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Disused (?) Steps Off Douglas Promenade


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I just heard Linda Ramsey doing an interview on MR about the steps that come off along Loch Promenade down to the beach when the tide is out. The ones nearest the war memorial have taken a battering by heavy seas and as usual there is a sqauble between Douglas Corp and Govt as to who is responsible for repair.

Govt says over to Douglas Corp - Douglas Corp don't want to wash their hands of the cost and responsibility - so LindaR says ( because of the insurance "liability" angle) they will probably be taken away.


So... if they do take them away and at some date in the future there is someone in the water then I guess it will be hard luck...... 'cos there won't then be any steps to swim towards to get out from.....or which people can access to help.


Lets hear what do Health and Safety / ROSPA say to rationalise the argument - repair the steps and keep access or take them away???

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More than likely they will position ladders every 100yardswith fluorescent paint and signs marking the position of each ladder. what they should do is change the shape of those walls to 3ft steps up. would be better for emergencies and would break up the waves more. High cost I know!

Ideally a curved wall to sweep the waves is the best option but not for safety.

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I've been thinking every day when I walk past them that they should get those bloody steps fixed! Been like that for ages now and I think it's piss poor that they'll spend obscene amounts of money on badly organised projects but won't spend a few quid on a bit of concrete to keep what is basically the 'front' of Douglas in good shape.

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I've been thinking every day when I walk past them that they should get those bloody steps fixed! Been like that for ages now and I think it's piss poor that they'll spend obscene amounts of money on badly organised projects but won't spend a few quid on a bit of concrete to keep what is basically the 'front' of Douglas in good shape.


Quite agree. see. And people do use them when walking their dogs, taking their kids on to the beach or going for a smoke where people won't find them.

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I am just guessing here but i think that the steps were built to retain access to the beach for the population, ie rights of way.


For example, Regent st was , i think, originally Callows slip, a place to launch and beach boats. When the proms were built access rights would have been infringed so the steps may have been a comprimise.


It would be interesting to see the documentation regarding the prom builds, at a guess i reckon DC would be obliged to mainain the access

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I think it is essential that the steps are repaired so that people can, take their dogs to have a crap on the beach, or swim in the crap in the sea, safely!?


Plus it's harder to dump Safeway trolleys on the beach without the steps.


I used to love being a trolley-walley for Safeway and being sent to the beach to collect their trolleys (or skive off for something to eat).

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Safeway is no more though, Morrisons have gone too. Shoprite did have the old Safeway store and called it Food4Less but that flopped too. Did it revert to a normal Shoprite or is it empty now? Not been to Douglas since the summer so have no idea at all.


Anyway, I'm guessing the steps should stay, purely from an access to the beach point of view. Are these the steps that you can board the MV Karina from?

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mind boggling....is Mission one of those rural types you hear about some of whom never managed to get to Douglas...how can anyone give any responsible comment on matters arising on the forum if they don't even know what they are talking about??

here's a suggestion...Mission..go on one...Food4Less is still there and was packed out when I was in the day before yesterday.. so where do you come up with comments like "it flopped"?? Like HELLO..think before you engage your comments..thanks.

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Safeway is no more though, Morrisons have gone too. Shoprite did have the old Safeway store and called it Food4Less but that flopped too. Did it revert to a normal Shoprite or is it empty now? Not been to Douglas since the summer so have no idea at all.


Anyway, I'm guessing the steps should stay, purely from an access to the beach point of view. Are these the steps that you can board the MV Karina from?


Not been to Douglas since the summer? I have done Colby, Kirk Michael, Ballaugh, Ramsey, Laxey, Onchan, Snugborough, (is that a real place?), Tromode, (ditto), Douglas, Ballasalla, Castletown and Port St Mary, today.


Ok, I was car hunting and I am jet-lagged, but live life to the full!

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mind boggling....is Mission one of those rural types you hear about some of whom never managed to get to Douglas...how can anyone give any responsible comment on matters arising on the forum if they don't even know what they are talking about??

here's a suggestion...Mission..go on one...Food4Less is still there and was packed out when I was in the day before yesterday.. so where do you come up with comments like "it flopped"?? Like HELLO..think before you engage your comments..thanks.


Err nope, I'm simply too busy working to go shopping in Douglas, sorry.


I'll check it out anyway as I'm pretty sure the Food4less concept was now dead in the water.

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Not been to Douglas since the summer? I have done Colby, Kirk Michael, Ballaugh, Ramsey, Laxey, Onchan, Snugborough, (is that a real place?), Tromode, (ditto), Douglas, Ballasalla, Castletown and Port St Mary, today.


Ok, I was car hunting and I am jet-lagged, but live life to the full!


I always thought Snugborough was just a big furtniture store with a courier firm attached.

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