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Conservative Leadership

local skeet

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So, who does everyone think will be the conservative leader??


Mr Cameron if you're talking about next month but if you're talking about at the next Gerneral election then it could be anyone!



Jeremy Paxman had David Davis in a real sweat in the Newsnight interview on Thursday. Interesting to see how David Cameron copes next Thursday. He apparently he is still the favourite to succeed Maggie - has there been a leader since - love her or hate her!

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I like neither Cameron nor Davies and personally would much have preferred to see Oliver Letwin standing as he is far more capable (at least I think so) but sadly not so presentable or photogenic, a vital characteristic today where presentation beats content every time.




though I suspect that Davies will get the majority in a closes run poll with the wrinklies going for Cameron and the younger people going for Davies.


My bet is the leader that follows on from Cameron / Davies will be George Osbourne.




Presently the shadow chancellor, he’s a very capable young man with an excellent parliamentary pedigree, a very good education, and a very popular constituency politician.

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Haha, Letwin and Osborne both look soooooo Conservative.


I've not really followed this at all so have no idea myself. I would say though that thy person best suited to the job should get it, not the best looking/most photogenic!

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I like neither Cameron nor Davies and personally would much have preferred to see Oliver Letwin standing as he is far more capable (at least I think so) but sadly not so presentable or photogenic, a vital characteristic today where presentation beats content every time.




though I suspect that Davies will get the majority in a closes run poll with the wrinklies going for Cameron and the younger people going for Davies.


I don't like either as they're both typical Tories which is a problem in itself but surely they need to choose someone who people who don't usually vote Tory can like. No more Duncan Smiths or the other two guys whose names I forget. A change of party name and more left wing policies should do the trick. How about Mr Bliar as the next Tory leader?

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The Conservative Party appears to have as many potentially charismatic leaders as it has relevant ideas - none whatsoever. The party seems to be both clueless and hopeless at the moment and it's future looks bleak - no matter which of the current nonentities become leader.

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Jeremy Paxman had David Davis in a real sweat in the Newsnight interview on Thursday. Interesting to see how David Cameron copes next Thursday. He apparently he is still the favourite to succeed Maggie - has there been a leader since - love her or hate her!


Sorry Charles, Blair's already got the job. When Murdock the Kingmaker endorsed Blair the first time, he stated that Blair was Maggie without the handbag. Maybe the Labour Party should take a leaf out of John Major and the Conservative Party's book.


I also find it quite incredable the the head of the UK Independant Party does live in the UK.

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I think the Tories are shooting themselves in the foot with a six-week campaign.


That is overkill in the extreme, particularly as it's only targeted at the relatively small number of constitutional party members.


They'll have to find ways of keeping themselves in the limelight which ultimately leads to interviews on whether they wear boxers or y-fronts.


They'll be caricatures rather than personalities by the end.

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I think the Tories are shooting themselves in the foot with a six-week campaign.


That is overkill in the extreme, particularly as it's only targeted at the relatively small number of constitutional party members.


Yeah, i agree. This has been a highly publicised campaign, and the squabbling over the leadership seems to strike up a feeling of disfunction. Although they are in the same party, they are both head to head, so against each other. The highly publicised battle has not surficed in convincing me in the strength and unity of the party! :huh:

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Had their chance with Clarke, they should have elected the guy, he's possibly the only one that could give them credibility and give them a chance to win the election, there was plenty of time for the other guys to be considered once Clarke decided to step down.


Years in the wilderness Tories i'm afraid.

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