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I have found out that when a person has committed a crime and is given community service, from the courts

they are to attend every Sunday morning at 9am till 4pm.


This is not the case at all, they turn in at 9am yes, but only do 2 hours at the most, sometimes not even that and they get a sheet saying they did the whole 7 hours!!!

My information is true, I have seen one of those sheets, on a few occasions.


Now tell me, how on earth are young criminals, or older ones, supposed to learn a lesson when they are getting this kind of treatment, surely they will think to themselves, well it aint that bad, you get community service and only have to do a couple of hours, and they mark your sheet as being there the whole 7 hours!!!


The Government moan about youths of today but look what is happening in they system, they need to ask themselves why!!

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I rang the police to complain about it and got a somewhat abrupt response of 'yes we've already had several calls about this thanks very much', to which I'm surprised I didn't say something like 'So howcome they're still there then?'.


They need to shoo the underage tickturds away from there because I think it's when there's large numbers drinking there like they do that they decide it'll be cool/hard/funny/whatever to start wrecking other peoples' stuff. I'm glad I've never caught them in the act though because it'd be me up in the dock for doing everyone a favour and pulling their arms off & using them as clubs to beat them with.


Would be really nice if the police actually did something about this growing problem which they allow to go on while they sit in a van watching.


But the Police can't just move people on with no reason. A group of kids shouting and screaming whilst running up and down the Glen aren't breaking the law. If some of them are drinking and are caught with drink, then it can be poured away and/or confiscated otherwise the Police can't do anything. If kids are really pissed then a trip home by the Police and handed over to their parents.



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But the Police can't just move people on with no reason. A group of kids shouting and screaming whilst running up and down the Glen aren't breaking the law. If some of them are drinking and are caught with drink, then it can be poured away and/or confiscated otherwise the Police can't do anything. If kids are really pissed then a trip home by the Police and handed over to their parents.




"Hello... is that Mrs Badparent? Right... well, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of night, but it's about your child. Oh, no.... the little bas... er darling's alright!

It's just that he was obstructing the pavement by the Glen near the Villa Marina and intimidating passers-by, so we found it necessary to take him to the police station.... purely for his own safety, of course!

I mean, as a responsible parent, I'm sure you weren't aware that he was hanging around there and making a nuisance of himself, were you?

Exactly! Well, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that he's safe and well.

What... where is he? Oh, didn't I say? We've put him in one of our nice, comfy cells. Don't worry ... he's got everything he needs... a toilet... a bottle of water... he's fine!

Yes, that's right.. you can collect him anytime you time want... but the station's closed until the morning now...! No... I don't think there'll be any charges... not this time!"


If only!

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It's just that he was obstructing the pavement by the Glen near the Villa Marina and intimidating passers-by, so we found it necessary to take him to the police station.... purely for his own safety, of course!


If only!


I was under the impression that they were all 'Gods Children' from the Alpha brain washing centre across the road?

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But the Police can't just move people on with no reason. A group of kids shouting and screaming whilst running up and down the Glen aren't breaking the law. If some of them are drinking and are caught with drink, then it can be poured away and/or confiscated otherwise the Police can't do anything. If kids are really pissed then a trip home by the Police and handed over to their parents.




They have lots of reason.

Dozens of kids with many of them underage drinking in & around the park, vandalising cars & the park, leaving broken glass everywhere, abusing people going past (apparently - not really seen that myself), throwing fireworks all over the place, and leaving tons of litter everywhere (small one I know but still bad).


If that lot doesn't constitute a reason to do something I don't know what does! And that's only the stuff I've first hand experience of!

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Are you going to have to get your car resprayed?


On the subject of children 'messing around' I drove up Broadway the other Friday night and was amazed at the amount of kids (aged approx between 12 and 16 at a guess) that hang out in that glen area. There must have been about 30 to 50 of them. I know they are legally just children but I'm sure a pack of that many could be intimidating to walk past.


There is a club called the Machine that they go to on a Friday night.


To be honest, the Island does not provide adequate places for teenagers to go to,

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They should provide a vandalism theme park.


You faithfully recreate a favourite Douglas street and issue the punters with some stones, a can of spray paint and matches on entry.


You then have various sectors.


The wheely bin sector - where you can set light to the bins all you like.


Stone throwing sector - glass windows aplenty here. We even provide stain glass windows in a church facade.


Graffiti sector - wall-to-wall blank pristine walls to spray on your mindless drivel.


Car bashing sector - littered with vehicles to smash windows, key the paint work and rip off wing mirrors and aerials.


Grave yard sector - yes, you can desecrate to your hearts content. Uproot carefully laid flowers, scatter the toys and knock over grave stones. Note: you have to pay a 'sick-minded' premium to enter this section.

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as far as giving something for teenagers to do; what nonsense!


i was never GIVEN anything to do, as im sure most of you werent. for me it was a case of "behave or youll get a slap", not "ill reward you IF youre good".



where is the threat? where is discipline?


a dog doesnt stop pissing on your carpet if you only reward it for fetching sticks.

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