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Disused (?) Steps Off Douglas Promenade


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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE on the war memorial steps......I now see from having had chance to read some recent Douglas Corpy Minutes that quote:-


" It was noted that it had been established that the steps belonged to the Council whilst the retaining sea wall was the property of the Department of Transport"


Ah hmmm....BUT the Manx Radio web site on 11 November posted:-


Moves are underway to either repair or remove the steps down to the beach by the war memorial on Douglas Promenade.


They have been blocked off to the public for some time as they are run down and unuseable.


An inspection carried out two years ago recommended they could be repaired and their condition was brought to the attention of the Department of Transport.


Now a further survey costing nearly £3,500 could be carried out to find out whether repairing or removing them would be the best option.


Leader of Douglas Town Council, Lynda Ramsay (pictured) says there is an ongoing saga as to who is responsible for the steps: - SO.....why try and make out its not their responsibility???

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Of course not, this is the Corpy we're talking about. More like £100,000 probably.


It's unbelievable really, the people who first built the retaining wall and steps many years ago had nothing like the machinery we have now, it'll take less than half the time and money.


Wouldn't it be nice for them to just fucking fix something when it's needed and not have to have this procrastination about who should pay for it, whather it's worth it blah blah.


Just get them repaired, of course they're needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

as of the Douglas Corpration Policy & Resources Committee Meeeting on 25 November it was resolved ".....that the Borough Engineer and Surveyor be instructed to submit a report to the next meeting of the Committee setting out costings for the removal of the damaged steps adjacent to the War Memorial"


so...it looks like no consideration has been or is being given to repair of the steps............


and no Health and Safety report on the pros and cons of the steps being retained or removed...

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