‘We don’t want to take him on after all remember what his father did to xxx’ or ‘Oh him, he’s a trouble maker – we’ll give him a miss’ from people.


I like to think that my ‘running down’ is not continual but is certainly focussed. After all, distance adds perspective, certainly what I see as being at the gross incompetence of the government in general and some in particular.


Otherwise your message seems to contain a very marked ‘boat every mornin’ component.


Remember, even though I'm not resident it's still my Island as well.

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I fully accept your right to criticise the IOM government and draw attention to incompetence, as much as anyone else living anywhere. As residents, we see, and feel, only too well the effects of incompetence, misjudgement or just plain bad luck. We are in the thick of it and, despite what you may think, we are not naive, deluded fools unable to see matters for what they are.


Distance adds perspective, but it also makes the viewer feel bigger than the matter he is viewing.


I did not intend to include a "there's a boat in the morning" component; you have already availed yourself of that option.

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Random thought on Iris


I am moving into the centre of Douglas from a house on the coast on king edward road.


I was surprised st the constant gull noise around the area and on skeeting found it to be mainly gulls with their young hanging around areas where they are fed by residents.


The noise is constant and intrusive , far more than when i lived alongside colonies of gulls.


Is the Iris project depriving gulls of their usual fodder, forcing them to scavenge inshore? i am serious, honest!

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I did not intend to include a "there's a boat in the morning" component; you have already availed yourself of that option.

I had to.


A combination of factors made any future for me on the Island an impossibility beyond driving a horse tram in the summer and going on the dole in the winter.


As long as I kept a civil tongue in my head, that is, and didn’t make waves or I would have been on the dole both winter and summer.


And once you have taken that morning boat there’s dam few who ever return and those that do soon find that the feeling of familiarity and relaxation being replaced by a gnawing feeling of claustrophobia and dread and hopelessness and isolation. It can take months or even years to come, for some it never does but they’re either some of the retired or very much in the minority but for most – it comes.

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And once you have taken that morning boat there’s dam few who ever return and those that do soon find that the feeling of familiarity and relaxation being replaced by a gnawing feeling of claustrophobia and dread and hopelessness and isolation. It can take months or even years to come, for some it never does but they’re either some of the retired or very much in the minority but for most – it comes.



It seems that a large minority of this forum have taken that boat in the morning. Let's find out more...


1) Why did you all take the boat?

2) When/Will you return?

3) If you don't plan to return why do you read this forum?


For me personally I left the island when I went to Uni and forgot to return. I don't intend to return unless I need to earn money fast otherwise I'm happy enjoying a better standard of living elsewhere. I read this forum to satisfy myself that nothing on Mann has changed.

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I had to.


A combination of factors made any future for me on the Island an impossibility beyond driving a horse tram in the summer and going on the dole in the winter.


As long as I kept a civil tongue in my head, that is, and didn’t make waves or I would have been on the dole both winter and summer.


And once you have taken that morning boat there’s dam few who ever return and those that do soon find that the feeling of familiarity and relaxation being replaced by a gnawing feeling of claustrophobia and dread and hopelessness and isolation. It can take months or even years to come, for some it never does but they’re either some of the retired or very much in the minority but for most – it comes.


If that is the case, Rog, then why not give up this remaining, tenuous link with the Island? It obviously gnaws at you in any case!


Your comment regarding the Island being your Island too brought to mind the absent father syndrome; plays no part in the upbringing or maintenance of the children, but when he turns up wants to be accorded the respect and consideration as though he had. Tough sh*t!


I am one of the damn (please note, dam is either a mother or a water retaining structure, not a reference to damnation) few who have returned (after 16 years in south London, preceded by 4 years at college in Sheffield and Leicester) and the initial feelings of familiarity and relaxation have been replaced by even deeper feelings of familiarity and relaxation ...... and pride!


I do take exception to your posts where you imply that all residents are unworldly, unknowledgeable and uneducated so as not to see what is happening around us and that we really need someone who has been "on the outside" to explain it all for us. I also take exception to your imaginative use of "evidence" to back up your theories and arguments.


Having said all that, don't stop posting, but never underestimate the enemy!

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I am one of the damn (please note, dam is either a mother or a water retaining structure, not a reference to damnation) few who have returned (after 16 years in south London, preceded by 4 years at college in Sheffield and Leicester)

Let's face it, even I would go back after that lot!


Actually I wouldn't. The place is a cultural vacuum being screwed over by little men in big hats.

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I am one of the damn (please note, dam is either a mother or a water retaining structure, not a reference to damnation) few who have returned (after 16 years in south London, preceded by 4 years at college in Sheffield and Leicester)

Let's face it, even I would go back after that lot!


Actually I wouldn't. The place is a cultural vacuum being screwed over by little men in big hats.


Please clarify - is that a reference to South London, Sheffield, Leicester, or the UK in general?

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