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Name That Tune!


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Hi All

I need to know the name of a tune that I heard this weekend...

Its from the film Trainspotting, the bit when he is in cold turkey and he is in his bed and the baby is climing up the wall? It sounds like Underworld, I went out on Friday and the DJ in Turnmills dropped it and I had forgotten about that tune and how good it was!!!


Need to buy it now!




PS: Has anyone seen the Chemical Bros DJ - what they like??


Any of you lot coming to London on NYE? Chemical Bros are playing at Turnmills, £38 a ticket if you buy online now????

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yea Cam thats it!

I bought the trainspotting soundtrack cause i wanted that tune and it wasnt on there! Also have all Underworlds CDs and could never find it! Oh man its so heavy that tune!!! Can you belive how good that sounds today even though its what, 9 years old??? (is it?)


When the DJ dropped that on Friday I went mad, and people were actually jumping up and down, old skool!!!

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