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as far as giving something for teenagers to do; what nonsense!


i was never GIVEN anything to do, as im sure most of you werent. for me it was a case of "behave or youll get a slap", not "ill reward you IF youre good".



where is the threat? where is discipline?


a dog doesnt stop pissing on your carpet if you only reward it for fetching sticks.


So you hit your dog?


Wake up oldies and stop complaining about the youth of day. We can't go back to the times where we beat our children but fair punishment is necessary. If we were to revert to beating kids then we may as well revert to jailing gay people, preventing abortions and marrying our cousins.

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Less of the oldies!! I in fact am 33, which is not considered old, I know how to have a good time, I am not trying to spoil fun for the youth of today, what I am trying to put over is the fact that we the public should not have to pay for their boredom!


Punishment is the best way to deal with this kind of crime, as for gays, marrying cousins and abortions, that is not an act of vandalism so your thread was pointless.


Sorry Cheese.

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as far as giving something for teenagers to do; what nonsense!


i was never GIVEN anything to do, as im sure most of you werent. for me it was a case of "behave or youll get a slap", not "ill reward you IF youre good".



where is the threat? where is discipline?


a dog doesnt stop pissing on your carpet if you only reward it for fetching sticks.


So you hit your dog?


Wake up oldies and stop complaining about the youth of day. We can't go back to the times where we beat our children but fair punishment is necessary. If we were to revert to beating kids then we may as well revert to jailing gay people, preventing abortions and marrying our cousins.


no i dont hit my dog (i dont have one), but i do have cats.


anyway, im not old thank you very much! im 23!!!


and in response to "we cant go back to beating our kids", well, i think youre wrong. i disagree with beating, but a stern slap, or smack is, in my opinion, acceptable.


okay, i was beaten when i was a kid. i mean seriously beaten. i was removed from my mothers care until i reached 16, at which point i had to inform the authorities if i visited her until i was 18.


im not gonna say "it never did me any harm", because it did. it harmed me a lot. however, i will say that there is the difference between raising a kid with stern discipline and chastisement, and abuse of power over an individual.


im sorry but if a kid sprays paint over your car, why bother talking to it? give it a thoroughly good slap, and it will know it isnt the top dog anymore. it isnt the one in control, and it has been punished.


"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" applys here. are we going to only discipline kids by saying "oh, stop that please", coz those of you with kids will know that it doesnt work, or are we going to makle sure these little people grow into fully rounded adults?


i am opposed to the ban on smacking kids, its rediculous. when will the government keep their noses out of private family life, and get on with what they are elected to do?

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