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Sadly I had to park my car next to the park entrance where they loiter at the top of the glen on a friday night a couple of weeks back due to no spaces remotely nearby. Thinking about it now I'm not sure why I was actually surprised that the following morning the little pissants had broken off a mirror and snapped my car's aerial. I hope the little bastards responsible OD on WKD and choke on their own puke. Nothing the police can do about it though. The following week was bonfire night and there were hordes of them there again as they are every week, and the little peckers were chucking that many fireworks up & down the street that it could just about have been mistaken for Beirut. Sick of the amount of broken glass all over the place after every weekend in this area too - does it mean they won't do anything til a child trips up & carves themselves up?


I'm suprised it was then. When I used to hang around that glen people didn't want to leave the area because they were pissed and might be seen. I guess they've got more bottle these days. How can anyone drink WKD though?


The kids have nowhere to go though. Where else can they drink alcohol and smoke without getting caught?

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I had my car egged when I drove past Caley's in Onchan a while back. I called the cops though and they rang me back shortly after to say they'd caught them.


This morning I found this little beauty on the front door to the office. A couple of scally kids (14-16 year olds) in hoodies did it at 1 AM before laughing hysterically and capturing the whole thing on camera phone. Unfortunately I didn't get a good shot of their faces on the CCTV. What sort of parent allows their kids out at that time of night??


No damage done, so it's pointless calling the cops over it, but it's exactly this sort of behaviour that has to be stopped. If they didn't have an old fish to hand would they have used a brick?


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I remember when i was 15 and we egged people cars and once we got caught and had to clean this mans car with our sweater sleeves :( im good now though, but i couldnt do anything like put paint on someones car WHATS WRONG WITH EVERYONE WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE SO FUCKING NASTY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE YOU CANT SMACK YOUR FUCKING KIDS ANYMORE AND THEY NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There, its true no one gets told off anymore thats why all the kids are naughty little shits. :angry::angry:

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This morning I found this little beauty on the front door to the office. A couple of scally kids (14-16 year olds) in hoodies did it at 1 AM before laughing hysterically and capturing the whole thing on camera phone. Unfortunately I didn't get a good shot of their faces on the CCTV. What sort of parent allows their kids out at that time of night??


No damage done, so it's pointless calling the cops over it, but it's exactly this sort of behaviour that has to be stopped. If they didn't have an old fish to hand would they have used a brick?


Fair play though, that is pretty funny.


Unless it's to give you a mafia-style "swim with the fishes" message - which could be considered to be a death threat.

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I remember when i was 15 and we egged people cars and once we got caught and had to clean this mans car with our sweater sleeves im good now though, but i couldnt do anything like put paint on someones car WHATS WRONG WITH EVERYONE WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE SO FUCKING NASTY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE YOU CANT SMACK YOUR FUCKING KIDS ANYMORE AND THEY NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There, its true no one gets told off anymore thats why all the kids are naughty little shits.


maybe the kids are the way they are because over time (last 30yrs) standards of behaviour have slipped, a good example of such would be the use of obscene language on a public forum when it really is not necessary. but we never see any of that thankfully

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maybe the kids are the way they are because over time (last 30yrs) standards of behaviour have slipped..

Standards of education may have slipped, and behaviour has suffered as a result - and I don't mean education at school, but at home - the learning of "what's right and what's wrong". I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was young(er), and to a certain degree that's normal - but there is a limit, and it's about teaching what this limit is...


As for the lost generation over here: Give'em something to do. There are loads of possible options for youth programs, all of which simply require some research and funding. If they're busy with something, they won't have time to do stupid stuff.


This "something" can be anything, from teaching them skills that are considered "cool" (e.g. music, video, internet, etc..) to giving them responsibility and making them feel "useful" and "valued" in one way or another.


Just calling the cops and complaining all the time won't sort it...

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I remember when i was 15 and we egged people cars and once we got caught and had to clean this mans car with our sweater sleeves im good now though, but i couldnt do anything like put paint on someones car WHATS WRONG WITH EVERYONE WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE SO FUCKING NASTY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE YOU CANT SMACK YOUR FUCKING KIDS ANYMORE AND THEY NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There, its true no one gets told off anymore thats why all the kids are naughty little shits.


maybe the kids are the way they are because over time (last 30yrs) standards of behaviour have slipped, a good example of such would be the use of obscene language on a public forum when it really is not necessary. but we never see any of that thankfully


oh i absolutley agree without a doubt :) its in the dictionary

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So instead of me phoning the police when my car gets damaged or scallies are throwing fireworks around, I and everyone else should be more concerned about the fact that the poor little darlings are just bored?


Not something I should have to worry about. It should be the likes of their own parents. And I can't believe anyone can still bring out that old chestnut of "it's because there's nothing for them to do" as that's just simply not true. There's far more things for youngsters to do these days than there used to be, and I rarely got bored as a kid despite not really having any money either. Kids today seem to expect that they should have everything done for them and have whatever they want instead of maybe having to earn things themselves & thus learn respect for the value of things.


The fact is that a lot of them simply cannot be arsed doing any of the stuff available to them when they can go drinking & smashing stuff up for fun & never have to worry about getting in trouble for it.


It's because they don't get punished properly (one way or another) when they're clearly out of line so they carry on thinking it's fine to behave like that.

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What a horrendous thing to do to somebody's car!


Not just that incident but the many that is mentioned on this thread!!! :angry:


Its down to respect, discipline and upbringing, I have to say, I blame the parents for not doing these three things properly, they cant say they are doing these, if that is their argument!


I am a single parent to 3 children and mine would be scared to come home if they were to do anything this careless, thats because they respect, if mine do something wrong, they are disciplined for it and as for their upbringing, well, I am actually a parent that does not spend half her time in a pub rather than being at home taking notice of what the kids are up to!!!


7 times out of ten, you will find its down to this kind of scenario, either one of these 3 things aint happening at home, therefore the kids are out on the street, fighting, swearing, drinking and being abusive.

Its down to the parents most of the time amd it must be a strain on the police to have to do the parenting!


Get a grip of these little bastards, give them a good hiding, ground them and take everything that is of meaning to them (i.e playstation) out of their rooms and do this for a bloody month if you have to!!

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So instead of me phoning the police when my car gets damaged or scallies are throwing fireworks around, I and everyone else should be more concerned about the fact that the poor little darlings are just bored?

I knew that was coming (Oh dear, I'm gonna sound like a right social worker now..), but:


I'm not saying that they're all lovely little darlings that are simply misunderstood, and yes, the parents should sort it out. Unfortunately, many of the parents aren't any better or wiser than their offspring. If that's due to something in the water over here or the general lack of morals these days, I don't know...


Keeping them busy would serve a lot of points:


- It's "damage limitation" if you want - any evening they're not on the street is one evening less where they will vandalise your car.


- Teaching them skills they can actually use will benefit their future, and maybe making them better parents themselves (should that ever happen).


Not something I should have to worry about. It should be the likes of their own parents. And I can't believe anyone can still bring out that old chestnut of "it's because there's nothing for them to do" as that's just simply not true. There's far more things for youngsters to do these days than there used to be, and I rarely got bored as a kid despite not really having any money either.


If there are things to do, then maybe these activities need to be promoted more. And don't forget: It's 2005 - many things that were considered fun or "cool" in the olden days simply don't cut it anymore - not in the Internet/Playstation/24-7 Media age..


Kids today seem to expect that they should have everything done for them and have whatever they want instead of maybe having to earn things themselves & thus learn respect for the value of things.

The fact is that a lot of them simply cannot be arsed doing any of the stuff available to them when they can go drinking & smashing stuff up for fun & never have to worry about getting in trouble for it.

That's exactly what I'm on about: It's about teaching them respect, giving them a sense of achievement and showing them that there are other things to do on a Friday night. I think many of them would be "arsed" if the right thing was available.


It's because they don't get punished properly (one way or another) when they're clearly out of line so they carry on thinking it's fine to behave like that.

On that, I have to agree with you - the police should step in harder at times. Until they do, a little shock tactic might work:


I remember a program in the UK, where police/community workers took a bunch of local troublemaking kids out on a daytrip to a prison. There, the "I'm so though" youngsters had the oppprtunity to meet some inmates (some of them in jail for serious crimes, such as robbery, violence, etc) and get a glimpse of "how cool" it is to be in trouble with the law. Going by the shocked expression on their faces after meeting a murderer and spending only a few minutes in a prison cell, I guess it worked...


The thing is: It's too late to cry out - the problem is already here. Now it's time to find a suitable solution - harder policing alone just won't do it...

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maybe the kids are the way they are because over time (last 30yrs) standards of behaviour have slipped, a good example of such would be the use of obscene language on a public forum when it really is not necessary. but we never see any of that thankfully


oh i absolutley agree without a doubt :) its in the dictionary


So are many less offensive - but equally effective - alternatives. Perhaps you should invest in one and take a look?

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